Fear Less U



We all experience fear. Rational or irrational, fear is very real to the person experiencing it. But fear is like a wild beast, and when you fight against a wild beast, backing it into a corner, it doesn't submit or relent. Instead, it fights against you harder, because it's just trying to survive! So instead of "conquering" our fears, what would it look like if we instead sought to understand them. Because if you can understand your fears more, you can learn to fear fear itself less. This is Fear Less University.


  • Fear Less University - Episode 23: The Fear of the Pivot ft. Nate Rose

    09/10/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Nate Rose is not your average rap artist. Hailing from Nashville, Tennessee, Nate Rose is a hip-hop artist & creative mogul often referred to as the "James Bond" of rap for his debonair demeanor and emphasis on intellect. He has a diverse background ranging from business finance to digital media marketing and production, and is the recent owner of a new production company, 12 Bishop, with co-owner David Piersaul. In this episode, we discuss fear in the context of “the pivot”. The term “pivot” has become a buzzword referring to a significant business change -- ranging from mild to dramatic. A pivot is usually intended to help a business recover from a tough period, or survive after experiencing new competition or other factors that make the original business model unsustainable. COVID-19 has helped us all realize how we might need to pivot our business models and practices, especially those of us like myself and Nate who are self-employed entrepreneurs. Nate also sha

  • Fear Less University - Episode 22: Fear in Uncertain Times ft. Kevin Bracy

    02/10/2020 Duration: 02h07min

    Kevin Bracy, otherwise known as Coach Greatness, is a renowned speaker, author, motivational entertainer, facilitator, trainer, keynote speaker, group fitness instructor, and friend, and has been inspiring, motivating, and leading crowds of adults and children alike for well over 20 years! He has delivered thousands of presentations ranging from High School gymnasiums to closing keynotes at corporate sales rally's to kicking off Character Combine events to hosting live internet broadcasts with over 460,000 college students in virtual attendance. He has written two books (and co-authored six more) on a variety of subjects, including leadership, motivation, greatness, achievement, and change. He has also released scores of audio programs on these and other ever-relevant and life-changing topics. His newest book, Scared Great: Steer Your Fear Towards Your Greatness, is directly in line with what this podcast is all about - co-existing and being present with your fear in an effort to better understand and perform

  • Fear Less University - Ep. 21: Fear and Fame ft. Kiara Nowlin

    12/02/2020 Duration: 01h36min

    Kiara Nowlin is a world-class gymnast & tumbler, repeat gold medal winning international athlete, multi-year Cheerleading World’s Champion, cheerlebrity, and bourgeoning fitness guru! She has flourished in three similar but very different worlds, first as a gymnast, then as a cheerleader on multiple teams including the world-famous California All-Stars Smoed, and finally serving on the Acrobatics & Gymnastics team at Baylor University. She has appeared on Ellen and the Steve Harvey Show and is the living embodiment of a world-class athlete and human being! I explain all about how I know of her in the interview, but we met officially through Instagram and have quickly developed a professional kinship that is going to lead to numerous other projects coming up here in the future! Beside being the hardest worker in the room, Kiara is one of the most down-to-earth people you will ever meet! Her experience and phenomenal tumbling ability get her noticed, but it’s her moral code, her strong familial foundati

  • Fear Less University - Ep.20: 3 Tumbling Misnomers - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain

    12/02/2020 Duration: 12min

    In this Fear Less 5, Coach Lain walks us through 3 misnomers that are frequently used in coaching cheer and tumbling vernacular that need to be addressed and should be changed immediately! Rhetoric plays a HUGE role in performance psychology and getting athletes to perform as intended. Whether you're a athlete, coach or parent, this episode is for you! Grab a seat and get comfy, this one is a little longer than five minutes, haha! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.19: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself When Experiencing Fear - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain

    12/02/2020 Duration: 07min

    In this Fear Less 5, Coach Lain walks us through 3 questions you can ask yourself to help you get as specific as possible with your fear, in an effort to better outperform that fear! Grab a pen and pencil, and let's get specific! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.18: Dear Judges - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain

    07/06/2019 Duration: 02min

    "Dear Judges" is an open letter from the athlete, for the athlete. Seeing you for the athlete you are is not the job of the judges, it's your job as the athlete. You owe it to yourself to show and prove, and perform to your fullest potential. You work too hard not to! So get after it!!! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.17: Change Takes Time - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain

    31/05/2019 Duration: 01min

    Failure is a necessary part of every success story. More specifically, REPEAT failure!This Fear Less 5 is a tribute to those relentless in thier journey and quest to succeed, to persevere through each failure, learning from each and every shortcoming. "Ever try? Ever fail? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail BETTER." ~ Samuel Beckett --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.16: Fall Seven, Rise Again - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain

