Cupid's Coach With Julie Ferman



Are you Single? Wish you weren't? I'm your host, Julie Ferman, join me as I challenge today's evolutionary, modern day dating experts, through interviews that are frank, courageous, open-hearted and often hilarious.We'll shine light on your blind spots (yep, we've all got 'em) and we'll laugh through our A-HA moments together. You'll hear about couples who did dating well and found each other, and the flops -- those who are doing dating badly -- we'll learn from them too. How might you do dating differently? What subtle and not so subtle changes might you make that might just change everything? Join me on this journey as we listen, laugh, learn and love!


  • Ep. 59 - The Devil Inside

    22/11/2020 Duration: 37min

    Why are you single, really? Your single pals, why are they single? Is it because of challenging circumstances out there? Or is it more than that? Might it really be more about YOU and the "devil inside" that you know is lurking below the surface? Listen in with me as we dig into these questions: What makes you hard to match? Hard to be with? And why are you WORTH IT? 

  • Ep. 58 - Black Book Networking

    15/11/2020 Duration: 29min

    Who do you know? Listen in as I share examples of courageous personal networking strategies that transformed once-stagnant love lives. How to find and engage the angels and golden nuggets who are tucked away in your personal networks, on your phone's contacts list, in your social media communities. What would happen if you re-thought your own veto process, to relax those maybe not so important no-go zones? 

  • Ep. 57 - Are You Choosing To Stay Single?

    01/11/2020 Duration: 59min

    Headaches/stomach aches...which do you truly prefer? Which do you dislike more? Listen in as we take an honest look at the REAL reasons for why so many are choosing to stay uncoupled. And are you missing real connection because of the relationship you have with your PHONE? Are you out of practice in the fine art of being truly present? Let's take a look together!

  • Ep. 56 - Brian Howie & The Great Love Debate

    25/10/2020 Duration: 44min

    Julie has Brian Howie in the Guest Chair today, Creator of the Great Love Debate. How has his love life evolved over 7 years and 400+ live shows about dating? Which are the best cities and the worst cities for dating? Brian addresses the evolution of our gender issues and the contribution that the pandemic has made to our dating culture. Plus, why is Brian hopeful, enthusiastic and encouraged about dating in 2021? 

  • Ep. 55 - Kids, Fertility, Age, & Bridge Building

    11/10/2020 Duration: 32min

    Might you be wise to rethink the kids issue? Is the type of person you're hoping to date likely to go for this time in your life? Join me as we address the sensitive fertility/age issue. Hear how Holly handled things when her boyfriend's ex re-entered the picture. And how to gracefully spin a political mismatch.

  • Ep. 54 - Should YOU Hire A Matchmaker?

    04/10/2020 Duration: 59min

    Why is it that I typically encourage men and women NOT to hire a matchmaker? How might you meet someone without even becoming the matchmaking client? What's a Mitzvah Match and how can you get in on that action? Listen in as I share inside scoop on how to get "in" with your local matchmaker, even if you're not the one in that high priced hot seat.   

  • Ep. 53 - Modern Siren Skills

    13/09/2020 Duration: 50min

    Coach Rori Raye is in the hot seat today, teaching us about Modern Siren Skills, the subtle energy shifts that serve to draw a man in. She sheds light on the words and the body language that inspire romance and commitment. What can we learn from boredom and discomfort? And why chaos and messiness can sometimes be a good thing!   

  • Ep. 52 - Love Addiction

    06/09/2020 Duration: 49min

    What is love addiction? How can we know if our cravings and desires have crossed the line into obsession? Psychotherapist Sherry Gaba guides us through a thought-provoking, eye-opening discussion that reveals the nature of, and the impact, of love addiction. How it originates, how it takes hold and also how we can release it. She gives us tools for rewiring our brains for true love, first for ourselves. enabling us to then...have a fighting chance at loving and being loved by others! 

  • Ep. 51 - Dating & The Money Trap

    22/08/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Have you missed opportunities for partnership and companionship based on something related Are your expectations around money realistic today? At this time in your life? In today's world? Dive in with me on the exploration of money and how it impacts our decisions regarding dating and relationships. Where are you on the Entitlement Scale? What resentments have built up over time for you in the arena of money / finances? What to do about it? Join me in this grown-up conversation as we call out fantasy and build new cultural ground together!

  • Ep. 50 - Creating Connections Via Zoom Dates

    02/08/2020 Duration: 43min

    First dates by Zoom are increasingly commonplace. Don't avoid them; rather, join in on my discussion with Rachel Greenwald on how to prepare for your Zoom date. Rethink how you're entering and exiting your online dates. Discover the power in your voice as your connection tool and the gift that is your focused presence. Creating topics, questions and tactics to cause connection and intimacy, even through a computer screen. What's the difference between charisma and connection?  How to groom your voice for this new medium, and why a cough drop can make all the difference!   

