Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed



Astrology Bytes is an educational astrology podcast, with bite-sized lessons for people who want to learn astrology...but don't have all day.


  • Unaspected Planets

    08/11/2019 Duration: 05min

    Episode 93. What happens if a planet makes zero connections to the other planets? No squares, conjunctions, trines or any aspects - nada. What's that all about? This is called an "unaspected planet." An unaspected planet is free to do whatever the heck it wants. It can create a defining characteristic - or it can be untamed and a bit of a wild card. Learn more in this ultra-short tutorial. 

  • Critical Degrees

    01/11/2019 Duration: 05min

    Episode 92. Last week, we discussed anaretic degrees. To recap: it’s when a planet is at 29º. This is called a “fate degree” and can signal the planets at this degree have reached a critical point – and there may be important issues to deal with. This week, we're covering the other "critical degrees." Critical degrees means the energy of the planet is intensified - and that planet needs to be paid attention to. It can be challenging and requires more effort on your part. If you do the work, that planet can become your secret sauce or a source of power for you. Here are the other critical degrees: 0, 13, and 26 of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn 8-9, 21-22 of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius 4 and 17 of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.

  • Anaretic Degrees

    25/10/2019 Duration: 06min

    Episode 91. If a planet is found in the final degree of any sign, it’s considered anaretic. That means the sign would need to be in 29 degrees or 30 degrees of a sign. By the way, astrologers say 29 but it’s really the 30th degree - after all we start on 0 degrees, not 1 degree. In some texts, this is also called the Fate Degree - it indicates the planets at this degree have reached a critical point - and there may be important issues to deal with. It’s also considered accidentally weak because it’s the “end of a cycle.” Therefore, the energy can feel urgent as if something needs to be done. Learn more in this short 'n snappy lesson.

  • Void of Course Moon

    11/10/2019 Duration: 03min

    Episode 90. The void-of-course Moon occurs when the Moon makes one last major aspect before heading from one zodiac sign to the next. In other words: it’s like this - the Moon in Gemini forms an aspect, say a trine with Jupiter and it’s the last aspect before the Moon enters Cancer. The period between that aspect and the Moon changing signs is the void-of-course period. The void-of-course moon may last a few minutes or hours. When the Moon is void of course, it’s like a cosmic time out. This is not the period to start new things. Instead, you want to take care of things that already in motion. It’s not a good time to launch a business, start a new project, or legal proceedings. In fact, I don’t even recommend it for a first date! Learn more in this quick tutorial!

  • Saturn, the Moon, and Money with Alice Sparkly Kat

    04/10/2019 Duration: 18min

    Episode 89. What are the histories of the symbols for Saturn and the Moon through the lens of traditional and modern astrology? How might we work with these two planets in a way that benefits the collective? In this episode of Astrology Bytes, author and astrologer Alice Sparkly Kat joins me to discuss those questions and more. I'm a big fan of Alice's work and when I noticed that she's got a new book coming out on this topic, I wanted to know more! Money Magic: Etymologies of Saturn and Moon is available for pre-order. Listen in, learn what it's all about, and be sure to get your copy. You know you want one after hearing her take on this subject!

  • Astrology for Wellness with Monte Farber and Amy Zerner

    27/09/2019 Duration: 30min

    Episode 88. Did you know that every part of the body is connected to a different astrology sign? Knowing this can give you insights into creating a customized wellness plan. Today I am joined by the dynamic duo, Monte Farber and Amy Zerner, to discuss how to create a healthier body using astrology as a guide. Monte and Amy just released their newest book, Astrology For Wellness, a fabulous guide to creating your best, healthiest life based on your Sun sign.  In this episode, we chat about the book, body parts ruled by the signs, health care practices that can enhance your current regime, other places to look in the astrological chart for guidance - and more!   

