We discuss everything Star Wars. From the original trilogy to speculation on the sequels and everything in between. No stone will be left unturned in the Star Wars universe. More than just the latest news and rumors. With each episode well focus on a new topic of the Star Wars saga and discuss it at a truly microscopic level. Listen to all of our shows at Email us at
178 - Into The Storms
06/10/2016 Duration: 40minAfter the Vector event spanning four comic series, this is a bit of a weird volume. Steve wonders whether or not there is an ideal reading order for its three stories. Though they are a bit disconnected, how compelling are the multiple threads that are progressing? Listen and find out!
177 - Roguish Sales
02/10/2016 Duration: 29minForce Friday 2016 happened last week for the upcoming release of Rogue One! Ron checked out all the events and merchandise that the stores were putting out. Or lack of merchandise. It seems like there wasn't as much hype this year as were was last year for The Force Awakens. Ron ponders what this means for the new movie. Is Disney a little hesitant to hype this movie or are they just being overly cautious. Either way, Ron gives you his take on what merch was worth picking up and what wasn't. Join us as we get granular with Force Friday!
176 - To The Vector Go The Spoilers!
29/09/2016 Duration: 56minJoin Steve as he reviews Star Wars Legacy: Cade Skywalker finds Celeste Morne and her star destroyer full of Rakghouls. Together, they hatch a plan to destroy the leader of the One Sith, Darth Krayt. Meanwhile, Karness Muur is searching for a stronger body. Roan Fel is trying to keep his empire together. When Cade and his gang reach Korriban, they find that the Sith are waiting for them. Azlyn Rae lands a killing blow, but in turn is mortally wounded. With the Dark Lord seemingly dead, Morne asks to be removed from her burden, and reflects that Zayne Carrick has finally sent someone to take care of her. Muur's spirit survives in his Talisman and attempts to bond with Skywalker. Cade rejects the Sith Lord and uses his force powers to finally destroy the Talisman. After the battle is over, Darth Krayt's Advisor finds his Master barely alive and betrays him with Force lightning.
175 - Stuck In The Middle With Bendu
25/09/2016 Duration: 26minEzra, Kanan and the gang are back along with new and familiar characters for the start of season three of Star Wars Rebels! Join Ron as he gives you his granular thoughts on "Steps Into Shadow," the first episode of the new season. As Ezra is dealing with the events from the end of season two, Kanan meets a new and mysterious Force presence. And the Imperials once again bring in more muscle to stop our Rebels, this time in the form of fan-favorite character, Grand Admiral Thrawn!
174 - Legends Of Another Hidden Temple
21/09/2016 Duration: 28minStar Wars: Legacy Volume 5: The Hidden Temple is the fifth trade paperback of the Star Wars: Legacy comics to be published by Dark Horse Comics.
173 - Tellin' Tales (Part 6)
19/09/2016 Duration: 16minWhile researching other things, Ron stumbled onto the Dark Horse series from 1999-2005, Star Wars Tales. A series of short stories, this comic series goes all over the place. From Prequels to OT to EU, sometimes serious, sometimes silly, nothing is left untouched. Join Ron as he checks out the sixth set of four stories in this episode of Delusions of Granular!
172 - Tellin' Tales (Part 5)
18/09/2016 Duration: 13minWhile researching other things, Ron stumbled onto the Dark Horse series from 1999-2005, Star Wars Tales. A series of short stories, this comic series goes all over the place. From Prequels to OT to EU, sometimes serious, sometimes silly, nothing is left untouched. Join Ron as he checks out the fifth set of four stories in this episode of Delusions of Granular!
171 - A Trade Without Cade
13/09/2016 Duration: 29minStar Wars: Legacy Volume 4: Alliance is the fourth trade paperback of the Star Wars: Legacy comics to be published by Dark Horse Comics.
170 - Midichlorians Yes!
11/09/2016 Duration: 25minForbidden to be discussed and reviled by most fans, Midichlorians have had a huge effect on fans since they were first mentioned in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. But are really that bad? Ron take on this sensitive subject to get to the heart of the issue. Are midichlorians really that damaging to the Star Wars saga or do they add extra dimension to the Force. Find out as Ron gets granular with midichlorians on this episode of SWDOG!
