Fusion City Church



This is the weekly podcast for Fusion City Church located in Kannapolis, NC.


  • Radical Urgency


    Just because something is important does not necessarily mean that it gets our full attention. Just about everyone agrees that diet and exercise are important, but not everyone eats well and exercises. Why is that? With that as a framework, is it not possible that Jesus could tell us something is of the upmost importance and we agree that it is important only to do nothing about it? It is not just possible, it is prominent. Today, we'll take a look at a command of Christ and work to develop a sense of urgency around what Jesus said was important.

  • Radical Compassion


    Do we really, actually, authentically care about the lost? If we're honest with ourselves, how much do we REALLY think about it? When we do think about them, how much does it REALLY affect us? Chances are we do not think about them very often, and when we do the truth of their reality makes a surface level impact on us. Today, we'll take our cue from Jesus to see if our awareness of and response to those who do not know him are aligned.

  • Count the Cost


    To do the right thing for the wrong reason always produces, at best, a half-hearted celebration from those who hear of it. We are glad of the good done, but disturbed by the motivations behind it. When our following of Christ is reduced to a list of tasks to complete and boxes to check we are, in fact, doing the right things but from the wrong motivations. In no uncertain terms, Jesus completely removed the option of just checking boxes as a means of being His disciple. Somehow, our modern version of Christianity managed to slip the boxes back in. Today, we'll discover what following Jesus truly requires.

  • On His Terms


    With so many religious beliefs that include Jesus (Christian, Mormons, Jehovah's Witness, etc) and then denominations among some of those religions, it is obvious that the Bible can be interpreted differently. The truth of the matter is that there is only one correct interpretation of everything in the Bible. Lots of churches, and lots of well-meaning people have lots of differing ideas of what it means, and what it looks like to follow Jesus. Does it not make sense, though, if we are going to commit to following Jesus that we maybe check with Jesus about what HE says that entails? Starting today at Fusion City Church we are going to walk through the Gospels and some teachings of Jesus to determine if what some would call Radically Christian, might, in fact, just be Christian.

  • O Holy Night


    Each of us have days in our lives that live in infamy. The reason for their significance could be good or bad. They are days or moments where life after them will never be the same. When a 19th century atheist wine merchant read the words of Luke 2 about the birth of a miracle baby, he penned a poem that called that day holy. Something occurred that day that would not just live in infamy for those involved, but change the world forever. Thousands of years later that holy night is still providing a "thrill of hope" that changes the lives of people who see and understand its significance. If "thrill" is not how you would characterize your current situation, then perhaps an opportunity to reflect on the hope of that O Holy Night could be just what you need. That is exactly what we'll focus on together this morning at Fusion City Church.

  • O Come, O Come Emmanuel


    Every year the Christmas season seems to usher in lots of changes. From decorations, to just an overall increase in things like joy and generosity. It even has its own soundtrack and a whole genre of music dedicated to this time of year. This is true in the church as well as outside. God's people have always been a singing people. However, it is important for us to know why we sing what we sing. In a new series starting today, we will look at two popular Christmas Carols and unpack why and how the words of these should impact our lives all these years after they were written. Today, we'll unpack the carol O Come, O Come Emmanuel. God's people were promised a coming King, a Messiah; and 700 years later he arrived and walked among us. But why so long between the promise and the fulfillment? Could it be because God is at work even in our waiting? In our impatience and "have it now" culture, we can miss what God is up to between the already and the not yet.

  • Say the Blessing


    A few years ago we learned a truth about gratitude that is universal: Gratitude doesn't seem like gratitude until there is an expression or proclamation of it. In other words, you will not appear to BE grateful until you SAY you are grateful. While true, this practice is entry level gratitude. There are two additional "levels" of gratitude in which we can and should participate. So, in this week leading to Thanksgiving, if you are interested in some graduate level gratitude then you should join us at 9:30 for the third and final message in the series Reclaimed

  • Open Invitation


    Projection is the process of attributing our thoughts or beliefs onto another. We assume that our opinion is their opinion. We can do this regarding our relationship with God. We can assume wrongly in both directions. We can think too highly or too lowly of ourselves and assume that God thinks the same. Our seat at God's table reverses our projection as it teaches us to see ourselves, and others, as He sees.

