Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 544:48:32
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The Brandon Sanderson Podcast, made by 17th Shard, the biggest Brandon Sanderson nerds.


  • The Splintercast Reads Mistborn: Secret History Episode 3

    08/07/2016 Duration: 14min

    "Mistborn: Secret History. Also known as, ‘Kelsier Punches Literally All of the Deities.’" Our trip through the Cognitive Realm leads us to some unexpected new acquaintances as we start to leave Scadrial behind… Kelsier makes friends and cons them, because that’s what he does. I go back and forth on how to pronounce the word “Ire” before finally actually figuring it out and we finally figure out what gave Vin the heebie-jeebies before she met with Hoid in Hero of Ages! Unfortunately, I do have a bit of a confession to make. Despite the fact that the recording says that there is an episode after this… that data has unfortunately been lost. I don’t totally know what happened to the recording, but it’s no longer in my files. I am really upset to have lost it, but after thinking it over, I’m not going to leave you guys hanging right here at the end. Tune back next week for a wrap up and to hear my thoughts on the end! And I promise I will make 100% sure my good microphone is actually connected this time. Editi

  • The Splintercast Reads Mistborn: Secret History Episode 2

    01/07/2016 Duration: 28min

    “He’d saved the boy’s life once, so that would make them even”? Kell, that’s not how saving someone’s life works. You don’t just get like a free pass to murder them whenever you want later! Mistborn: Secret History continues, as we travel through Realms previously unseen. We meet some interesting characters, have a chat with a few old villainous friends, and watch as our intrepid hero makes a very long journey. Meanwhile, I’m having far too much fun soaking in all this new cosmere-y knowledge and trying to figure out what exactly is going on. (For instance, the symbol from Part 2 is in fact the symbol for Kredik Shaw. How did I not recognize that one?) Have fun listening!

  • The Splintercast Reads Mistborn: Secret History Episode 1

    17/06/2016 Duration: 36min

    "This is the greatest thing that has ever been written. This is the greatest thing that has ever been written." In which there is flailing. So much flailing. You might assume, if you have seen my salt about Secret History around, that I do not enjoy the novella. You would be incorrect, as I actually pretty much adore it. Despite the fact that I might have an issue with a thing at the end, I am 100% on board with reading this wonderful romp through the cosmere afterlife. Utterly delighted. This episode comes with warnings for A) Me getting incredibly committed to theories which apparently aren’t actually real (Seriously, how is it not Marsh???) B) My cat being absurdly naughty and loud in the background and C) some issues in microphone quality, oops. My apologies for all three. It’s a wild ride, enjoy!

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 28-End

    09/06/2016 Duration: 50min

    "I need this. I need this, okay. Alright. Okay. I haven’t even started reading it yet, I just saw that Wax is… I’m pumped. I’m pumped!" The grand finale of Bands of Mourning, everyone! It’s a race to the end as we jump off of the last cliffhanger and tumble all the way through our final installment for this book. Ships, both literal and relational, are sailing and flying and there’s Allomancy and theories and reveals. It’s wild. And then there’s that ending. I’ll refrain from Secret History spoilers here, but I will say I feel a bit vindicated by the vehemence of my reactions to that last line here. The Salt Brigade ( starts early with this one. No Secret History needed. Whether or not my predictions were correct for this ending (and whether or not certain tables will be flipped and set ablaze) remains to be seen. (Warning that there are Secret History spoilers behind that Salt Brigade link! If you’re li

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 25-27

    03/06/2016 Duration: 29min

    "I called it! I never call stuff like that. But I totally called it and I never call stuff like that! That’s kind of why it’s fun to record these, because the few times that I do get it right I’m like: “It’s on recording! I got proof! I’ve got an ‘I told you so!’”" First of all, I want to apologize for the brief hiatus we’ve had on Splintercast. It’s been a really hectic few weeks for me and I appreciate your patience. Free time has been in short supply for this Feather, especially the long swaths of time it takes to sit down and edit the audio for a whole episode. But we’re back now and we’re nearing the end. This time, a lot happens! Allegiances are revealed! Wax takes a tumble! Steris hardly gets any page-time but I talk about her anyway. And a cliffhanger of truly Branderson proportions rears its head at the end of 27. Past!Feather is wary, however. She expects shenanigans. I also mention a currently held theory of mine, that of Roshar’s Afterlife, so I’ll drop the link to that here. This reminds me th