  • New Moons

    20/09/2019 Duration: 04min

    Episode 87. New Moons occur when the Sun and Moon are conjunct. In the sky, the moon will appear to be barely a sliver - or hard to see at all. Sometimes it might appear to be a moonless night. On those nights, we know that the New Moon is happening.  The New Moon signals a day to set intentions, to begin things, or to plant seeds for future endeavors. This is your day to petition the Universe or to get something going. I’ve been setting New Moon intentions for many years and I swear by this practice. My favorite book on this is from Jan Spiller called New Moon Astrology. It will teach you how to set intentions that work for each New Moon. For example, a New Moon in Taurus might be the time to set intentions around money while a New Moon in Virgo could be the perfect day to make wishes around your job or health. 

  • Full Moons

    13/09/2019 Duration: 06min

    Episode 86. Full Moons are often pictures in horror films as something to be feared. While they can amp up emotions (the word lunatic comes from luna), the Full Moon is actually a good time to let go. It symbolizes the culmination of work already done. You'll learn that there is absolutely nothing to fear when the Moon is full. Book mentioned in this episode: The Moon in Your Life: Being a Lunar Type in a Solar World by Donna Cunningham.

  • Chiron Return

    06/09/2019 Duration: 05min

    Episode 85. The Chiron return happens around ages forty-nine to fifty-one and hangs around for about two years. During this time, you have an opportunity to heal old wounds. As you work on healing yourself, you can find compassion for yourself...and others. This period can be lonely but also deeply spiritual.

  • Jupiter Return

    30/08/2019 Duration: 04min

    Episode 84. When astrologers talk about the Jupiter return, they are talking about a transit that happens every twelve years. This is when Jupiter returns into the sign it was in when you were born. For example, I have Jupiter in Gemini in my natal 8th house - when Jupiter is transiting through Gemini, I’m in the midst of my Jupiter return. Because Jupiter takes about 12 years to circle the earth, it takes 12 years to get back into Gemini. Got that? The Jupiter return is a year of opportunity and change. Everything seems possible, doors open, and abundance flows. The Jupiter return gives you the chance to manifest the life you want - or to make important changes. Keep in mind that this doesn’t guarantee your year will be without hardship. You may still experience rough times during a Jupiter return but there are opportunities to grow from them.

  • What's an orb?

    16/08/2019 Duration: 04min

    An orb is the exactness of the degrees in an aspect. If the orb is tight - say an exact aspect, it’s powerful. For example, my Sun is 20º Gemini and my Mercury is 20º Mercury. That means this is an exact conjunction - and it’s potent. The Sun is power and Mercury is the mind so this amplifies my mental acuity - and ability to express myself. If the orb is wide - say 10 degrees or more, the energy isn’t as powerful. It may be barely felt. Learn more in this short lesson!

  • What's a cusp?

    09/08/2019 Duration: 05min

    Episode 82. Have you ever heard someone say that they were "born on the cusp?" Wonder what that means? It simply means that they were born on the day that the Sun changed signs. BUT hear this: you're not actually born "on the cusp" - you are either one sign or another. (Astrologers get grouchy when people talk about being born on the cusp.) That's not the only cusp in astrology by the way. There are also the astrological house cusps - which are legit. In this episode, you'll learn about cusps - and how to figure out what the cusps are on your astrological chart. 

  • Mars Retrograde Transit

    02/08/2019 Duration: 04min

    Episode 81. In the last two episodes, I covered the Mercury retrograde and the Venus retrograde transits. This week, we’re talking about the Mars retrograde transit. Here’s what you need to know… Mars retrograde happens about once every other year. It generally lasts about two months. During a Mars retrograde, anger and aggression can get out of hand. This is NOT the time to start a fight or war. Whichever side starts it usually loses. This means you’ll want to practice some restraint when it comes to expressing your anger. You’ll also want to take a more chill approach when it comes to anything that requires aggression including sales. If you’re involved in sales or running your own biz, this is not the time to push hard. A softer approach will go further. I cover this and a few other tips (don't do surgery or launch a biz during this transit!) in this episode.

