Red Hand Roleplay

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 72:15:08
  • More information



Red Hand Roleplay is an actual play RPG podcast currently playing West Marches of Thule. Updating weekly!


  • WMoT Session 13 Pt. 3 - Into the Woods

    28/06/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Our intrepid adventures, Cuthalion, Ludmila, Korrthass, Darvon, and C have wavered into the forest's edge and find a massive area which has been burned to a crisp leaving a wasteland behind. Soon they find themselve answering a cal of distress and the action is heating up! We are crossing download thresholds left and right! Thank you all so much for your support and keep an eye out on our Twitter, @redhandroleplay for exciting news for the future! Thanks for checking us out and keep being awesome! Long Live the Gamers!

  • WMoT Session 13 Pt 2 - William Told

    19/06/2018 Duration: 53min

    Welcome to the West Marches of Thule Session 13 Pt.2  Cuthalion, Ludmila, Darvon, Korrthass and C continue their romp through the souther edges of the forest in a stretch of downtime C takes aim at Ludmila threatening to put her eye out like a red ryder BB gun! Thank you all once again for checking us out! We Love you, keep being awesome! And shoot us that message you have been meaning to send us on Twitter or Facebook! Don't forget that 5-star review you were going to write!

  • WMoT Session 13 Pt. 1 - It Speaks To You In Dreams

    13/06/2018 Duration: 44min

    Ludmila, Korrthass, Cuthulian, Darvon, and in his Debut on the recording, Chas, All set out to help a druid from Willowdale named Wulfa build a hut for himself away from the colony and in a grove where he has found a significant amount of unique herbs with mysterious qualities! But this new strange land is starting to work its way into the minds of our Adventurers. They must be careful when out hunting monsters, that they do not become monsters themselves! Holy Crap everyone! Over 500 downloads! Thank you all so much, so much further to go but we are so thankful for everyone single one of you who have helped and listened to our little show, you mean the world to us. We have recorded our character creation for the L5R game which will be GM'd by Shey from The Jade Throne Podcast and our little band of Bushi are ready to experience what the land of Rokugan has to offer! Keep an eye out for that soon!

  • WMoT Session 12 Pt. 3 - On Your Own

    05/06/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Keflex, Silver, Tor, Zorathil, and Ludmila are out in the wilds North and West of the colony. While out looking for specimens and reagents Keflex gets lost out on his own, But dangerous beings live in these woods and some have caught his scent! Ludmila and Zorathil play matchmaker while Tor and Silver mount up a search party. Thanks for checking us out! drop us a line @redhand Roleplay on twitter and facebook! Keep n eye out for the L5R RPG one shot coming out in the next couple months and keep being wonderful out there! You all mean so much to us! Peace Out and Long Live the Gamers!

  • WMoT Session 12 pt 2 - Do it for the Vision Quest

    31/05/2018 Duration: 53min

    Keflex, Tor, Ludmila, Zorathil, and newcomer Silver headed off to the North to unsuccessfully attempt to track the mysterious Ancient Elf, lovingly called "Grandpa". They head off into the Forest to take advantage of Their ranger's knowledge of the trees but one of the members wanders off alone! We want to announce our crossover event with The Jade Throne podcast who will be granting us the honor of playing the Legend of the Five Rings RPG with us and should prove to be a lot of fun! Shout outs to Josh Tusler @AlienfishGames for being our 100th twitter follower!  Thanks for listening and we want to hear from you! Send us a message or follow us at @redhandroleplay on Facebook and twitter or write us those sweet five-star reviews we have been receiving for Itunes! In any case we appreciate you all so much, and we are absolutely thrilled with how supportive and wonderful we hae found everyone to be! 

  • WMoT Session 12 Pt. 1 - Silver Alert

    22/05/2018 Duration: 53min

    Keflex, Tor, Ludmila, Zorathil, and newcomer Silver head off to the North to attempt to track the mysterious Ancient Elf, lovingly called "Grandpa". The trek finds them discovering brand new areas as yet unknown, but ultimately they are left out in the wild while another rain storm comes in exacerbating the bite of the already chilly air. There is one announcement that didnt make it into the audio for the episode! Soon we will be working with the Jade Throne Podcast on a really cool opportunity, We don't want to give too much away but check out our good friends over there and be on the lookout for some awesome crossover stuff! Thanks for listening and we want to hear from you! Send us a message @redhandroleplay on Facebook and twitter or write us that sweet sweet five-star review for Itunes! In any case we appreciate you all so much, and we are absolutely thrilled with how supportive and wonderful we hae found everyone to be! 

  • WMoT Session 10 Pt. 3 - Brotherhood of Meat

    16/05/2018 Duration: 49min

    Keflex and Tor have been forced to head home early - leaving Paavu, Korrthass, Gothmaug, and Chunt to fend for themselves out as far as any have gone in the wilds. On the way the party has found the carcass of a massive beast - enough to feed the entire colony... If they can make it back alive. But the weight of both the meat and their mission may prove too much for our friends for the wilds have their own wishes which are not ignored lightly.  While I have you, I just want to say thanks, a ton of you are pouring out support for the podcast and it really means a lot, but we also would love to hear from more of you! please send a message on facebook or twitter @redhandroleplay, or send us an email at!  We have added another fifty (!) people to the fold in just this last week and the skies the limit! We are so happy that you all are enjoying the show enough that you want to tell others so keep sharing those tapes. Keep being awesome out there everyone, and Long Live the Gamers!

  • WMoT Session 10 Pt. 2 - Attack at Twilight.

