Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast



The Brandon Sanderson Podcast, made by 17th Shard, the biggest Brandon Sanderson nerds.


  • The Splintercast Reads Shadows of Self, Prologue and Chapters 1-3

    05/01/2016 Duration: 35min

    In a shocking twist, a lowly moderator has hijacked the news feed from the treacherous admins to bring you all this: the return of Splintercast! And this time, I, your intrepid hero FeatherWriter (also occasionally known as Alyx), am here to take on Shadows of Self! Perhaps a bit delayed... but well, hacking my way into the 17th Shard news feed is no small task. I thank you for you patience, dear listeners, and now we can get to the fun! For those new to Splintercast, I record my reactions in real time as I read new cosmere books for the first time, then edit them down to one cohesive, crazy listening experience. All in all, you can expect a good deal of running theories, in-the-moment commentary, shipping, crying, celebrating, and yelling at characters when they're dumb. And Steris appreciation. Someone has to appreciate Steris Harms and I am just the fangirl for the job. It's its own brand of craziness, but also a lot of fun. This first episode not only includes an introduction to Splintercast, and also

  • Interview with Crafty Games (November 2011)

    11/12/2014 Duration: 01h22min

    You've waited, and now you shall receive. Finally. Here is 17th Shard's exclusive interview with Brandon Sanderson, where for forty minutes, we talk about the Way of Kings, as well as some Mistborn questions, and a very important question about Voltron. The Way of Kings stuff is spoiler free, but once you get to the "Most Likely RAFO Questions", I highly suggest you have read the book before you listen to that part. The Mistborn questions are here because, hey, I run the Mistborn RP, and there some interesting questions to be asked! You should maybe read the trilogy before listening to that part. I hear it's good. In fact, that's usually because I'm the one saying it. You'll notice that while Brandon's voice quality is pretty good in the interview, the three of us (Josh, Mi'ch, and I) are ridiculously soft. This tends to happen when we give Brandon the good mic and we're passing around the bad one.

  • Interview With Brandon Sanderson (August 2010)

    11/12/2014 Duration: 39min

    Hey everyone! KChan, Rubix, and I all interviewed Crafty Games, the creators of the Mistborn Adventure Game, about two weeks ago, and here it is! We blab with Alex Flagg, lead developer for Mistborn, and Patrick Kapera, the lead editor and marketing dude (also God King Emperor of Happy Happy Fun Time). And it was so much fun. We get a ton of information about the Mistborn Adventure Game. We hear Crafty Games' design philosophy, the mechanics, and essentially everything. We learn some very astonishing things about Feruchemy--Spiritual freaking metals--and we learn that there will actually be annotations in it, by Brandon, commenting about the book! How awesome is that? Also, we make fun of Somalia. (Sorry, Somalians in the audience.) All in all, we had a blast with Alex and Pat. They are genuinely nice dudes, so have a listen, enjoy, and buy a copy of the Mistborn Adventure Game, because we think it will be awesome. Just a note, in the interview, they say that the game will be out October 25th, but it will i

  • Season 0, Episode 2 - Unforgotten Realms

    27/06/2014 Duration: 40min

    You know the sophomore slump, where the sequel is never as good as the first in a series? In this episode of Shardcast, we desperately try to avoid the sophomore slump with quotes and a better outline. Then, of course, everything Splinters. Fortunately, Kerry is able to put it together again and it's totally seamless. No awkward pauses or forced segues here, no sir. This week, we are discussing The Emperor's Soul, the cosmere novella which comes out in November, and speaking of souls, we also talk about the Spiritual, the Cognitive, and the Physical. That's right, we are digging into everything we know about Realmatics. So, of course, it comes out disjointed, because we pretty much know nothing about Realmatics. Fortunately, Will is here and adds crustaceans and waffles. Because you know what Realmatic Theory needs? Waffles. Apart from the madness, we impromptu theorize about Hoid worldhops, and come up with a darned good explanation about it and Shadesmar. So sit back, jump in a pool, and hear some mysteri

  • Season 0, Episode 1 - This Is Not A Drill

    27/06/2014 Duration: 46min

    Now with introductions out of the way, we delve into the meat of Shardcast: Brandon news, discussion, and theories. This week, we're talking about basic Cosmere stuff. Have you been confused about Hoid or the Shards? Slivers or Splinters? Vases, and splinters of vases? We discuss this and so much more. This is not a drill, this is the real deal. This episode has spoilers on: Pretty much everything (most importantly The Hero of Ages and The Way of Kings, but every cosmere book is touched on here).