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 22-24

    19/05/2016 Duration: 25min

    "Cosmere is still number one in my heart, okay? I’ll never leave the cosmere behind. I been in this for six years. We ain’t leavin’ the trenches now!" Finally, things start to come together for me theory-wise. I talk myself back into my theory of Telsin’s alignment, which is probably a good thing. However, I also start to “figure out” my theory about who the Sovereign is, and I’m still mad that that theory was wrong because it made so much sense, listen. I will say, for everyone who does know who the Sovereign is, (including me, the present Feather, who is writing this) going back and listening to me trying to figure it out is pretty amusing. In a way that makes me want to punch the real Sovereign in the face because, Harmony’s Forearms, I want to punch him so much. There’s also a ridiculous amount of Dragon Age talk, but hey, that’s all I was doing all day before I started reading, gimme a break. I’d say that I was due for a Dragon Age/Cosmere crossover, but actually… I already wrote one. Ha. Enjoy!

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 19-21

    12/05/2016 Duration: 31min

    "I don’t think it was him. I don’t think it was. I’m pretty sure he was dead. But... maybe... Augh! I don’t know! I’m doubting everything!" I would like to issue a formal apology to my new son, Allik, whom I assume to be a Hemalurgic experiment in this chapter. Listen. We all make mistakes. Allik, I didn’t mean it. Please forgive me. Like also that mistake of me talking myself out of a theory I’ve held since the beginning. Oops. Also, burning questions such as: was Preservation the ultimate prescriptivist? (Probably, that dirty language-keeping Shard.) Thankfully my rabid linguist senses get distracted by making some new Connections later on. Sign me up for duralumin ferring, guys. I also talk about The 100 which... was a great show and then started making some stupid writing decisions in the time between when I recorded this and when it got released. Dangit, The 100. And get sad about Cullen. My Dragon Age husband. Listen. And rap a bit of Hamilton. It’s a multifandom mess up in here. (Slight spoiler war

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 16-18

    22/04/2016 Duration: 36min

    "Don’t lose your guns, Wax. I feel like I’m babysitting him. Like every time he loses his guns, I’m like ‘Go get those back. Pick them up. What’re you doing?’" In which a whole heck of a lot happens. The end of Lady Kelesina’s party and we flee into the countryside with our heroes to try to see what exactly the Set is up to. There’s an absolutely beautiful Waxteris moment (which, yes, is the ship name that I belatedly decided on.) Expect much squeeing. I also set sail on the S.S. WaynLaan as well, because huh, those two certainly have a remarkable amount of similarity. And my pet theory about Telsin Ladrian gets mentioned again, but we have yet to see if such a theory will be proven true or not. Also EEEEE SOUTHERN SCADRIAL STUFF. YEAH. So cool. So so cool.

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 13-15

    13/04/2016 Duration: 28min

    "God bless. Harmony bless. Maker bless. Every... every deity just bless Steris Harms. Let’s just be real right here. Honor? Uh, Endowment? Like, all the Shards just need to like, group together, call a truce real quick, and bless Steris Harms. Kay? There we go. So it is decreed." This episode of Splintercast, Feather discusses RP and how she really ought to get around to joining Mistborn: The Inquisition. Listen, guys. I love RP so much, but I like chat RP. It’s gotta be fast. Instant responses. Wait, you’re here to hear about Bands of Mourning? Oh, okay I guess we can do that too. Cliffhangers continue to be my nemesis, but hey at least we got some fancy party infiltrations and a firefight in a graveyard. Steris is, of course, perfect, like usual. Dalish is cute and then naughty and must be exiled. And I’m upset that we haven’t talked about MeLaan recently. Also a bizarre conversation about my past and future selves, which drifts frighteningly close to Homestuck. Which is ending... today. 4/13. Happy Home

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 10-12

    07/04/2016 Duration: 45min

    "Shut up, Wax. Not everyone has to go out and like, vigilante justice fight crime with their Allomancy. Maybe some people like to juggle, all right?" In which my commentary on these chapters contains significantly more jingle bells than one might have expected. What can I say? The kitten wants what the kitten wants. And usually that’s jingly feather toys. Anyway, this week on Splintercast, Feather gets confused about gondolas. Wax continues to be an uptight old man who needs to chill, and Wayne perfectly embodies the struggle of the older generations against all those dang millennials and their cell phones and twitter birds and not immediately payin’ off all their student loans. Good times. Also strange coins arise from strange beggars, and I immediately pick up on the fact that there’s shenanigans going on there. I love it when I pick up on shenanigans. It makes me feel competent. And just when you think you’re safe from me gushing over Steris, I’ll smack you with a hard dose for this week. I also hone i