    24/05/2019 Duration: 02min

    Failure is a necessary part of every success story. More specifically, REPEAT failure!This Fear Less 5 is a tribute to those relentless in thier journey and quest to succeed, to persevere through each failure, learning from each and every shortcoming. "Ever try? Ever fail? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail BETTER." ~ Samuel Beckett --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.15: Using Fear to Domin8 Your Day

    01/03/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    I hope you guys are ready for a dynamic, passionate episode, because with this week’s guest, you seriously have no choice but to be motivated!Dwight Taylor Sr. is more than a professional communicator, he is a vessel through which a greater purpose flows! I’ve known Dwight for almost 15 years, and he is the same person today that he was back then, except now he has 15 years of wisdom & experience to back up the passion that fuels his mission!Dwight Taylor Sr. is best known as “The Encouragement Expert” because of his genuine heart to help, serve and encourage others to live their life to the fullest. He is a Best Selling author, TED-talker and award winning professional communicator who has been seen and heard on SHOWTIME, FOX, CBS, BET, ESPN and JUICEtv.His first book, Domin8 Your Day came out in 2017 and was endorsed by the Godfather of Greatness, Les Brown. His second book, Domin8 Your Day (Student Edition) came out in January of 2019 and immediately climbed to the #1 Best Seller spot on Amazon!In this

  • Fear Less University - Ep.14: Fear of the Friend Zone ft. Steph Ganowski

    14/02/2019 Duration: 01h30min

    Happy Valentine's Day from Coach Lain and The Fear Less U!Aaaaah the "friend zone"! Everyone knows what it is and dreads being placed inside it! For most guys, it means the death of any hope of a romantic relationship. But riddle me this: if being your partner’s best friend is something most mature, long-term couples strive to achieve, why is being friended at the beginning of the relationship so dreadful? And why if being in a romantic relationship wasn’t meant to be anyway, do we forfeit any possibility of friendship out of fear of the being friend zoned? Why for some guys is the friend zone only reserved for those deemed asexual, unattractive or who identify as homosexual? And why is the friend zone for many guys a direct correlation to the caliber of their manhood or masculinity? Back to help me in this exploration is my friend Steph G, creator and host of the What I Love About Men Podcast, and Men’s Relationship Expert. We don’t get to answer ALL of these questions, but we do explore MANY of the complex

  • Fear Less University - Ep.13: Fear, Fitness and Food - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain ft. Igor Litvak

    23/11/2018 Duration: 09min

    This Fear Less 5 features a segment of a previous episode that was edited out, not solely for contextual reasons, but more so for the purpose of having the very valuable information presented be able to stand on its own as a solo round.Igor Litvak, data analyst, financial trader, and Paleo fitness & wellness enthusiast, talks about diets, focus and eating well. Why is this on the Fear Less U you ask? We actually discuss how a fear of failure is why many diets fail, and how you can outperform this fear with a few simple tweaks to your routines and mentality. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.12: After Thoughts, Vol. I

    16/11/2018 Duration: 31min

    You know the interviews don’t actually end with my guests and I saying goodbye! Oftentimes, I’m on the phone with them for another 10-15 minutes after the actual interview has ended, with us talking and reflecting on the things we just finished talking and reflecting on! Haha! But it’s a great time to finish up our time together. I want all of my guests to know just how much I appreciate them and to know that it’s not just about what they can do for me and this show, but what I can hopefully do for them as well!So, this episode, I thought it’d be fun to share some of the post-interview moments, the “after thoughts” if you will, of myself and my guests! This is “After Thoughts, Vol. 1”, featuring Eric Thompson, Ozay Moore, Aida and Stephanie Ganowski. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.11: Fear and Love ft. Stephanie Ganowski

    09/11/2018 Duration: 01h39min

    I kinda hate saying this simply because I’m sure this is going to happen often as this show continues, but this was probably my most FUN interview so far! Stephanie Ganowski, aka Steph, was such a blast to interview and I truly hope you guys have as much fun listening as I did conducting!So who is Steph Ganowski? We actually met on Instagram, which is yet another reason why I LOVE that platform! She’s a relationship and intimacy coach who focuses on men, giving them the tools they need to gain massive confidence in the dating world! So yeah, this one is for the fellas or the fella in your life, whether that’s your hubby, your boyfriend, your son or nephew, or maybe even your best friend! Everyone has something tremendous to gain from this episode!!!We talk about 4 dating fears that are specific to men. We briefly discuss Lewis Howes’ “Masks of Masculinity”, and which masks Stephanie finds to be most common among her clients. Steph also gives you fellas listening some etiquette advice for pursuing women online