  • Venus Retrograde Transit

    26/07/2019 Duration: 04min

    You might be familiar with the Mercury retrograde transit (ugh). If you aren't, I covered it in last week's Astrology Bytes. This week I'm talking about Venus retrograde, another retrograde transit you might want to pay attention to. Venus retrograde happens about once every other year. It generally lasts about six weeks. During this transit, relationships can become challenging. Not just romance - any partnership. Lots of folks end up squabbling more than usual. Or old partners show back up on the scene. A relationship started under a Venus retrograde can suddenly go bust without any warning. In business, clients can be demanding or unreliable. This transit can also bring issues with money, legal affairs, and more. I'm giving you the basics you can be prepared, not scared!

  • Mercury Retrograde

    19/07/2019 Duration: 06min

    Episode 79. Mercury retrograde. Ugh. The two most dreaded words in astrology! Even people who don't work with astrology know that Mercury retrograde brings on the drama. In this short episode (recorded during a Mercury retrograde!) we'll go over what it means and my simple strategy for working with this rascal. (Hint: add the letters "re" to everything!) The blog post mentioned in this episode is How To Have a Happy and Productive Mercury Retrograde.

  • Eclipses

    12/07/2019 Duration: 09min

    Episode 78. It's eclipse season around here so I thought it might be cool to talk about eclipses. In this episode, I talk briefly about what an eclipse is (thank you NASA!) and the astrological impact of an eclipse. I also give you my strategies for dealing with them because they can be challenging. The book mentioned in this episode is Eclipses and You: How to Align with Life's Hidden Tides by Judith Hill. Magazine mentioned is The Mountain Astrologer. 

  • The Twelfth House

    27/06/2019 Duration: 05min

    Episode 77. And now we're at the last house in the astrological chart. The twelfth. It's a heavy one, folks. The 12th house represents karma, rest, reflection, hospitals, institutions, prison, psychological health, the subconscious, hidden enemies, secrets, and self-undoing. This house is associated with the sign Pisces, which is the last sign of the zodiac. Neptune would be the ruling planet. It would be considered mutable and would belong to the water element. It's also one of the "cadent houses." When a planet sits in the natal 12th, it may have something to say about your subconscious or where you need to let go. If a planet transits this house, it could impact your private life - or could awaken a karmic situation. 

  • The Eleventh House

    21/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    Episode 76. The 11th house represents your friends, social life, groups, and associates. Goals are also placed here. This house is associated with the sign Aquarius, which is the eleventh sign of the zodiac. Uranus and Saturn would be the ruling planets. It would be considered fixed and would belong to the air element. It's also one of the "succedent houses." When a planet sits in the natal 11th, it may have something to say about your social life. If a planet transits this house, it could impact your friendships or goals.

  • The Tenth House

    14/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    Episode 75. The Tenth House. The 10th house represents your reputation, status, career, and authority. This is the place that symbolizes your street cred, both inherited and earned. It’s also your higher calling. The Midheaven is the angle associated with the tenth house. The Midheaven is the degree and sign at the top of your chart - in other words, the degree and sign overhead at the moment and location of your birth. I like to say that it shows where you’re going in the world. The Midheaven can indicate your aspirations and how you approach or define success. This house is associated with the sign Capricorn, which is the tenth sign of the zodiac. Saturn would be the ruling planet. It would be considered cardinal and would belong to the earth element. It's also one of the "angular houses." When a planet sits in the natal 10th, it may have something to say about your career, higher calling, and reputation. If a planet transits this house, it could impact your standing in the world - or your career.

  • The Ninth House

    07/06/2019 Duration: 04min

    Episode 74. Travel, foreigners, higher education, spirituality, and philosophy all fall under the 9th house. These are the things that allow you to expand your horizons and have a fuller understanding of the world around you.  This house is associated with the sign Sagittarius, which is the ninth sign of the zodiac. Jupiter would be the ruling planet. It would be considered mutable and would belong to the fire element. It's also one of the "cadent houses." When a planet sits in the natal 9th, it may have something to say about how you travel, as well as your relationship to knowledge and religion. If a planet transits this house, it could impact your trips, education, or spiritual beliefs.

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