The beauty industry has changed dramatically in the last 10 years. The days of hoping your good reputation and referrals was enough to grow or maintain your clientele died out and successful stylists today need a real marketing strategy.It's actually never been easier to grow a clientele as a hair stylist or a business as a salon owner, yet stylists are giving up or struggling more often than they are thriving in this incredible industry. When I was first building my clientele, I realized immediately that nobody was teaching true business skills and long term strategies to stylists or salon owners. What good is a license and an entrepreneurial passion without the skills and knowledge to actually make big things happen?The Thriving Stylist podcast is a collection of interviews from super successful but not yet famous stylists, one-on-one coaching opportunities and actionable, strategic marketing techniques that you can use in your business today to see real results.I'm Britt Seva, Social Media & Marketing Strategist for Hair Stylists and I look forward to helping you to create a wealthy life as a stylist.
#008-Finding your confidence as a stylist, salon owner or educator so that you can overcome any challenge
05/02/2018 Duration: 41minDo you ever think that maybe you just aren't cute enough, funny enough or talented enough to make it in this industry? Or that you could do so well but you always end up tongue tied or always seem to be talking yourself out of taking a big leap? Lack of confidence is something I've discovered is a bubbling, underlying issue for other challenges such as retention, finding a great salon to work at, building a clientele or putting yourself out there on social media. It’s an that issue most stylists, salon owners and educators have dealt with in the past, or continue to deal with, but you’ll hear how it doesn’t have to be this way.
#007-Determine if a salon partnership is right for you
29/01/2018 Duration: 24minSalon partnerships can be a blessing or a curse. If you're considering a partnership, take the quiz to determine if it's really the right structure for you. Already a partner? Follow my process to improve the relationship with your co-founder.
#006-Thriving Stylist Spotlight with Kristen DeGroff
21/01/2018 Duration: 22minThe incredibly talented Kristen Degroff shares with us when she hit her crossroads in the industry, how she built her clientele, why she loves being a commission stylist and how one photo shoot has provided her with a years worth of Instagram content.
#005-Uncovering blindspots in your business and growth as a stylist
21/01/2018 Duration: 27minAll entrepreneurs have blind spots. Uncover the blindspots in your business and discover why you aren't achieving the level of success you could be.
#004-The 4 part cycle that is causing boredom and overwhelm as a hair stylist
21/01/2018 Duration: 19minYou know how some days you wake up and can't wait to head in to the salon and some times you're wondering why you ever got in to the industry? There is a reason and a cycle that all entrepreneurs face throughout their career. Today we tackle the 4 part cycle that all stylists and salon owners experience and how to work your way through the cycle as quickly as possible.
#003-Thriving Stylist Spotlight with Lisa Huff
21/01/2018 Duration: 26minSmall town stylist Lisa Huff shares with us how she attracts 5-15 new guests each month, when she knew it was time to move in to her own studio suite and the innovative way she schedules new guests to maximize guest retention. Highlights you won't want to miss: Why it's completely normal to fall deeper in love with the industry and social media as your success involves Why having a balance of young balayage clients and 8-week root touch ups is a great thing and how to get your older clients excited about social media Why walk-ins aren't a solid way to build a clientele and why Lisa had to let all of those clients go to build her business How to know when it's time to leave your salon and how to prep for the move What to do as a studio suite owner to make the environment exceptional How Lisa created a steady stream of 5-15 new guests each month The innovative way that Lisa schedules her new color clients and why she does it
#002-Get organized and make real progress with my hair stylists productivity planner
21/01/2018 Duration: 25minDo you have about a million ideas, dreams and plans spinning around in your head right now? This one is for you. We'll discover which tasks will make the biggest impact in your business, choose your focus and create a 90-day action plan. Do you have about a million ideas, dreams and plans spinning around in your head right now? This one is for you. We'll discover which tasks will make the biggest impact in your business, choose your focus and create a 90-day action plan. Highlights you won't want to miss: Why working harder doesn't actually get you any closer to your goals How to choose the area of your business that really needs the most help and refine your focus How to "brain dump" and create your task list when you don't even know where to start How to choose just your top projects and allow the rest to fall to the back burner Creating your totally do-able weekly mini task list and 90 day action plan The magic of the "realistic stretch" learn more at
#001-Meet Britt and get the most from the Thriving Stylist Podcast
17/01/2018 Duration: 14minWelcome to the first episode of the Thriving Stylist Podcast. This will be your new go-to source for business building and social media marketing strategy for hair stylists and salon owners. In this weeks episode we'll cover: My story and how I got here What the podcast will be about How you can get one-on-one support and coaching The super easy way to get new free trainings & PDF guidebooks How you can customize the content of future episodes Learn more and get your first free download at