
"Free" private school system in Sweden declared a failure, Power and violence in Private schools (-CONTENT WARNING-) and much more



Swedish School's Minister declares "free" private school system a failure.-CONTENT WARNING- violence towards women perpetrated by men.Power and Violence in Private Schools - The cultural problem of minimising bad behaviour of young men and shielding them from real-world consequences, a real focus on maintaining reputation by playing down sexual harassment within the elite school culture, to protect market share value. HELPLINE INFORMATION1800-RESPECT = 1800 737 732MEN'S REFERRAL SERVICE (a counselling service to help violent men take responsibility for their actions) = 1300 766 491KIDSLINE = 1800 55 1800SAFE STEPS (for women experiencing violence) = 1800 015 188WIRE (Women's Information and Referral Exchange) = 1300 134 130Why some schools are a step ahead in addressing student's mental health needs. US - 'Heritage Foundation' - an extremely well-funded right-wing wishlist of conservative agendas to be implemented on the first day a new Republican president is elected, including restrictions on education and