Astrology Bytes With Theresa Reed

The Tenth House



Episode 75. The Tenth House. The 10th house represents your reputation, status, career, and authority. This is the place that symbolizes your street cred, both inherited and earned. It’s also your higher calling. The Midheaven is the angle associated with the tenth house. The Midheaven is the degree and sign at the top of your chart - in other words, the degree and sign overhead at the moment and location of your birth. I like to say that it shows where you’re going in the world. The Midheaven can indicate your aspirations and how you approach or define success. This house is associated with the sign Capricorn, which is the tenth sign of the zodiac. Saturn would be the ruling planet. It would be considered cardinal and would belong to the earth element. It's also one of the "angular houses." When a planet sits in the natal 10th, it may have something to say about your career, higher calling, and reputation. If a planet transits this house, it could impact your standing in the world - or your career.