You Total Cult

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Nerdy entertainment for 'Groan-Ups'


  • You Total Cult Ep. 10: The Halloween Special


    Clash of the slashers! In which Mike doesn’t understand how a tournament works, Chris Nolan reinvents A Nightmare On Elm Street and a cheap Garden Centre knock-off turns out to better than the real thing.   There are a variety of other ways in which you can listen to You Total Cult. You can automatically … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep. 10: The Halloween Special →

  • You Total Cult Ep. 9: Never Speak It’s Name Again


     Do you know what she did, your culting daughter? In which Craig and Mike bring in reinforcements to help lay some demons to rest, tell a begging A-list director to go whistle and Mike forgets the rules to a game he invented. There are a variety of other ways in which you can listen to … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep. 9: Never Speak It’s Name Again →

  • You Total Cult Ep.7: FrightFest The 13th


    You Total C*nt?!? Craig and Mike break their FrightFest cherries working for FrightFest TV. Here’s a behind the scenes look at what went on featuring contributions from Chris, Phil, Stuart Barr, Steve Blackwell and the inimitable Billy Chainsaw as well as a few directors and film makers who clearly didn’t know what a shambles this … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep.7: FrightFest The 13th →

  • You Total Cult Ep. 8: In Space No-one Can Hear You Stream


    Based on a true conversation. In which Craig and Mike, delve into the murky world of the Asylum and Craig runs off to Vegas to chat with director Simon Savory about his new film Bruno and Earlene Go To Vegas.   There are a variety of other ways in which you can listen to You … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep. 8: In Space No-one Can Hear You Stream →

  • You Total Cult Ep.6: Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself… and Clowns


     ...In my dreams I'm the wizard master. Which is nice. In which Craig and Mike visit a haunted house, get a genuine response from one of their emails, debate the pro's and cons of the campest nightmare and geekgasm at the failed prospect of the ultimate horror movie crossover. There are a variety of other … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep.6: Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself… and Clowns →

  • You Total Cult Ep. 5: The Do-Over


    Every once in a while, you can be a real cult. Craig and Mike are harassed by a horny cat, question some of Nolan’s casting decisions and get stuck in the Olympic rush. Featuring an interview with James Flower of Savage Cinema and a tip of the cap to Mr J. Dante. There are a variety … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep. 5: The Do-Over →

  • You Total Cult Ep.4: 16bit Sands


    I can smell your cult. In which Craig and mike embark on a side scrolling beat em up odyssey, lose one guest but gain another, and finally get an email response from their unsolicited campaign of spamming minor celebrities.   There are a variety of other ways in which you can listen to You Total … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep.4: 16bit Sands →

  • You Total Cult Ep. 3: Bat Suit Nipples


    It was obvious that cult was going to f** some cult. In which Craig and Mike shoot too early and are spied upon by BBC light entertainment. Featuring many, many bad impressions of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mike still needs to let it go or learn how to edit for himself. You can automatically download the podcast … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep. 3: Bat Suit Nipples →

  • You Total Cult Ep. 2: Electric Boogaloo


    Monty, you terrible cult! Craig and Mike debate the pros and cons of the weakest Lynch, discuss some monks and experience first hand the pitfalls of digital projection. This episode is not endorsed by the baptist ministries of America. Now with jingles. There are a variety of other ways in which you can listen to … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep. 2: Electric Boogaloo →

  • You Total Cult Ep.1: The Geekest Link


    Can I get, any of you cults, a podcast? From a dank dark Brighton basement two groan men chat and argue about classic cult favourites, unmade masterpieces and obscure films that they probably had no business watching in the first place. Craig and Mike get off to an inauspicious start to their podcast odyssey, arguing … Continue reading You Total Cult Ep.1: The Geekest Link →

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