Insight Cast means the English language, entrepreneurship, leadership, technology, business, coffee, startup, innovation, sustainability... all around the world! Come on board! For more free content, please, access right away!
InsightCast #25 - Fashion
08/12/2020 Duration: 42minStraight from El Salvador, Oscar Tadeo, a known stylist and entrepreneur, shares his knowledge with Thiago Lopes regarding the fashion industry, especially, the indigo pattern that is his masterpiece.
InsightCast #24 - Exchange Programs
24/11/2020 Duration: 47minWanna study abroad? For free? USA, Europe? Get to know a little bit more about international exchange programs with Evan that had already worked with plenty of programs and Thiago, a 2016 YLAI alumni. Intercâmbios vão além do aprender inglês, há intercâmbios culturais e técnicos. Confira! Watch our blog:
InsightCast #23 - The American Consulate Mission
08/11/2020 Duration: 34minThe current General Consul of the USA in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mr. Scott Hamilton, will be sharing a lot of nice content regarding his experience abroad learning different languages (one of them is Russian), adapting to a new culture, the power of technology, and a lot more! Please, make yourself comfortable listening to another spectacular episode! Para mais informações sobre os programas de estudo nos EUA, acesse: Subscribe:
InsightCast #22 - The British English and Proficiency Tests
26/10/2020 Duration: 55minPerder o sotaque da língua nativa e conseguir um sotaque de inglês britânico?! A Isabella traz essa realidade para todos nós. E conseguir se estabelecer na Inglaterra? Como fazer? Qual o impacto do teste de proficiência para conseguir estar legalmente estabelecido num país exterior? Por que o IELTS foi tão importante para ela?
InsightCast #21 - English and Surfing
12/10/2020 Duration: 01h10minAprender inglês com um professor surfista?! Jump in this podcast and live it up! Teacher Joey and Teacher Thiago discuss the effectiveness of the English teaching methodologies we are used to being in touch with and, of course, there's a lot of fun!
InsightCast #20 - American Elections
29/09/2020 Duration: 45minEntender as eleições americanas não é uma tarefa fácil. Nesse episódio Thiago Lopes e Chris desmistificam o sistema eleitoral americano e de quebra fazem um pequeno prognóstico das eleições de 2020. Come on board and understand the American Elections a little bit better. 2020: Trump x Biden, who's gonna make it? Descontos especiais para nossos cursos da American Insight:
InsightCast #19 - Caribbean
17/12/2018 Duration: 48minWho hasn't dreamed of hitting the Caribbean and enjoy their heaven beaches?! Haven't you ever heard of the swimming pigs?! Ulvrin Sprott from Curacao features again in our show and Tanya Kelly from the Bahamas will show how to swag in the Caribbean! Don't miss it!
InsightCast #18 - Mexico
01/12/2018 Duration: 31minAll the episodes you've listened so far were either in Portuguese or English, right? So, now we brought a 100% Spanish InsightCast. ¡Disfrute de esta conversación con dos mexicanos que corren desde Cancún, Chichén Itzá, hasta el entorno de la burocracia en México!
InsightCast #17 - Entrepreneurship
18/10/2018 Duration: 18minThe CEO and co-founder of the best school of San Diego is back again. Nick Sacco will share his thoughts on entrepreneurship. American Insight and Connect English at the ring or octagon discussing such an important topic! Let's live it up! Check them out right here:
InsightCast #16 - Franchising
25/09/2018 Duration: 30minJose Reyes was the pitch competition winner for YLAI. Why? Simple answer: he is big! He employs more than 95 people and has 27 branches nowadays. He does know how to scale-up. In this episode, he discusses the role of a CEO and the challenging of franchising.
InsightCast #15 - Emotional Intelligence
12/09/2018 Duration: 26minJDC, or Juan David Cifuentes, is an entrepreneur from Ecuador, he is the CEO of Cifuentes Strings and he is going to talk about something everyone faces when it comes to becoming successful: emotional intelligence! Order your string right away: Sign our newsletter:
InsightCast #14 - Social Entrepreneurship
21/08/2018 Duration: 18minEsse vai ser o primeiro InsightCast trilíngue que você vai ouvir. We've invited MJ from Uruguay, actually she is also from Brazil, to talk about something she loves doing: entrepreneurship in a social way. Know a little bit more of what she's been doing that is much more than a cute teddy bear:
InsightCast #13 - Renewable Energy
07/08/2018 Duration: 32minEverybody talks about the blue economy nowadays, however, is that for real? Kevin Devonish from Barbados and Luis Martin del Campo from Mexico discuss this issue with our host Thiago Lopes. Stay tuned: @americaninsight AES: Kala Institue:
InsightCast #12 - The English Language
23/07/2018 Duration: 18minNesse episódio o Insighter Vonner vai falar um pouco da experiência dele como professor e também vai compartilhar dicas valiosíssimas para aprender o idioma inglês. Você já se inscreveu na nossa newsletter? Acesse Instagram: @americaninsight Twitter: @insightamerican
InsightCast #11 - Chocolate
09/07/2018 Duration: 37minWould you like some chocolate? Yeah! Germán Santillán, founder and CEO of Oaxacanita brings the best when it comes to chocolate in your mind and we can already feel your mouth watering. Chocolovers, this is for you! Don't forget to follow @americaninsight on Instagram and Oaxacanita: Newsletter:
InsightCast #10 - Coffee
26/06/2018 Duration: 23minWho likes coffee? Raise your cups (or mugs)! Yeah! Roberto Cobaquil, co-founder and CFO of Coffee District brings the best when it comes to coffee on the table. Would you like a cup of coffee? Don't forget to drop by Coffee District when you are in Guatemala! Don't forget to follow @americaninsight and on Instagram and facebook Newsletter:
InsightCast #9 - The USA & The English Language
12/06/2018 Duration: 26minWe have a very special guest in this episode. The General Consul of the US, Mr. James Story. He will talk a little bit about the United States and why you should pay a visit to his homeland. Moreover, Thiago Lopes plays around the English language with him. Don't forget to subscribe our newsletter: and also
InsightCast #8 - Trips
30/05/2018 Duration: 37minMarion is the CEO and founder of Chic Tours (, a company that designs tours to Colombia, she is a world traveler. On the same hand, Kate Kozlova from Russia talks a little bit about the pros of traveling all around the world and what you might expect from Russia for the world cup. Join our CEO @tlopesinsight who has traveled a little as well and have fun! Subscribe our newsletter:
InsightCast #7 - Legal English
17/05/2018 Duration: 29minAmerican Insight, CERS e Thales Maciel trazem para você um curso so freaking special: Legal English ou Inglês Jurídico. O professor @thalesbcmaciel é advogado e proficiente in English. Nesse episódio ele vai contar um pouco sobre sua experiência e vamos conversar sobre o porquê que você deve fazer o curso. Lembrando que o CERS é a maior escola online de todos os segmentos do Brasil. Segue o link: Acesse o nosso site para nos conhecer um pouco melhor:
InsightCast #6 - English Tips
02/05/2018 Duration: 24minGuess what?! We have California in the building today! Yeah! Nick Sacco, co-founder and CEO of Connect English, gives some tips on how to become a better English speaker/writer/reader/listener. Plus, don't forget that American Insight can take you to Connect English, San Diego, CA, for less than U$1000/month! Get in touch with us now and get to know the best school of America's Finest City!