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Book Wrap-up

    14/06/2014 Duration: 01h09s

    This is our final Splintercast--well, at least of the Words of Radiance variety. Here Alyx talks more about her feelings (because you know you want more of that), and about all the stuff she missed. Prepare yourself for a full hour of her talking about this massive, wonderful book. It's been a great run. Thanks for listening. We hope you've enjoyed them! Originally aired 6/14/2014

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 88

    13/06/2014 Duration: 11min

    What else is there to say? It is the last section of Words of Radiance. You know what's coming. You know Alyx will freak. And stress about Renarin until she seems him... Look, I'm not going to spoil it. Enjoy. There will be one more Splintercast tomorrow, one that's a whole book wrap-up, but other than that, we're done! Originally aired 6/13/14

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 89

    13/06/2014 Duration: 13min

    What else is there to say? It is the last section of Words of Radiance. You know what's coming. You know Alyx will freak. And stress about Renarin until she seems him... Look, I'm not going to spoil it. Enjoy. There will be one more Splintercast tomorrow, one that's a whole book wrap-up, but other than that, we're done! Originally aired 6/13/14

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Epilogue and Endnotes

    13/06/2014 Duration: 20min

    What else is there to say? It is the last section of Words of Radiance. You know what's coming. You know Alyx will freak. And stress about Renarin until she seems him... Look, I'm not going to spoil it. Enjoy. There will be one more Splintercast tomorrow, one that's a whole book wrap-up, but other than that, we're done! Originally aired 6/13/14

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 85

    10/06/2014 Duration: 07min

    It's a horrible, horrible thing to keep you waiting, so here's a Splintercast very early Wednesday. In fact, you've waited for this moment since you first heard Alyx's rampant Shallan/Renarin shipping. You've waited as she gets more tired, more emotional, and goes deeper into the depths. Prepare yourself for the breakdown and the rest of the amazing climax. (It happens early in 86, by the way...) The journey ends Friday, and then there will be an extensive, hour long wrap-up podcast. We're almost done with this sequence of Splintercasts. Can you believe it? Originally aired 6/10/14

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 86

    10/06/2014 Duration: 12min

    It's a horrible, horrible thing to keep you waiting, so here's a Splintercast very early Wednesday. In fact, you've waited for this moment since you first heard Alyx's rampant Shallan/Renarin shipping. You've waited as she gets more tired, more emotional, and goes deeper into the depths. Prepare yourself for the breakdown and the rest of the amazing climax. (It happens early in 86, by the way...) The journey ends Friday, and then there will be an extensive, hour long wrap-up podcast. We're almost done with this sequence of Splintercasts. Can you believe it? Originally aired 6/10/14

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 87

    10/06/2014 Duration: 07min

    It's a horrible, horrible thing to keep you waiting, so here's a Splintercast very early Wednesday. In fact, you've waited for this moment since you first heard Alyx's rampant Shallan/Renarin shipping. You've waited as she gets more tired, more emotional, and goes deeper into the depths. Prepare yourself for the breakdown and the rest of the amazing climax. (It happens early in 86, by the way...) The journey ends Friday, and then there will be an extensive, hour long wrap-up podcast. We're almost done with this sequence of Splintercasts. Can you believe it? Originally aired 6/10/14

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 82

    09/06/2014 Duration: 08min

    We're deep into the climax, so what can I even put in the description that isn't immediately spoilery? This chapter contains one of my favorite lines in the entire book. And Alyx gets emotional--but since when is that new? Such emotion. Much wow. This is Splintercast. Originally aired 6/9/2014

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 83

    09/06/2014 Duration: 11min

    We're deep into the climax, so what can I even put in the description that isn't immediately spoilery? This chapter contains one of my favorite lines in the entire book. And Alyx gets emotional--but since when is that new? Such emotion. Much wow. This is Splintercast. Originally aired 6/9/2014

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 84

    09/06/2014 Duration: 07min

    We're deep into the climax, so what can I even put in the description that isn't immediately spoilery? This chapter contains one of my favorite lines in the entire book. And Alyx gets emotional--but since when is that new? Such emotion. Much wow. This is Splintercast. Originally aired 6/9/2014

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapters 79 and 80

    06/06/2014 Duration: 06min

    Our heroes reach the center of the Plains and confront the Voidbringers today on Splintercast. Tensions ramp. The battle begins. And Kaladin makes a realization that will change everything. Originally aired 6/6/2014

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 81

    06/06/2014 Duration: 10min

    Our heroes reach the center of the Plains and confront the Voidbringers today on Splintercast. Tensions ramp. The battle begins. And Kaladin makes a realization that will change everything. Originally aired 6/6/2014

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 76

    04/06/2014 Duration: 11min

    Ladies and gentleman. Boys and girls. Brightlords and brightladies. It is time for Part Five of Words of Radiance, and it's just as wonderful as it sounds. In the immortal words of Samuel L. Jackson: hold onto your butts. Originally aired 6/4/2014

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 77

    04/06/2014 Duration: 06min

    Ladies and gentleman. Boys and girls. Brightlords and brightladies. It is time for Part Five of Words of Radiance, and it's just as wonderful as it sounds. In the immortal words of Samuel L. Jackson: hold onto your butts. Originally aired 6/4/2014

  • The Splintercast Reads Words of Radiance, Chapter 78

    04/06/2014 Duration: 03min

    Ladies and gentleman. Boys and girls. Brightlords and brightladies. It is time for Part Five of Words of Radiance, and it's just as wonderful as it sounds. In the immortal words of Samuel L. Jackson: hold onto your butts. Originally aired 6/4/2014

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