Fusion City Church



This is the weekly podcast for Fusion City Church located in Kannapolis, NC.


  • Parenting Parameters


    It’s impossible to parent children well, when the parents are not rowing in the same direction. The best foundation for a well developed parenting strategy is a strong and healthy relationship between the parents. This week, we'll unpack the value and some practical tools to help get parents on the same page.

  • Time Flies


    Every parent that has children older than yours will tell you a version of the same statement: "Don't blink or you'll miss it." Or perhaps, "the days are long but the years are short." Chances are that you have heard it said exactly like one of those. For parents, it never feels like we have enough time inside of the current phase to actually master how to parent that phase. By the time you feel like you might actually have traction, your child is onto the next phase. Our new series, starting today, is designed to help you have some insight before each phase to help you define a strategy before it gets here. We have limited time with our children in the home, as a church we want to help you take full advantage of that time.

  • M.E. Time


    It most likely goes without saying that every Christian should read the Bible. What most fail to realize is what it says if you do not WANT to read the Bible or if you do not enjoy it when you do read. Today we'll examine a passage that answers that question and we'll learn some practical ways to help you enjoy what you read more

  • Christmas in July


    Today is a unique day at Fusion City Church. Our Christmas in July event is an opportunity for us to focus in on our ministry to families through the local school system. We have invited representatives from the school to share with us about the successes and the needs of Kannapolis City Schools. Every year our church provides gifts to the elementary students in Kannapolis City Schools. Everything collected through donations today will be applied toward the purchase of those gifts. Celebrate Christmas in July with us!!!

  • Your Financial Story


    Our finances tell a story. For those who follow Christ, the goal of our lives is to tell good "God stories." We want to tell stories that honor God and make Him more famous, because that is what He deserves. This means, regarding our family's finances, we have to ask and answer the question "what story are my finances telling about God?"

  • Reclaim Your Paycheck


    No general would go to war without a plan, or a family on a long road trip without directions. Every successful business has a strategy. Planning for success is the best way to achieve it, yet millions of people around the globe operate their family's finances with no plan, no strategy, no real forethought at all and then wonder why they have no success. For Christians, the God we serve is a God of order, and planning. We should follow His lead, especially when it comes to finances. Jesus even spoke to this idea in His teachings. So, today, we'll speak about it in ours. If the walls of your financial house are crumbling, or you just want some help with a better plan, then today is a can't miss conversation.

  • The Truth About Money


    All of us have been lied to about money because almost everything the culture tells us about it is ultimately harmful to us. In addition to outside influence, our internal desires to be like those who have more or better, or to be liked and admired by others for what we have drive us to handle money dangerously. Fortunately for us, knowing that money would be such a powerful tempter, God has a lot to say about it. Today, we'll learn several truths that should reshape how we think, feel, and behave regarding our finances.

  • The Committed Capabilites


    What does the Bible mean when it says that we should love God with all of our strength? Jesus said that doing so was part of the equation to inherit eternal life, but the practical application can seem a little ambiguous. So, today at Fusion City Church we'll work to remove the confusion by looking at an example of someone who got it wrong, and then walk away with some helpful steps to make sure we do not follow suit. Don't miss the last installment of Horseshoes and Hand Grenades. http://bible.com/events/49096406

  • The Renewed Mind


    Scripture and science agree, the quality and content of how you think determines your perception of life as a whole. You are not just a physical being, and how you think and what you think matters. The great news for Christ followers is that if and when we fall into "stinking thinking" there is a pathway out and toward something better. However, to get on a new path, you have to abandon the one you're on. Today, we'll talk about how and why we should all make that choice. http://bible.com/events/49093018

  • The Deceptive Heart


    When someone lies to us over and over again, we stop trusting them, and we stop listening to their advice. There is one person we continue to trust despite being fooled over and over, and it is ourself. The "just follow your heart" mantra is everywhere. The problem with that sentiment is that it is destructive. In week 2 of our series Horseshoes and Hand Grenades we will discover why trusting our hearts is a bad idea, and a solution that is more worth finding. 30 Day Devotionals // https://fusioncitychurch.com/horseshoesandhandgrenades //

  • Good Enough, Is Not


    Everyone has a different measure of success. As Christians, though, our scorecard for how well we are following Christ should probably match the scorecard that Jesus gave us. In our new series starting today, we'll discover what that scorecard looks like, and hopefully as a church, make some commitments to align our definition of good enough with that of Jesus. What you will find when you do that is that close still only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades.

  • Dwell on Good Things


    Every one of us are affected by what we think about. It is most likely the general consensus that we don't have a lot of control over what makes its way into our minds. The Apostle Paul would emphatically disagree! He even gives us a tool on how to control what we think about, and a list of things we should be considering regularly. We'll examine the tool, and the list together today.

  • Protected by Peace


    Tucked away in Philippians 4 is a nuanced promise that Paul said Christians can lean on. He tells us that when life is chaotic or full of stress we can receive the peace OF God. He does not say peace FROM God, but OF God. The difference between those two little words is significant and today we'll learn why together.

  • The Lord is Near


    In a world of chaos, God calls his followers to be a resource of calm. However, you can't offer what you do not own. So, we must first remind ourselves of the source of our calm so that we can then offer peace to those in proximity to us.

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