


The Australian Council for the Defence of Government Schools (DOGS) looks at public education and separation of church and state.


  • Vic Shadow Education Minister Bach's ideas on educational needs and much more


    Vic Shadow Education Minister Bach's ideas on educational needs - his thoughts on ideology in the classroom, suggestions that Victoria needs MORE selective entry state schools and the idea that 'positive' education is driving teachers away. NSWTF press release shows that record numbers of teachers are leaving the profession. U.S.- "Our democracy is not a theocracy- YET"- church and state separation barely exists with male politicians governing women's bodies..Great State School of the week- Officer Primary Schoolwww,

  • A look at the NSW Minns Government- ALL NSW Ministers are public school alumni EXCEPT for the education minister! plus much more


    A look at the NSW Minns Government- ALL NSW Ministers are public school alumni EXCEPT for the education minister! Some education funding policy figures that may shock you- Unless you are a regular listener to the DOGS. Chris Bonner and Peter Morgan compare Labor's education positions in their article "The Labor Essayists- Chalmers, Rudd and the Failing Market of Schools". Teachers urge better pay, flexibility and less admin to attract newcomers to the profession. AEU - on how the climate crisis impacts young lives. U.S.- Florida governor legislates vouchers to charter schools for all students, without limits, devastating public schools. With no accountability around curriculum, outcomes and funding aquittal, voucher and cyber-voucher schools are ripe for the rorting. Great State School of the week- Braybrook Secondary

  • The problems with the productivity commission, 50 of Australia's wealthiest private schools rake in millions and much more


    The limited scope of the Productivity Comminssion's frame of reference EXCLUDES millions in donations and investment income for private schools. The problem is with the productivity commission, not public schools and teachers. 50 of Australia's wealthiest private schools rake in millions in investment income. Shortage of resources and CLASSROOMS for public schools in NSW. "Is the "Harmony Week" rebrand white-washing systemic racism" asks the NSWTF. 20 years after invasion, what is the status of girls and education in Iraq today?Great State School of the week- Albert Park

  • Teacher shortages the result of bad policy, obscenely wealthy WA private schools, culture wars and much more


    Teacher shortages the result of bad policy. Obscenely wealthy WA private schools investment and donation incomes not considered when calculating taxpayer support. Australia's teacher shortage is a generational crisis in the making. Victorian schools short 1000 teachers. U.S.- Culture wars target real PEOPLE, not ideas. Pasi Sahlberg on Australia's education system. Great State school of the week- Craigieburn Secondary

  • Religious discrimination legalities in private schools, obscenely wealthy QLD private schools, student/teacher ratios in public schools and much more


    Religious discrimination legalities in private schools. Obscenely wealthy QLD private schools' investment incomes and donations examined by Charities commission. Edmund Rice Education  issues apology to parents for breaching duty of care. Public Education Party NSW calls for  help on polling day. Student/teacher ratios in public school are unacceptable. Public school NAPLAN results shine.Great State School of the week- Horsham

  • Cost of unfair funding is huge to society at large, roadblocks to fair funding, and much more


    The cost of unfair funding of public schools is huge to society at large. Roadblocks to fair funding of public schools. Greens attempt to introduce bill to remove the 20% cap on federal funding of public schools.Changing the conversation about property and schools U.S. - Conservatives curriculum cutters attack on sociology and equality awareness, stifling discussion of diversity and inclusion. . U.K. - Teachers strike: Labor analysis reveals the Tories' perfect storm creating teachers shortage.Great State School of the Week- Clayton South

  • Private schools poaching public school teachers and raking in millions of taxpayer dollars, plus much more


    Private schools poaching public school teachers and raking in millions of taxpayer dollars on top of massive figures released by the charities commission. What we can learn about VET teaching from Nordic countries. State schools dominate list of NAPLAN high achievers.Great State School of the week- Peranbin Primary College Violet town

  • Calls to defund private schools, twinges of conscience from some religious Principals, and much more


    Calls to defund private and religious schools. Twinges of conscience from some religious principals while other religious school groups oppose limitation on discrimination in hiring and firing practices. Private school principal stood down for encouraging teachers to join a union. Councils asking for public access to private school facilities because they do not pay rates and the facilities are paid for with public money. Are the high costs of private schools justified? U.S.- book restrictions lead to halted access to libraries making students literally weep and teachers despair. World- helping Afghan girls access education, helping refugee children and children suffering the effects of natural disasters access education.Great State School of the week- Derrimut Primary

  • NSW Public Education Party established, public school teachers spending their own money on supplies, private schools get the biggest funding hikes as well as the biggest declines in results and much more


    NSW Public Education Party established. Data shows that private schools have the biggest funding increases AND the biggest decline in results. NSW Labor Party announces commitment to end under-funding of public schools. State School principals plead for voluntary parental contributions.  84% of public school teachers spend, per annum, an average of $883 and 90% of state primary school teachers spend an average of $1110 of their OWN money on school supplies. U.S. - In Oklahoma, out-of-state billionaires fund the voucher system lobby. Diane Ravitch receives death threats over her pro-public school stance on education! U.K. - Ministers and Unions dig in amid widespread strike action across the U.K.Great State School of the week - Echuca Primary School a.k.a.