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 7-9

    31/03/2016 Duration: 27min

    "[Sputters] I don’t... even have words for what I am feeling about this development at the moment." An episode that has it all. To quote myself: we’ve got some firefight, some cutes, some canoodling, deep snogs. Steris Harms continues to be perfect while Wayne continues to be on my bad list. We see some devices which double as plot devices for the first time. Yeeeeeeee. Also. I can’t figure out how the heck one is supposed to pronounce the word “Scadrial.” [SKAY-dree-ul]? [SKAD-ree-ul]? We just don’t know. Your weekly dose of Steris fangirling contained within, as well as some discussion of cosmere books in other languages. Because those are just cool. In other news, keep an eye on the news box here this week, because you’ll soon see another non-Splintercast post from me! Oooh, what could it be? It’s a surprise.

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 4-6

    25/03/2016 Duration: 28min

    "Yeah, you guys only thought I was going to be reacting to the book. You didn’t know you actually signed up for ‘Steris Appreciation Podcast 2016.’ Here we go.[/i] This week, featuring special guest star: my kitten who loves to sniff the microphone while she’s purring and interrupt me. She’s smol. And naughty. And I love her. Anyway, this week on Splintercast, Wayne talks to a jealous god. Feather realizes what a ridiculous shipper she is. Theories are put forth regarding Wax’s sister. Also, everyone is now evil. (Except for Steris, of course.) Sorry I don’t make the rules. All villains. All the time. Finally, chapter six leaves off with a truly unfair cliffhanger, which means I was suffering as much as the rest of you in waiting for the next episode. Dang Brandon, you just can’t do these kinds of things to us!

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Chapters 1-3

    17/03/2016 Duration: 33min

    "Okay. Nothing’s going wrong. Okay? It’s the first chapter of this book. Everything can still go smooth! We don’t need conflict yet. We can have cutes. Alright? Brandon, I’m like, staring at you across the room. Don’t do this to me. Just give me a good, nice wedding." And now in earnest, the book begins. Y’all knew I was gonna get rekt over these opening chapters, right? Steris is my daughter and I love her and she deserves eternal happiness. Unfortunately for her, she’s in a novel written by Brandon Sanderson, which means everything has to go wrong. Of course. In other news, Wayne drops immensely on my list of favorite characters and I also pretend that I know something about the cosmere only to figure out I was dead wrong. Ha. Another day in the life of Feather reading these books right? Upvotes and comments are always utterly appreciated!

  • The Splintercast Reads Bands of Mourning, Prologue

    09/03/2016 Duration: 20min

    "Ha. You're not--You're not gonna follow the rules, Wax. Come on. Let's just go. Let's--Let's just do this. I'm curious, you're curious. Let's go. Out the window with you." Daaaaang, Feather. Back at it again with that Splintercast! Though I guess it probably doesn’t feel like we're "back at it" since Shadows of Self just wrapped up last week. Regardless! Here we go again. Now we're getting into Bands of Mourning and I hope you all are as excited for this as I am. We're in for a wild ride, so strap in. Sorry for audio quality being bad in this episode. Apparently Audacity decided that I wanted to use the crappy laptop microphone to record rather than the spiffy USB microphone that I had plugged in but okay, Audacity, whatever. Hopefully I caught it on the rest of these episodes because honestly, laptop microphone is terrible. Anyway, please enjoy! Leave comments and responses below if you are so inclined!

  • The Splintercast Reads Shadows of Self, Chapters 19-21

    02/03/2016 Duration: 21min

    "I'm feeling it. I'm feeling this theory, guys. It would be so horrible. It would be so awful. It would wreck Wax so bad. And that's exactly why it should happen. Am I a bad person? Yeah. Yeah I am. I'm sorry... But I'm really excited." So, it seems that I missed a week, what with me travelling to meet Brandon and also happening to be rather supreme garbage. So, to make it up to you, TWO EPISODE END OF BOOK EXTRAVAGANZA. We're finishing this book in one long binge of two episodes. Let's do it, right? Anyway, in this episode, we get all the way through to the end. There's plot twists guessed, there's plot twists which throw me to the floor, there's threats to Brandon on behalf of Steris's well-being. And quite a bit of me cackling maniacally as horrible things happen to good characters. I'm entirely too gleeful about terrible things. Am I sorry about it? Probably not. Next week will start Bands of Mourning, which I know you're all excited about me reading, right? Also, hearing poor Past!Feather at the begin