  • Ep. 49 - Alcohol-Free Dating

    19/07/2020 Duration: 48min

    How might your alcohol habit or dependency be impacting your dating life? Join in on my conversation with James Swanwick, author of "The 30-Day No Alcohol Challenge" to take a peek at what may be a pesky little (or not so little) deterrent to your creating the relationship you truly desire. Could it be that choosing to release alcohol from your lifestyle will result in greater freedom, enhanced confidence and ... access to a higher quality individual? 

  • Ep. 48 - Fixing Your Broken Picker

    08/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    Is "your type" the right choice for you, in reality? Listen in on Robin's story, as she and I wrestle with that question, and as she develops the courage to consciously choose to engage with men who are off-type. And how one guy got the girl through patience, persistence, confidence, and a bit of yard work!  

  • Ep. 47 - Releasing Attachments

    28/06/2020 Duration: 34min

    Join in on my conversation with Kathryn Alice, on recovering from loss and discovering the blocks that both protect us and limit us. How to release unhealthy attachments to a past love, former lifestyle or limiting belief, to clear space for fresh, new beginnings. What is Crazy Love? How to manage hot chemistry and how to recognize a true soulmate candidate. Plus, secrets to aligning on the pace of dating, and learning how to nurture a smarter, slower, more conscious courtship process!  

  • Ep. 46 - Your Sexiest Attribute? Your Spirit of Generosity!

    14/06/2020 Duration: 48min

    How large is your generosity of spirit? How courageous and compassionate have you been being with your communication? When we screw up, the value in a sincere apology and how to restore trust and engagement. Is why you're single related to your alcohol or pot smoking habits? Is it time to do a 30-day No Alcohol Challenge? What might happen to your dating life if you carved off that extra 10-20 pounds? How broken is your picker? How to negotiate politics and the pandemic paranoia quotient and how your most effective flirting tool today is....your facemask.

  • Ep. 45 - Beware The Slippery Slope

    07/06/2020 Duration: 37min

    Listen in to discover how curiosity is more powerful than judgment in dating. How one new couple is negotiating finances, sex, political differences, who eats what, and who sleeps where. Surprisingly romantic dates over fast food and long, lazy road trips. The slippery slope that unhealthy habits are and how to get back on track. And how Jake transformed from awkward to awesome, simply by being willing to try, to learn, to venture out and to use dating as a vehicle for growth and his own evolution. 

  • Ep. 44 - Conscious Uncoupling

    24/05/2020 Duration: 36min

    Have you uncoupled consciously from your past relationships? Join me as Katherine Woodward Thomas shares why looking back into our history, with a guide, is essential in getting prepared for a healthy, mature future relationship. What is it to settle - with others and with ourselves? What do our patterns, triggers and choices say about us, and what does it take to move beyond what has been and what is now to what might be in the future?

  • Ep. 43 - The Most Powerful Motivator

    17/05/2020 Duration: 29min

    Love as a powerful motivator, now more than ever! Listen in as I share real life stories of courageous men and women who are finding creative ways to date, even today.  Picnic dates with fresh lilacs, patio, portal and poolside dates, and spontaneous magic under a Cottonwood tree. A socially distant speed-dating event at a shelter in a park in Washington State. What great sports people are being! How one self described Plain Jane built her own social community and how a once separated couple are learning to live together and parent together, turning a crisis into a second chance for love!

  • Ep. 42 - Your Relatablity Factor

    03/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    Listen in as I interview's Chief Dating Expert Rachel DeAlto on the art of being relatable. The nature of expectations and why "your type" might not be working for you. Why calling cards are back in fashion and how women can be more assertive in early courtship. Remote video date flops and tips. Connecting through smiles, playfulness, sincerity, and contribution. Taking more chances, and learning to lean into each other!  

  • Ep. 41 - Finding Blessings

    26/04/2020 Duration: 29min

    Creating dating magic...even now! Stark contrasts, and how do you receive opportunities? Are you a Human No Machine, or do you welcome and embrace opportunities and invitations? How to tell before meeting who's solid - and who's a hot mess?  How to have magical first dates by Zoom and how to have a romantic park bench date. Fun questions and topics for pandemic era first dates. Using this down time to build your black book and to fall more deeply in love with yourself, and how to save a date from going south!

  • Ep. 40 - Bonding Through Vulnerability

    19/04/2020 Duration: 41min

    Tune in on my conversation with Christina Weber, founder of Deepen, as we explore bonding through vulnerability. Does loneliness reflect selfishness? Are we truly more isolated when alone or when we're super busy? How does a guy go in for a kiss in today's germ-phobic culture? Transforming fear and skepticism into universal trust by embracing our soul's life journey. Activities that foster and enable relational skills and connection, and how magic is  is available just outside our comfort zones!  

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