From Magic Mike Likey's Castle, Magic Mike shares contests, the joke of the week, a song from one of his CD's, and an ongoing suspenseful radio serial. Periodically, Magic Mike Likey will take calls and discuss his show and the times!
Magic Mike's Castle-"Speed Gibson: Induction"
26/02/2014 Duration: 24min"Speed Gibson of the Secret Police" was a weekly radio serial that ran from 1937-1940. This episode, Speed is inducted into the Secret Police."Magic Mike Likey's Castle Mysteries" is the 21st-century version of the long-running TV-show "Magic Mike's Castle". Visit the official castle website: http://magicmikescastlemysteries.weebly.comProud sponsor:, magic for all ages and skill-levels.Magic
Magic Mike Likey's Castle Mysteries-Superman: Clark Kent Captured
19/02/2014 Duration: 25minNOTE: Due to technical difficulties, the show stops two minutes in,and then resumes at 2 minutes,45 seconds. (2:45).Enjoy "Clark Kent Captured" from "The Adventures of Superman", the radio serial that aired from 1938-1951.In the 1980's and '90's, Magic Mike Likey hosted and produced the longest-running television show about magic, in Winnipeg, Canada: "Magic Mike's Castle". The show lives on today as "Magic Mike Likey's Castle Mysteries" on BlogTalk Radio!"Magic Mike Likey-Live Too" music CD on AmazonVisit the castle: http://magicmikescastlemysteries.weebly.comSponsored by
Magic Mike Likey-Blackstone The Magic Detective: The Phantom Intermezzo
12/02/2014 Duration: 25min"Blackstone the Magic Detective" was a 15-minute radio serial that ran from October 1948-April 1949. It was based on real-life magician Harry Blackstone Sr. Enjoy "The Phantom Intermezzo"..In the 1980's and '90's, Magic Mike Likey hosted and produced the longest-running television show about magic, in Winnipeg, Canada: "Magic Mike's Castle". The podcasts live on today as "Magic Mike Likey's Castle Mysteries" on BlogTalk Radio and Spreaker Radio; all-new webcasts on You Tube!"Magic Mike Likey-Live Too" music CD on AmazonVisit Mike here: Proud sponsor:
Magic Mike Likey's Castle Mysteries-Perry Mason: A Subpoena For Dory
05/02/2014 Duration: 21minPerry Mason was a 15-minute radio program that aired five times a week from 1943-1955. It later became a long-running television program. Enjoy "A Subpoena For Dory".TV's "Magic Mike's Castle" for the 21st century!, Magic Mike Likey shares a contest, joke of the week, a song from one of his CD's, and an old-school radio serial! You'll love meeting the castle inhabitants too! In the 1980's and '90's, Magic Mike Likey hosted and produced the longest-running television show about magic, in Winnipeg, Canada: "Magic Mike's Castle". The show lives on today as "Magic Mike Likey's Castle Mysteries" on BlogTalk Radio!"Magic Mike Likey-Live Too" music CD on AmazonVisit the castle: http://magicmikescastlemysteries.weebly.comSponsored by
Magic Mike Likey's Castle Mysteries-Part 2 War of the Worlds
29/01/2014 Duration: 23minThe conclusion of "The War of the Worlds".From TV's "Magic Mike's Castle", Magic Mike Likey shares contests, the Joke of the Week, a song from one of his CD's. Madcap hilarity will insue when you meet the castle inhabitants! This and a whole lot more!Visit Mike here-"Magic Mike Likey-Live Too" music CD on Amazon