Allen Christian and Steven Granger do the Lord's work, with weekly episodes chronicling the rise of the comic-book adaptation in film. Every episode is a new film, watched and reviewed as in-depth as possible. Personal feelings and misinformation abound, but we'll all learn things together.
Episode #62: Constantine
16/02/2017 Duration: 01h22minAllen, Steven, and Gerald sit down to watch 2005's Constantine, starring Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Tilda Swinton, and Gavin Rossdale. It's not the worst thing ever. We discuss Keanu's filmography, question Rossdale's rock star status, lament the existence of Cars 3, Allen spoils the post-credit scene in Shyamalan's Split for Gerald, Steven loves on the Lego Batman Movie, and more bitching about CG actors. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #61: Elektra
11/02/2017 Duration: 01h05minWe watch the Daredevil spinoff, 2005's Elektra. The boys welcome back Rudy "The Booty", and welcome for the first time Mr. Levy Mont. The movie is an awful piece of garbage that never should have been made, and unsurprisingly, no one likes it. Terrence Stamp plays Stick and wears a funny hat, and that's the best thing anyone can say about this movie. So instead, everything else is discussed, like Liam Neeson: Action Star, Mickey Mouse: Black Face, White Spider-Man, and we might accidentally not condemn violence against women enough. A terrible movie reveals terrible people. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #60 - Blade: Trinity
02/02/2017 Duration: 01h13minThe boys sit down to polish off the Blade trilogy with 2004's Blade: Trinity. Like the rest of the world, they hate it. The movie is discussed in depth, but not without long digressions into the merits of Phil Collins and U2, a complete disdain for Nirvana, the level of creep Stephen Collins is, Triple H being fat and insecure, Steven's knowledge of muscles, and the success rate of film trilogies. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #59 - Catwoman
27/01/2017 Duration: 01h13minGerald and Steven watched 2004's Halle Berry vehicle, Catwoman, and do their level best to try to explain it to Allen, taking the time to show him two clips, making for the worst two minutes of his life. Also in this episode, the boys discuss ICP and the white trash status of Detroit musicians, the merits and timing of mutual oral pleasure, a Vince McMahon presidency, Donald Trump had to be addressed, Billy Corgan and Morrissey get bashed as human beings, and always more wrestling, as Allen and Steven prepare to go to San Antonio for the 2017 Royal Rumble. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #58 - Spider-Man 2
22/01/2017 Duration: 02h06minAlan Hardy joins Allen, Steven, and Gerald to discuss 2004's Spider-Man 2. Everyone agrees that this remains one of the greatest superhero movies ever made, this is James Franco's best performance, and Alfred Molina is wonderful. Also in this episode, Allen laments having been a 14 year-old dweeb, Gerald is upset to learn that he is no longer in his goth glory days, Kevin Nash is discussed again, because why not, Gerald equates his movie taste to the palate of a raccoon. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #57 - The Punisher ('04)
05/01/2017 Duration: 01h24minAllen, Steven, and Gerald sit down to watch Tom Jane as the titular character in 2004's The Punisher. The movie is discussed at length, in all its grit, glory, and garbage. The boys talk so much about the movie that they forget to make John Travolta and Kevin Nash jokes. Also in this episode, the landscape of local gangs is discussed based on hearsay and rumors, the crossover of wrestling music and this soundtrack, Allen admits that Stone Cold Steve Austin rambling about nothing makes for a better podcast than this one, Gerald tells tale of his run-in with organized crime. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #56 - Hellboy (Hello, 2017)
01/01/2017 Duration: 02h01minHappy New Year! We kiss 2016 by and ring in the new year by talking a little bit about how bad 2016 was and the folks we lost, but mostly reminiscing about the good times we had. We also get around to talking about Hellboy, a film we all enjoyed thoroughly. Allen puts on another game, a retrospective trivia game covering all the films we've watched, pitting Gerald against Steven for the title of 2016 Four-Color Film Podcast Champion! Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #55 - A Very Conan Christmas!
22/12/2016 Duration: 03h20minMerry Christmas! A Four-Color Film reunion occurs, with appearances by most of the FCFP alumni, including John Hall, Alan Hardy, and Lacey Day, and a couple of new guest with Rudy Andrews and Madison Leigh. This year we do a double feature watch 1984's Conan the Destroyer and 1985's Red Sonja, bother directed by Richard Fleischer. Returns continually diminish in this cinematic universe of Robert E. Howard characters, and Schwarzenegger not being able to be called Conan in Red Sonja only subtracts from an already bad movie. On top of the already overstuffed double-feature, all manner of Christmas festivities abound, as everyone shares their Christmas memories, and Allen puts on a full game of "Hi/Lo: Rotten Tomatoes" as Steven and Gerald select teams from the guest pool and face off for prizes. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #54 - On Her Majesty's Secret Service
15/12/2016 Duration: 01h43minThe boys gather to celebrate Allen's birthday with one of his favorite Bond films, On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Lots of ground covered here, from discussions spanning the entire Bond canon to the career status of Meg Ryan. Allen laments that the eighth installment of the Fast & Furious franchise, The Fate of the Furious, isn't stylized as The F8 of the Furious. Plans for next week's Christmas episode are discussed. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #53 - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
08/12/2016 Duration: 01h01minAllen and Steven spare Gerald from this garbage and tackle 2003's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It's awful. Don't watch it. Also on this episode, Nintendo and Zelda games are discussed, tangents about bad Terminator movies, and the guys try to make up for their lack of UPN knowledge.
