Better Babies



Using the latest research, top experts and cutting edge science to approach conception, pregnancy and early years in a smarter way for our modern world


  • Ask the expert: we talk to Elvie CEO Tania Boler about pelvic floors, breast milk and modern mothers

    08/10/2019 Duration: 30min

    We talk to mother of two and Elvie CEO Tania Boler about how modern technology and science can empower women. We discuss everything from smashing taboos, to why she picked these two areas, to being a modern mother, anxiety and everything in between

  • Our focus this week: the five things that matter, why the gut matters plus estrogen dominance

    01/10/2019 Duration: 54min

    Welcome to the weekly round up. The quick summary of some of the things we have been focusing on. This week we look at ‘the five things that really matter’ for any stage of your journey. We look at what these five fundamental cornerstones are for putting you and your baby in the best possible position and some practical ways to approach it. Next up: the organ that is getting all the focus these days: the gut. From hormones to immunity to brain development and even mood. This is where the science is exploding. We look at the latest research behind this and what you need to know in order to put you and your family in the best spot when it comes to your health. Finally: hormonal imbalance in our modern times appears to be on the rise. One hormone in particular that seems to be causing trouble. For both men and women: estrogen. We take a look at why this is happening, what the effects are and most crucially how you can put yourself in the best position.

  • Ask the expert: we talk to pioneering miscarriage specialist Dr Shehata on his unique approach

    24/09/2019 Duration: 31min

    We talk to Dr Hassan Shehata all about why he thinks the traditional approach to recurrent miscarriage fails to explain the whole story. We also look at how his approach: focusing on both the male and female side, preconception as well as the all important notion of misfiring immune systems yields such astounding results. Dr Shehata goes through why his approach works and the latest data behind it.

  • Ask the expert: paediatrician Dr Mona Amin talks ADHD, autism, allergy, pregnancy and much more

    17/09/2019 Duration: 57min

    We talk to US Paediatrician Dr Mona Amin (aka @pedsdoctalks) about what she sees more of in her clinic, why she thinks this is happening, as well as myth busting around the use of antibiotics (turns out most childhood illnesses are viral) and how she thinks we can set our kids up for long term health and robust immunity. She focuses on breastfeeding (with some practical tips and tricks) and even chats to us about the microbiome and the science behind screen time and brain development. She is also pregnant with her first child so she shares with us her own tips and tricks for a healthy pregnancy and what she does herself.

  • Our focus this week: the ultimate defence for the body, veganism and pregnancy and sleep for sperm

    03/09/2019 Duration: 39min

    Welcome to the weekly round up. This week we look at the science behind the ‘most important molecule you’ve never heard of’: Glutathione. We look at what it is and how having more of it can help you on the path to having healthy kids. We also look at the trend towards being vegan and plant based: what do you need to consider if you’re pregnant/looking to become pregnant but also vegan/plant based. We consider the science behind how much extra protein you need, what type of protein you need and how to ensure you get enough. We also look at ingestion vs absorption: how do you ensure that the good things you’re taking into your body actually get absorbed? Finally we look at one of the science backed reason behind why sperm count has fallen so dramatically in men over the last few decades. Sleep. We are getting less of it and it is having a real impact. We look at how and more importantly what you can do about it.

  • Our focus this week: exercise for PCOS/Endo, SIDS: how you can reduce risk and probiotics for colic?

    20/08/2019 Duration: 43min

    Welcome to the weekly round up. This week we look at the science behind why resistance training has shown tangible benefits in particular for the common hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS (polycyclic ovarian syndrome) and also chronic inflammation which has been associated both with PCOS and endometriosis. Next, we look into the science behind Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) which is of course every new parent’s nightmare. We look at what makes one baby a higher risk than another and more crucially what some of the evidence/research and statistics suggest could help reduce risk factors. Finally we look at probiotics for use in babies who have colic or have regurgitation. The latest research recently published in the Lancet suggests that a very specific strain could potentially help treat symptoms or even reduce incidence.

  • Our focus this week: ovulation tests, 10 ways to protect from Lyme, supplements and aluminium risks

    13/08/2019 Duration: 40min

    Welcome to the weekly round up. This week we look at the rise in ovulation testing: from apps, to sticks to wearable tech. Does this do more harm than good? Next we get practical and take expert advice from one of the leading Lyme experts Mary Beth Pfeiffer. She talks us through the top ten things you can do to protect you/your family. Next is supplements: a highly unregulated market so you need to know what you’re doing and what to look for. We look at the top things to consider and some of our favourites. Finally the fuss around Aluminium. We look at the science around the risks and most important what you can do to put yourself in a better position.

