Horse Racing For The Casual



Horse racing info for people just starting to watch/follow horse racing


  • Arlington Millions


    Arlington Millions Preview

  • Horse Racing for the casual - 6th phonecast


    travers stakes 3yr old division and frankel

  • Horse Racing For The Casual


    This is horse racing for the cattle pod cast and my name is Tom today is Wednesday August 1st and I wanna talk to about Franco(?). Franco(?) won today his 12th race in a row 8 group one wins in a row and if you're new to horse racing and you never heard the name. Go check him out on Youtube(?) and watch some of his races. He is absolute joy to watch. He's probably gonna be considered the best horse in Europe of all time as long as he continues his undefeated streak which I think he will through the end of this year and I know he's definitely gonna retire at the end of this year I love to see him at the breeder stop but I don't think that's gonna happen unfortunately for us and America well today. I have ___

  • Horse Racing For The Causal / Jim dandy


    This is Horse Racing for the casual. My name is Tom and I will have 2 segments on this pod cast. The number of first segment is I think the first or I think any pod cast I'm gonna review a horse racing app on the iPhone. Currently right now this app is not on Android(?) but I know they have plans to put it on the Android(?) platform. So I guess have patience. I'm pretty sure they don't have it on the Android(?) yet but I know they wanted to put it on. I don't have any Android(?) phones I'm not positive it's on there yet or not but let's get back to the iPhone. The name of this App is called Horse Races now. This app is actually developed by Ken McPick(?) which is a trainer that a lot of a shit know maybe you casual fans don't know but he actually have the horse running in the Jim Dandy and Jim Dandy in that ___

  • Horse Racing For Causal Fan


    Hi my name is Tom. And I've been following horse racing now for about 12 years and then a decent handy cap or I guess over the last maybe 5 to 6 years and what I wanted to do is give you casual race colors maybe you got a two or three times a year or maybe just go out hang out with your friends to drink and yeah you just got(?) on your lucky number your girlfriend's favorite color or the gray horse or whatever it is and you just wanna have a good time and watch the race and not really look at the form cos it looks too complicated for you. What I wanna do is give you a real simple tip and it would would likely give you a little bit better of a chance to maybe cash a ticket and picking your lucky number or color or what have you and the first tip I'm gonna give out which is it's very basic it's easy to look up.