  • Funding peculiar religious tenets - the Opus Dei saga, de-funding private schools and much more


    Funding peculiar religious tenets - the Opus Dei saga. Why we should de-fund private schools. An unofficial tour of a school cements a teacher's career. U.S.- call to stop public funding of unaccountable and extremist, neo-nazi home school education. U.K.- gross underfunding leads to widespread strike action.Great State School of the week- Melba College

  • Back to school - nothing has changed to alleviate educational inequalities, Labor kicks funding can down the road and much more


    Back to school - nothing has changed to alleviate educational inequalities. Labor kicks funding can down the road  by extending NSRA. Back to school costs forcing low SES families to opt for cheaper SUBJECTS and uniforms. Private schools sending debt collectors to families who are unable to pay. U.S. Examining the under-pinnings and pitfalls of "school choice". U.K. - parents urged to help teachers win the battle for jobs.Great State School of the Week- Woodend Primary

  • Reminder of past inequities shows continued current public school disadvantage, private schools continue fee hikes and much more


    Reminder of past inequities shows continued current public school disadvantage.  Private schools continue fee hikes with largest increases in 5 years. Finland schools teaching kids to spot misinformation. A Bondi school is finding ways to improve use of time. U.S.- conservative groups fail propositions for voucher system. U.K. - A view on the UK being a hostile place to bring up kids.Great State School of the week- Pylalong Primary

  • Billions of taxpayer dollars going to the purple economy, gross underfunding of public schools continues and much more


    Billions of taxpayer dollars going to the purple economy. Gross underfunding of public schools continues with no chance of reqching their SRS in sight. Disadvantaged students strive and thrive despite under-resourcing. U.S.- School communities united create better schools, climate change sciences introduced as a permanent subject.Great State School of the week- Elphinstone

  • New Year's Eve Great State Schools Special


    This week we have a look at just a few of the great state schools we have featured throughout 2022. The schools featured in this are-Coburg High School, Churchill Primary School, Carlton Primary School, Coburg Primary School, North Melbourne Errol Street Primary, Coodanup College, Hazelwood North Primary.Final Great State School of the week of the year- Templestowe College or

  • Church abuse of public schools, Labor betrays public schools and much more


    Church abuse of public schools via fund squeezing. Labor betrays public schools with no change to funding agreements in sight. Why are there few to no poor kids in Legal Studies? U.S.- Skirmish over voucher system in Texas. Bogus claims that public schools indoctrinate students.Great State School of the week- Horsham

  • Education ministers MUST commit to fully funding public schools, cash for high marks and more


    Education ministers MUST commit to fully funding public schools. Private school enrolments increase. Some private schools offering cash for high marks. U.K.- Strike action and Tory education funding failures. U.S.- Voucher system damaging to student outcomes. Flood affected students shine out in the face of adversity.Great State School of the week- Echuca

  • Special consideration for VCE students studying in flooding areas, U.S. religious discrimination against trans/NB kids in schools and much more


    Special consideration for VCE students doing ATAR in flooding areas. U.S. religious discrimination against trans/NB kids in schools. NSWTF rally for TAFE. U.S. - Charter schools and the Texan right. U.K.- Music program for disadvantaged students.Great State School o fthe Week- Mildura Primary SchoolMusic - Copeland's Fanfare for the Common Man, Schola Cantorum's La Date Dominum and Paul Robeson's Joe

  • Dutton politicizes the curriculum and joins the IPA in some public school teacher bashing, NAPLAN and NEAP(US version) both abject failures and much more


    Dutton makes politics of the curriculum and does some teacher bashing. IPA joins in and launches a campaign to attack public school teachers - WHY?! Perrottet stance on teachers creates more shortages. NAPLAN - a blunt instrument fails the delicate task of marking humanities. U.S - NEAP (their own blunt instrument) fails just like our NAPLAN.Great State School of the Week- Bright P-12 CollegeMusic - Copeland's Fanfare for the Common Man and Paul Robeson singing Joe

  • Vic govt woos private school vote with $717 million package, Schools in crisis- solutions in disarray, Restoring equity and much more


    Vic government woos private school vote with $717 million package. Fighting for the next generation. Chris Bonner's "Schools in crisis- solutions in disarray". Restoring equity in school funding- as though it were ever equitable to begin with! U.S. -book banning in Missouri.Great State School of the week - Glenroy Central Primary SchoolMusic - intro, as always, Fanfare for the Common Man by Aaron Copeland. A choral piece by Schola Cantorum called La Date Dominumand finsihing, as we do each week with Paul Robeson's version of Joe

  • DOGS high court case re-examined by media other than 3CR! and much more


    DOGS high court case re-examined by media other than 3CR as religious schools flout Section 116 of the Constitution openly. Inequality leads to inequality in results for students. Great State school of the week -Hoppers Crossing Secondary

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