Short audio stories from Dim Sum Thinking.
Episode 11: Geometry is a Lie
24/01/2011 Duration: 03minHow can points, which have no size at all, come together to form a line? Pretty much in the same way that moments come together to make up our lives.
Episode 10: Competition
15/11/2010 Duration: 02minThere will always be people who do what you do better than you do. Don't let them keep you from doing what you need to do. All music by Kevin MacLeod
Episode 9: Knowing
25/10/2010 Duration: 03minWould you want to know when you are going to die? This week's exploration was prompted by a story that Jonathan Goldstein told on WireTap.
Episode 8: Push it again
19/10/2010 Duration: 03minThis episode is in memory of mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. Although it's not about his research it does briefly explore what happens if you follow the effect of a function.
Episode 7: Saying Sorry
11/10/2010 Duration: 01minWhy do we teach kids to say they're sorry even when they're not? What happens when they're adults who say sorry without meaning it?
Episode 6: Start Practicing
03/10/2010 Duration: 02minWhat is it that keeps you from starting on a new project? Nothing? I thought so. To prove that nothing should stand in your way, this podcast was recorded on my iPhone using the built in microphone.
Episode 5: Homework
27/09/2010 Duration: 02minSome homework should just be for practice - work that the teacher never grades.
Episode 4: Zipping it
20/09/2010 Duration: 02minYou're ready to commit yourself to a new good-for-you routine and you want to tell everyone. In this episode you'll find out why you shouldn't. Inspiration comes from Derek Sivers post
Episode 3: Making changes
06/09/2010 Duration: 03minEach year I decide how I want to change in the coming year.
Episode 1: We begin with nothing
23/08/2010 Duration: 03minWhen a friend sent me some code that confused no slope and zero slope it led to this exploration.