Red Hand Roleplay

WMoT Session 10 Pt. 1 - To the Eastern Shore!



A brand new party heads East! Tor, Korrthass, Paavu, Keflex, Chunt, and Gothmaug head east to follow along the coastline and see what they may find. Their first day out includes a recap of the perilous fight with the Rave Snail as told by Keflex, and some lovely scenery. But don't get too comfortable, danger awaits! While I have you, I just want to say thanks, a ton of you are pouring out support for the podcast and it really means a lot, but we also would love to hear from more of you! please send a message on facebook or twitter @redhandroleplay, or send us an email at!  One last thing! The day this episode drops Our very own DM Jonathan will be joining Variant Roles on a twitch live stream at 7pm EST. If you have a chance please come check it out!  Keep being awesome. Share the tapes. Long Live the Gamers!