  • Fear Less University - Ep.10: The Fear of Money ft. Igor Litvak

    03/11/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    My good friend and financial expert Igor Litvak joins us on this episode of The Fear Less U to discuss money. Why is it that money is so emotional? Why is it that we have such a hard time talking about it with our spouses, families, and ourselves? Why are we so afraid of this artificial, man-made construct that we allow it to ruin our day, our mood, our marriages, and our lives? Why do we fear money? In this value-loaded episode, we talk about WHY we as humans have such a hard time talking about money, with our families, our spouses, our kids, and ourselves. We talk about how money is EMOTIONAL and why it’s important for you to understand that concept! We talk about 6 money MYTHS that keep you in a place of fear when it comes to money!!! Finally, and this is the part you’ll FOR SURE want to stick around for - Igor drops 3 actionable steps you can take TODAY to help you better understand your fears about money and outperform those fears! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.9: Facing My Fear ft. Aida

    08/06/2018 Duration: 54min

    Back in June of this year, I was invited to speak at an event about fear - not just how to help athletes outperform their fears but how to help parents and coaches better understand what their athletes are going through. While there, I made a new friend by the name of Aida. You’ll hear all about how we met in this episode, but just know that our encounter truly blessed my day and touched my heart! If I had to give Aida a title as an expert in some field, it would be observation, introspection, and forgiveness. She is a testament to what the power of forgiveness can do to your life, and how learning what truly matters in your world helps you focus your love and your pursuits. But even beyond that, she’s learned to better understand herself, which has helped her to better understand her fear. By doing so, she’s better able to lead her daughters by example, showing them how to outperform their fears on a daily basis. We talk about how it was only when Aida was tired of being a victim that she began exceeding the

  • Fear Less University - Ep.8: Fear of Failure ft. Ozay Moore

    01/06/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    In this episode of the Fear Less U, I had the good fortune and honor to interview one of my oldest friends, someone who I’ve always held in high esteem because of his gift of eloquence, his heart for service, and his humility. Ozay Moore, formerly known as Othello of the Lightheaded Crew, is in my opinion one of the most gifted artists of our time! A lyricist, poet, emcee and now teacher and agent of change in his community, Ozay and I talk about being willing to learn in order to overcome. We talk about intentional branding & why it’s such an important thing to be conscientious of. We talk about finding balance in every area of our lives and how everything is a matter of perspective. And finally, we talk about how you do more extraordinary things when the stakes are high and what you’re doing is done for others.You guys get ready because there is only one Ozay Moore and his heart is so unique! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.7: Choose This Day - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain

    26/05/2018 Duration: 05min

    This week, Coach Lain gets a little passionate, as he shares his call to action with all who are allowing fear to dictate their lives, fill their hearts with doubt and curse their minds. There is no such thing as a perfect time, so the best chance you'll ever have to step into your destiny is RIGHT NOW! Just because we focus on understanding our fears here at Fear Less U, doesn't mean we can't get "in-your-face" passionate about it! This is a call to movement, a proclamation of greatness, a fight song to fearing less and doing more!Grab a towel, this one is gonna want to make you move!!! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.6: Fear Myths - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain

    19/05/2018 Duration: 08min

    You voted and we listened! This week I reached out to my Instagram followers and asked what they wanted to hear on this week’s podcast, and this was it: Fear Myths! On this episode of the Fear Less U, Coach Lain explores 3 common myths about fear and puts them to the test! I’ve hand-selected 3 of the most common and most damaging myths that I commonly come across about fear that need to be immediately busted!This Fear Less 5 is dedicated to busting some of the most damaging misconceptions of fear out there! So pencils up, it’s time to separate fact from fiction. This, is Fear Less U’s “Fear Busters”! --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep.5: Fear of Failure - A Fear Less 5 with Coach Lain

    04/05/2018 Duration: 07min

    In this week's Fear Less 5 solo round, Coach Lain touches on the concept of "atychiphobia", or "the fear of failure", and how the lack of being able to remain consistent can contribute to what keeps you from starting in the first place. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

  • Fear Less University - Ep4: Faith and Fear ft. Blaze Davis

    27/04/2018 Duration: 01h23min

    What lies at the intersection of faith and fear? How does one influence, inform, strengthen or weaken the other? In this episode of Fear Less U, I talk with Blaze Davis, father, husband, creative, and Live Stream specialist at YouTube (as well as coffee & pizza connoissuer) about the relationship between faith and fear. We talk about where Blaze gets his cool and unusual name from, and how his grandmother’s foresight into the man he was meant to become, encouraged him to embrace his destiny. We discuss how faith and fear are similar, and how you can use your fear to strengthen your faith. And later, Blaze shares with us his amazing story of being on YouTube campus when tragedy struck that fateful day, and how faith AND the fear of missing out moved him to action!You guys get ready to be educated by insight, inspired by experience, and moved by emotion as Blaze shares his testimonies with us today. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/fearlessu/support

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