  • Our focus this week: flying during pregnancy, Vit D + ear infections,Hyperemesis Gravidarum and mor

    06/08/2019 Duration: 36min

    Welcome to the weekly round-up. This week we look at what you should know about flying during pregnancy - particularly early pregnancy. We look at all the science and most importantly what you can do to put yourself in the best possible position. We then look at the latest research linking Vitamin D intake during pregnancy and in older children with reduced incidence of ear, nose, throat and skin infection. We also look at its links to reducing asthma symptoms. We consider the science, plus how to know if you are getting enough. Next up is Hyperemesis Gravidarum: extreme sickness during pregnancy. We look at who is most at risk, how to tell if what you have is normal for pregnancy or extreme, what help you can and should get and finally some ways to reduce your risks. Lastly we look at one of our favourite tools for detoxing food from pesticides and herbicides. The reality is there is no ‘perfect solution’ so we take a balanced look at the pros and cons so you can decide if it is right for you and your family

  • Ask the expert: Lyme disease on the rise in our kids - here is what you need to know...

    30/07/2019 Duration: 57min

    We talk to Mary Beth Pfeiffer author of: ‘Lyme: the first epidemic of climate change’ about why this disease has seemingly exploded over the last several years and most importantly what we as parents (and people) need to know. We look at who is most vulnerable (children), when and where we are at the greatest risk, why this has become so much more common, what the issues are with treatment and diagnosis and most importantly what we can do and what we need to be aware of when it comes to protecting ourselves and our children.

  • Our focus this week: the fuss on dioxins, 5 min stressbuster, iodine deficiency and a powerful detox

    23/07/2019 Duration: 28min

    Welcome to the weekly round up from Better Babies. This week we look at the fuss around dioxins in diapers and tampons (is there anything really to worry about?). We once again look to our modern enemy: Stress and find that just five minutes of the ‘right’ type of exercise can work wonders against both physical and mental stress - something that hurts us but particularly impacts conception. Next week look at the consequences of Iodine deficiency for conception, pregnancy and development and how you can recognise signs you may be deficient and what you can do. Finally we revisit some of the key points on Chlorella and Spirulina and in particular the ability to provide a robust source of complete plant protein and help the body detox. For further info on any of the key topics of the week see

  • Ask the expert: algae, can it fight our modern challenges or is toxic itself? We look for answers..

    15/07/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    We talk to one of the leading experts on Algae Catherine Arnston on all things Algae and specifically Chlorella and Spirulina. Catherine drills down into thousands of pieces of research (which she has spent ten years of her life wading through) to give us the ‘need to know’ on a subject that has become rife with misinformation. We look at what algae is, the difference between Chlorella and Spirulina, why it has been added to the list of crops backed by the United States (as early as this year), its similarity to breast milk (yep!) plus the recent controversy around claims made that Spirulina is neurotoxic. And lots more!

  • Our focus this week: ashwaghda, adhd, premature birth and music and fibre against celiac disease

    02/07/2019 Duration: 36min

    Welcome to the weekly round up from Better Babies. This week we take a look at a potential antidote to modern stress: Ashwaghda. We look at what it is and what the science says it can do. Next we look at ADHD with expert psychotherapist Christophe Sauerwein. Is it better diagnosis or is it happening more. What are the causes, what are the signs and what if anything as parents can we do to reduce the risk? Next is premature birth and music. Major new research for the first time has shown tangible benefit in aiding premature babies brains develop. Finally, the latest research hints once again at the power of the gut, this time research has shown that increasing your intake of fibre during pregnancy can significantly reduce the risk of your baby developing Celiac, one of many autoimmune conditions on the rise today. For more detailed information on any of the topics check out

  • Ask the expert: modern life, anxiety and our children: what they REALLY need...