  • Mastering Mealtime


    What if there was a practice that could improve nearly every part of your life? It improves relationships, overall health and happiness, academics for children, and saves you money. If there was such a thing, would you be interested to have it? You are in luck, because today at Fusion City Church, we are beginning a new series all about that very practice, and it has not been too long ago in our American history that it was regular part of most families. It's time for us to return. Join us for week one of our new series: Reclaimed

  • Grieving the Holy Spirit


    Receiving an incredible gift should illicit a powerful and positive response from the one who receives it. How odd would it be if the opposite were true and the response to a great gift was minimal and even offensive to the giver? That seems illogical and wrong, doesn't it? What would you do if you were the one who gave the gift? What would you do if you were the one who is breaking the heart of the giver because of your response to the gift?

  • The Power of the Holy Spirit


    Would you say that your life is characterized as "powerful?" If not, is the opposite of powerful not powerless? Are those the only two options? What impact would it have on your life to learn that you have access to remarkable power and the only thing that limits it is some of your current perspectives and behaviors? Would you be willing to make some changes if that were the case? Well, it is true and we'll be unpacking why it is true and how to live in relationship to that kind of power today in week 3 of our series Holy Ghost.

  • The Help of the Holy Spirit


    In John's Gospel Jesus makes a seemingly ridiculous statement to His closest followers when He said, "It is better for you that I go away..." What could be better than having Jesus in the flesh with you and around you all day, every day? What is even more astounding is that it wasn't just true for the 12 disciples, it's also true for us. It is better FOR US that Jesus went away. Today, we'll unpack why what Jesus said is true, and what we have today that is better than Jesus with us in the flesh.

  • The Work of the Holy Spirit


    At a time of the year when some turn their attention to the spooky and scary, we felt it to be a good idea to spend some time talking about our own relationship with a ghost. Most people, including a lot Christians, have no idea who the Holy Spirit is or what He does. When most say, "God" they mean the Father and then they have some understanding about the Son, Jesus. Who is this forgotten person in the Trinity? What should be scarier than any ghoul or zombie is a life without the Holy Ghost. If you'd like to meet him, we're going to spend 4 weeks talking about him.

  • Who is Jesus?


    Knowing the truth is of little value to anyone who does not live according to it. Today, we'll conclude our series that has been designed to discover what is true by answering the question, "now what?" If there is truth, if God is real, if the New Testament is reliable, how does that translate to your everyday existence? It should, shouldn't it? If that is a question you struggle to answer, or if you need some clarity around the answer, then today is a great day to join us at Fusion City Church.

  • Is the Bible True?


    Is the Bible true? It's certainly helpful, and encouraging, and inspiring. But, all of its good falls in a dim light if the people who wrote it were not accurate in their recording of historical events, or if they had ulterior motives in what they wrote and in the way they wrote. Maybe a better question is, "Why would they lie?" The great news for us is, they didn't. The Bible is historically accurate, and completely true.

  • Does God Exist?


    If you believe that God exists, why do you believe it? If someone who does not hold the Bible as an authority asked you to give evidence for your belief, could you provide it without referencing the Bible? Are science and Christianity at odds or in harmony? Why are murder and rape wrong? Is our world created or evolved? If you have questions, we have answers. We'd love to share them with you this morning at Fusion City Church as we continue our series: I Don't Know What to Believe Anymore.

  • Does Truth Exist?


    All expressions of faith are a belief in something. Both Christians and Atheists have faith, the difference is the object of that faith. Until Christians can articulate the why they believe behind the what they believe they are unequipped to engage in any kind of debate with people who believe differently. If our only weapon of convincing is "because the Bible says so," to people who do not believe the Bible is true, and we cannot make an argument for why they should believe it, we are left with no ground on which to stand. In our new series starting today, we hope to give you intellectual tools to build a strong case for what you believe and why those who are close to you but far from God should as well.

  • 2 Rules for Kids


    Both scripture and life experiences will tell you the same thing: children thrive in structure. Where parameters and expectations are clear, and age appropriate accountability is utilized, our kids enjoy life more and behave in a way that is much less frustrating for the parents. It is, however, up to the parents to establish a framework for expectations and accountability. The great news is that the Bible provides all that we need to establish that framework.

  • The Big Picture


    Any good plan starts with the end goal in mind. A parenting strategy without an overarching objective is an inadequate strategy. Today, we'll see what God says the goal of parenting should be and how to get there.

  • Parenting Parameters


    It’s impossible to parent children well, when the parents are not rowing in the same direction. The best foundation for a well developed parenting strategy is a strong and healthy relationship between the parents. This week, we'll unpack the value and some practical tools to help get parents on the same page.

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