  • The Splintercast Reads Shadows of Self, Chapter 22 to The End

    01/03/2016 Duration: 32min

    "I'm feeling it. I'm feeling this theory, guys. It would be so horrible. It would be so awful. It would wreck Wax so bad. And that's exactly why it should happen. Am I a bad person? Yeah. Yeah I am. I'm sorry... But I'm really excited." So, it seems that I missed a week, what with me travelling to meet Brandon and also happening to be rather supreme garbage. So, to make it up to you, TWO EPISODE END OF BOOK EXTRAVAGANZA. We're finishing this book in one long binge of two episodes. Let's do it, right? Anyway, in this episode, we get all the way through to the end. There's plot twists guessed, there's plot twists which throw me to the floor, there's threats to Brandon on behalf of Steris's well-being. And quite a bit of me cackling maniacally as horrible things happen to good characters. I'm entirely too gleeful about terrible things. Am I sorry about it? Probably not. Next week will start Bands of Mourning, which I know you're all excited about me reading, right? Also, hearing poor Past!Feather at the begin

  • The Splintercast Reads Shadows of Self, Chapters 16-18

    16/02/2016 Duration: 19min

    Gosh dangit, Brandon. Stop killing people! You’re as bad as Bleeder is! In which Current!Feather stays up late after working her two jobs full-time and part-time back to back to get this episode edited… only to listen to Past!Feather in the recording staying up late after working her two jobs back to back in order to read. Well. Some things never change. Past!Feather also seems rather attached to her incorrect pronunciations in this chapter. eh-LEND and eh-LEND-el, rather than EL-end and EL-en-del. Little does she know that in a few months, she’ll start reading The Final Empire to her housemate and try to change those to a more common and rational pronunciation after all these years. Oh Past!Feather, how little you know. We also appear to be nearing the end of the book, yet a clear avalanche is nowhere to be found. How mysterious. Does this bode ill for our intrepid heroes and what effect will this have on your Splintercaster’s delicate emotional balance when it does come? Let’s be real, it’ll probably b

  • The Splintercast Reads Shadows of Self, Chapters 13-15

    10/02/2016 Duration: 17min

    On this episode, Wax and the crew are deep within their investigation of our mysterious antagonist, and trying to piece together the reasons behind her enigmatic actions. Meanwhile, the police are getting rather tired of putting up with all the Dawnshot’s antics, which honestly, seems pretty valid considering how much trouble he can be. I also happen to have some microphone issues because of course something has to go wrong, huh? Soothing parlors, Faceless Immortals, and belching contests await! Feel free to leave comments and reactions below!

  • The Splintercast Reads Shadows of Self, Chapters 10-12

    02/02/2016 Duration: 22min

    “Whaaaat? I’m so lost. What’s going on? Brandon, you’re yanking me! I’m getting yanked over here!” After a brief break to let everyone gnaw on their new copies of Bands of Mourning for a little while, Splintercast returns to keep going through Shadows of Self! A quick reminder that there are to be no spoilers for Bands of Mourning or Secret History discussed in the comments, even under spoiler tags, until the spoiler ban is lifted. Thank you! We left Wax at a fancy party in the middle of a very interesting conversation, while Wayne and Marasi attempt to lend support. And then a new kind of support comes in, for which I am incredibly excited. Have you guys caught on yet that I love references to the original series? Because I definitely do. Please enjoy, and tell me what you think in the comments down below!

  • The Splintercast Reads Shadows of Self, Chapters 7-9

    19/01/2016 Duration: 39min

    "I just need to give the God of the world a hug, okay? I'm just... I'm just gonna hug him. Anybody got a problem with that?" Another week, another Splintercast! In this week's episode, I flail over finding out more about our lovely villain for this book, squee over the reappearance of an original Mistborn trilogy character, and talk about the philosophical question of whether technological progression is inherently valuable. And of course, the most beautiful of fandom experiences: the sailing of a new ship.* I also happen to talk far too much about roleplaying and various campaigns. Oops. Sorry, not sorry. What, is anyone surprised at this point when I'm garbage? I didn’t think so. Once again, comments and responses are greatly appreciated as they are the lifeblood by which I am able to sustain my corporeal form on this plane of existence. Your written contributions to my continued reign of terror will be remembered in the days to come. *Editor's note: Not an actual boat. Nor is it an airship or spaceshi

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