    25/06/2019 Duration: 59min

    We talk to leading psychotherapist, author and clinical director of several international leading Clinics David Smallwood about why anxiety in our children seems to be so prevalent. We discuss everything from social media, to tribes, what makes a real ‘connection’ and the power of groups. We also discuss what makes a child more likely to struggle to cope with anxiety longer term and how as parents or parents-to-be we can deal with these challenges most effectively

  • Our focus this week: the scoop on NAC, peas and infertility, premature birth, radiation and self tan

    17/06/2019 Duration: 47min

    Welcome to the weekly round up from Better Babies. This week is a bumper catch-up edition focusing on everything from N-Acetyl Cysteine: is this the ‘supplement against modern toxicity’. We consider what it is, what it does and whether you should consider taking it. We then take a look at the hard science around the claims that pea protein can cause infertility. Next up: premature birth is on the rise, but the latest science suggests that as a parent there is a positive role you can potentially play IF this happens to you and your baby. Then modern radiation is on the rise. We look at what the science says around everything from WiFi, to air travel to microwaves. If you’re trying to conceive, are pregnant or have a small person - what do you need to consider and how do you reduce your risks? Finally, it’s coming into summer in the northern hemisphere. Tanning is out but we all want that bronzed glow - is fake tan safe during pregnancy? We look at the science and help you decide the safest route. For all artic

  • Ask the expert: egg freezing on the rise. When to do it, what to expect and everything in between...

    05/06/2019 Duration: 48min

    We sit down with Harley Street Gynaecologist and Obstetrician Mr Mahantesh Karoshi to talk about the rise in popularity in egg freezing that he has seen in the last couple of years in particular. We look at: why, the technology and advances, chances of success (and what that looks like) as well as the process itself in detail. Plus we consider who is the ideal candidate, how to maximise your position, what should you expect and the pros and the cons.

  • Ask the expert: Exercise and inflammation for conception, pregnancy and beyond. Boys too!

    02/06/2019 Duration: 36min

    We pick the brains of expert pre and post natal trainer Natalie Ferris on how and why exercise can both positively and negatively impact inflammation in your body - something that is crucial to maintain at a healthy level at all times but particularly if you are trying to conceive, are pregnant or have a small person. Body and mind! We look at how and why this happens and she gives practical tips and tricks for how to manage this within your own body. On top of this, she answers some of your other burning questions around exercise for this time in your life.

  • Our focus this week: the fuss around suncream, personal care andcosmetics plus depression in kids...

    20/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    The last ten days has seen a bombshell study drop showing that an ingredient common in many suncreams (including those for kids) even after one application reaches levels beyond what is deemed ‘safe’ for our bodies. We look at what this is, the potential effects, and how to navigate. We also look at how this can happen and the realities of a very unregulated beauty and personal care market which allows lots of ingredients (often where we have little information as to the long term effects) to be applied to our skin. We know that as much as 70% of what we put on our skin gets absorbed and chemicals in personal care (and suncream) have been found in blood, breast milk and amniotic fluid. We look at how to choose products safely - particularly important for conception, pregnancy and early years of a child’s life. Finally we look at some of the latest research pointing to one reason why we as a society are getting more depressed. This time it is linked to what we put on and put in to our bodies. Especially import

  • Our focus this week: early brain development: practical ways you can reduce modern risks around it

    14/05/2019 Duration: 34min

    Welcome to the weekly round up from Better Babies. This week is all about what one of the leading medical research journals ‘The Lancet’ called a ‘pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity’. Basically more and more problems associated with the brain not developing as it should. There is no one definitive cause, but research is increasingly pointing to environmental risk factors. We look at what those are and focus on practical ways you can avoid and support healthy brain development, all backed by science!

  • Ask the expert: boys have hormones too which are getting pushed off balance. Here is what to do...

    02/05/2019 Duration: 50min

    Dr Anand Patel is a Harley Street doctor, an expert in male and sexual health and a committee member of the British Society of Sexual medicine. He talks to us all about man boobs, the effects of skipping leg day, why men are increasingly living less long than women and in particular why hormonal imbalance - particularly testosterone (and with it our ability to produce lots of healthy sperm) is on the rise. Most importantly he tells us what the signs are, how we can help reduce risks of imbalance and what we can do if we have a problem.

  • Our focus this week: coffee: this may surprise, infertility, supplement pitfalls and how to spot BPA

    25/04/2019 Duration: 42min

    Welcome to the weekly round up from Better Babies. This week is a bumper edition starting with coffee - is it good for you? Is it bad for you?! Some very surprising results when it comes to getting pregnant and then staying pregnant. Next up it it’s infertility awareness week - of course awareness is great but being able to do something about it is even better so we look at some of the more common causes and some things you can do to potentially reduce your risks. Next up, it’s all about supplements. Here at Better Babies we are generally sceptical of this highly unregulated market, however there are some good ones out there and it is very individual, so we discuss the things to watch out for when considering a supplement and those that research actually suggest could make a positive difference. Finally - plastics and specifically BPA - bad for the planet and bad for you. However it is everywhere and is sometimes hard to spot where BPA lurks. So, here is our quick guide for things to watch for when it comes t

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