169 - In The Name Of The Claw
08/09/2016 Duration: 37minStar Wars: Legacy: Claws of the Dragon is the third story arc in the Star Wars: Legacy comics.
168 - Tellin' Tales (Part 4)
05/09/2016 Duration: 17minWhile researching other things, Ron stumbled onto the Dark Horse series from 1999-2005, Star Wars Tales. A series of short stories, this comic series goes all over the place. From Prequels to OT to EU, sometimes serious, sometimes silly, nothing is left untouched. Join Ron as he checks out the fourth set of four stories in this episode of Delusions of Granular!
167 - Tellin' Tales (Part 3)
05/09/2016 Duration: 17minWhile researching other things, Ron stumbled onto the Dark Horse series from 1999-2005, Star Wars Tales. A series of short stories, this comic series goes all over the place. From Prequels to OT to EU, sometimes serious, sometimes silly, nothing is left untouched. Join Ron as he checks out the third set of four stories in this episode of Delusions of Granular!
166 - A Stack of Shards
01/09/2016 Duration: 36minSteve checks out the second book in the series Star Wars Legacy!
165 - Tellin' Tales (Part 2)
30/08/2016 Duration: 15minWhile researching other things, Ron stumbled onto the Dark Horse series from 1999-2005, Star Wars Tales. A series of short stories, this comic series goes all over the place. From Prequels to OT to EU, sometimes serious, sometimes silly, nothing is left untouched. Join Ron as he checks out the second set of four stories in this episode of Delusions of Granular!
164 - Tellin' Tales (Part 1)
29/08/2016 Duration: 17minWhile researching other things, Ron stumbled onto the Dark Horse series from 1999-2005, Star Wars Tales. A series of short stories, this comic series goes all over the place. From Prequels to OT to EU, sometimes serious, sometimes silly, nothing is left untouched. Join Ron as he checks out the first four stories in this episode of Delusions of Granular!
163 - Break A Legacy!
23/08/2016 Duration: 41minSteve checks out the first story arc of Legacy. Telling the tales of Cade Skywalker, the future descendant of Luke Skywalker who is in denial of his Jedi powers. Making his way through the galaxy as a pirate, he and his friends encounter the One Sith. But will Cade face his true destiny as a Jedi? Find out what Steve thinks as he gets granular with Star Wars Legacy: Broken!
162 - Dr. E And The Walrus
21/08/2016 Duration: 20minRumors are floating around the Dr. Evazan and Ponda Baba are going to make an appearance in Rogue One. This set Ron off pondering the possibility of having characters in the Star Wars universe that aren't affiliated with the Rebels, the Imperials or the bounty hunters. Could we see a Star Wars movie where the characters aren't affected by the war? Knowing what we know about these two characters, through both Canon and Legends, would they make for a decent Star Wars horror film? Also, why does it seem like these two characters from the cantina were more fleshed out than some of the others by George Lucas? What was his intention for this? All this and more! Stay Granular!
161 - Laser Blades of Glory
18/08/2016 Duration: 24minWith Steve being off this week, Ron checks out the documentary called The Evolution of the Lightsaber Duel and that leads him to ponder a few other things about this elegant weapon of the Star Wars universe.
160 - Man-Made Monsters
13/08/2016 Duration: 37minGareth Edwards is directing the latest Star Wars movie, Rogue One. Before that, he's only directed two other feature films, Monsters and Godzilla. We take a look at these films as well as his early beginnings in the industry to find out if he has the chops to direct not only a Star Wars movie but the first standalone film of the franchise. Our viewing of his films coincides with the release of the latest trailer for Rogue One so we take a look at that as well. This episode of Delusions of Granular is dedicated to Kenny Baker (1934-2016).
159 - Luuke Alike
10/08/2016 Duration: 44minEver since the announcement that Thrawn is being pulled back into canon with Star Wars Rebels, Steve has been revisiting the original Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn. This week we take a granular look at The Last Command, the final book in the trilogy. New characters were introduced, new storylines were developed, some that would carry the Expanded Universe for years to come. Find out what we think of this historic chapter in the Star Wars universe! Stay Granular!