Better Babies

Our focus this week: the ultimate defence for the body, veganism and pregnancy and sleep for sperm



Welcome to the weekly round up. This week we look at the science behind the ‘most important molecule you’ve never heard of’: Glutathione. We look at what it is and how having more of it can help you on the path to having healthy kids. We also look at the trend towards being vegan and plant based: what do you need to consider if you’re pregnant/looking to become pregnant but also vegan/plant based. We consider the science behind how much extra protein you need, what type of protein you need and how to ensure you get enough. We also look at ingestion vs absorption: how do you ensure that the good things you’re taking into your body actually get absorbed? Finally we look at one of the science backed reason behind why sperm count has fallen so dramatically in men over the last few decades. Sleep. We are getting less of it and it is having a real impact. We look at how and more importantly what you can do about it.