    08/05/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Tor, Korrthass, Paavu, Keflex, Chunt, and Gothmaug are forced to fight for their lives and deal with the aftermath of their burning desires. Soon the party will be pushed to their limits as they struggle against the wilderness. While I have you, I just want to say thanks, a ton of you are pouring out support for the podcast and it really means a lot, but we also would love to hear from more of you! please send a message on facebook or twitter @redhandroleplay, or send us an email at!  We have a few new followers of the podcast, I don't want to call them out in the name of privacy, but just know that we see it and are incrediably appreciative.  Keep being awesome out there everyone, and Long Live the Gamers!

  • WMoT Session 10 Pt. 1 - To the Eastern Shore!

    01/05/2018 Duration: 55min

    A brand new party heads East! Tor, Korrthass, Paavu, Keflex, Chunt, and Gothmaug head east to follow along the coastline and see what they may find. Their first day out includes a recap of the perilous fight with the Rave Snail as told by Keflex, and some lovely scenery. But don't get too comfortable, danger awaits! While I have you, I just want to say thanks, a ton of you are pouring out support for the podcast and it really means a lot, but we also would love to hear from more of you! please send a message on facebook or twitter @redhandroleplay, or send us an email at!  One last thing! The day this episode drops Our very own DM Jonathan will be joining Variant Roles on a twitch live stream at 7pm EST. If you have a chance please come check it out!  Keep being awesome. Share the tapes. Long Live the Gamers!

  • WMoT Session 9 Pt. 5 - The conclusion to Ludmilia's series of unfortunate events!

    24/04/2018 Duration: 51min

    In this conclusion of our first recorded session we find our party having survived only by the skin of their teeth and a couple lucky rolls! They recooperate in the lair of the forgettful Elven knight who has seen more winters than most ancient trees. Another glimpse of the mysterious, long forgotten world the colonists now inhabit is revealed. Hey all! It has been just two weeks and we have already broken 100 downloads! All of us here are super pleased and humbled by all of you out there who are giving us a chance! We hope you like it and we really want to hear from you! Shoot us a message on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @redhandroleplay saying how much you love it, or with some helpful tips that will help us make it better! You can also send us an email at, or maybe you can find a messenger raven or a fox or something. Or if all else fails you can rate us on Itunes! Also, we have already received some awesome art that we can't wait to share with you all! Thank you all so mu

  • WMoT Session 9 Pt. 4 - Why Darvon, your voice changed!

    17/04/2018 Duration: 01h24min

    Unfortunately Nathan, who plays Darvon had to go to work, so Co-DM Resiwig filled in!  Multiple Characters are left bleeding and bruised on the ground. Cuthulion blurs the line between heroics and selfish preservation by turning tail and distracting the snail away from its lair. This leaves tiny Darvon as the only guardian over his unconscious friends. Ancient Tales are told! Hope you like it! Shoot us a message on Facebook or Twitter @redhandroleplay saying how much you love it, or with some helpful tips that will help us make it better! Be good to each other. Share the tapes. Long Live the Gamers!

  • WMoT Session 9 Pt. 3 - "I wish we had a healer!"

    10/04/2018 Duration: 48min

    Battle Rages!  The party is pushed on to the brink of death by their assailant! Ludmila, Chunt, Keflex, Cuthulion and Darvon all mix their lifeblood with the murky waters of the cave! Hope you like it! Shoot us a message on Facebook or Twitter @redhandroleplay saying how much you love it, or with some helpful tips that will help us make it better! Be good to each other. Share the tapes. Long Live the Gamers!

  • WMoT Session 9 Pt. 2 - Detecto Magico

    10/04/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    Welcome back adventurers!  We continue to follow the adventures in the Mossy Cave, the aged Elf who has been seen in the area is nowehere to be found and the party decides to head deeper into the caves where they encounter some strange lights and stranger sights. Danger lurks behind every corner. Hope you like it! Shoot us a message on Facebook or Twitter @redhandroleplay saying how much you love it, or with some helpful tips that will help us make it better! Be good to each other. Share the tapes. Long Live the Gamers!

  • WMoT Session 9 Pt. 1 - The Party heads North!

    10/04/2018 Duration: 01h29s

    Welcome back adventurers!  On this first (recorded) episode of the West Marches of Thule we find Darvon, a halfling rouge, Cuthulion, the wood elf scout, Ludmilla, the Half-orc Soldier, Chuntt the sailor, and Keflex the elf botanist wizard, heading north from the colony of Willowdale  hoping to scope out the recently discovered "Mossy Caves". The colonists have seen these caves before but they greedily seek too deep, and stir a creature who may destroy them all. Hope you like it! Shoot us a message on Facebook or Twitter @redhandroleplay saying how much you love it, or with some helpful tips that will help us make it better! Be good to each other. Share the tapes. Long Live the Gamers!

  • West Marches of Thule Teaser

    09/04/2018 Duration: 04min

    Hello you wonderful people out there!  Jonathan, one of the DM's here. Thanks for checking us out and listening to our debut episode! Here is a teaser for our upcoming game called the West Marches of Thule. This game will follow around twenty friends as they take turns exploring a strange and forgotten world, filled with mysterious happenings, ancient ruins, and monstrous denizens which will push the players to the brink of survival. We plan on updating at least once a week on Tuesdays. We have had a lot of fun making this, and I hope you all enjoy it too! If you do please drop us a line on Facebook or Twitter @Redhandroleplay Shout out to Matt Colville, Steven Lumpkin, and of course Ben Robbins for inspiration to make this happen! Thanks again for listening. Be good to each other,  and Long Live The Gamers!

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