Insight Cast means the English language, entrepreneurship, leadership, technology, business, coffee, startup, innovation, sustainability... all around the world! Come on board! For more free content, please, access right away!
InsightCast #5 - Financial Intelligence II
21/04/2018 Duration: 29minfeat. Ulvrin Sprott, Jorge Aníbal Martínez Lubiano & Wilson Saavedra Reading Suggestion: "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki Our experts from the last episode come back again to talk about important and common decisions like renting or buying a house/an apartment and they will try to show both sides. Stay tuned and browse around their websites for special offers that just those who listen to this podcast will have for limited time:
InsightCast #4 - Financial Intelligence
21/04/2018 Duration: 49minfeat. Ulvrin Sprott, Jorge Aníbal Martínez Lubiano & Wilson Saavedra Reading Suggestion: "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki Financial Intelligence is a deal breaker when it comes to being successful. These 3 experts from Curaçao, Chile and Bolivia will discuss with our host @tlopesinsight the mindset towards taxation, investments and many other aspects of financial education. Stay tuned and browse around their websites for special offers that just those who listen to this podcast will have for limited time:
InsightCast #3 - The English Experience
22/03/2018 Duration: 14minNesse episódio a Insighter Cíntia vai falar um pouco da experiência dela como professora e também vai compartilhar dicas valiosíssimas para aprender o idioma inglês. Você já se inscreveu na nossa newsletter? Acesse Instagram: @americaninsight Twitter: @insightamerican
InsightCast #2 - Women Empowerment
08/03/2018 Duration: 48minfeat. Jennifer Schell, Michelle Guimarães, Monica Camacho and Monique Lemos International Women's Day is today and we would like to invite you to listen to a discussion among 2 Brazilian ladies, 1 from Mexico and 1 from Venezuela hosted by @tlopesinsight! You will also have special offers from these brilliant entrepreneurs. is giving everyone 15% off and 20% for women the whole March 2018 for their services. is also giving everyone 15% discount the whole March 2018. @up_edu (Instagram) is offering 3 coaching sessions for you! How can you claim for your discount? As easy as pie! Just tell them via e-mail or their customer service that you had listened to this podcast and that is how you can have it! Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter on and follow us everywhere @americaninsight!
InsightCast #1 - Introduction (Portuguese Version)
27/02/2018 Duration: 09minNosso primeiro episódio vai explicar qual o nosso propósito com esse podcast e o que você pode esperar de nós. Não se esqueça de assinar nossa newsletter: Brought to you by our CEO and host Thiago Lopes (@tlopesinsight).
InsightCast #1 - Introduction (English Version)
23/02/2018 Duration: 11minOur first episode will explain to you what we are about, what you may expect from us. Don't forget to subscribe our newsletter: Brought to you by our CEO and host Thiago Lopes (@tlopesinsight).