Episode #52 - X2: X-Men United
30/11/2016 Duration: 01h17minThe boys gather 'round to check out one of the more revered films of the genre, Bryan Singer's X-Men follow-up, X2: X-Men United. The allegories abound, and the plot is weighty. Allen, Steven, and Gerald forgo commentary due only to time restraints, and bite off as much of the film as they can chew. The returning cast with the addition of the villainous Brian Cox shine in a much better plot and a more cohesive script. Also this week, Allen forces Steven and Gerald to play a game as stupid in premise as imaginable, for the prize of immunity against any vetoes from Allen when it comes to their birthday week movie selections. The future of the genre is discussed almost as much as UPN is. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #51 - Daredevil
24/11/2016 Duration: 01h22minHappy Thanksgiving! This week, we welcome back a special guest as Mr. John Hall joins us for another holiday. This week is 2003's Daredevil, and it's far worse than any of us remembered. We forgo the overlong director's cut in favor of the much more succinct, but far worse theatrical cut. The episode is unfortunately very on topic, but the boys also manage to briefly discuss Rick Moranis, Thanksgiving memories, Thanksgiving food, terrible holiday political debates with family, and the Benadryl benders required to make a film this bad. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #50 - Road to Perdition
17/11/2016 Duration: 01h12minThe boys hit the Road to Perdition in this unspectacular landmark 50th episode. The film is classy and everyone liked it, and a good bit of discussion is had on it. Also in this episode, the landscape of modern comic book film is discussed, Allen doesn't like those Ocean's movies and is a self-righteous prick, Steven is called to the mat for claiming to like Anne Hathaway, and Gerald threatens a fight. More porn speculation. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #49 - Men In Black II
10/11/2016 Duration: 01h11minNod ya head to the dulcet tones of the voices of Allen Christian, Steven Granger, and Gerald James as they talk about 2002's Men In Black II. The probably-anticipated-by-someone sequel isn't nearly as fun as the first. In fact, it's no fun. Fuck that dog. Will Smith is pretty okay, and Tommy Lee Jones was probably too good for this. Also on this episode, the guys discuss past states of pornography for no discernible reason, Jackass cast members, and avoid politics as best they can. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #48 - Spider-Man
03/11/2016 Duration: 02h55minHappy Anniversary, babies! A year of podcasting brings us to that time Sam Raimi cracked the web-slinger's cinematic code with 2002's Spider-Man. Hosts Allen Christian, Steven Granger, and Gerald James are once again joined by John Hall as they dive into the movie, the bad soundtrack, a bit about the source material, and the awful music made in the wall-crawler's name (and even make a litter of their own). Also discussed: Randy Savage. Surprise.
Episode #47 - Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight
27/10/2016 Duration: 02h17minThe Zane is back! It's a Halloween party as hosts Allen Christian, Steven Granger, and Gerald James are joined by the returning Lacey Day and the oft-mentioned, previously presumed dead John Hall. For our very special Halloween episode, we delve into the first Tales From The Crypt film Demon Knight. Billy Zane charms the pants off of us as a demon known as "The Collector", alongside William Sadler as the Demon Knight, Brayker. A young Jada Pinkett is kinda cool, Thomas Haden Church looks like Chad Kroeger and is a huge scumbag. Dick Miller is some guy that everyone has seen before but no one knows. Halloween memories are shared, Lacey Day reads too much into the movie, Allen has some serious issues with both Joss Whedon and David E. Kelley, Gerald loves them Saw movies, and we think we've had about enough of these movie things and they should stop making them. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #46 - Blade II
23/10/2016 Duration: 01h10minAllen, Steven, and Gerald tackle Guillermo del Toro's first foray into the comic book genre, 2002's Blade II. The film is better than the first, and probably the best of its breed, without transcending its genre. Wesley Snipes and Ron Perlman are cool and deserve their own movie together, Norman Reedus is overrated, and Kris Kristofferson is still an American treasure. More Halloween discussion, and Allen can't hold back his hatred for Kevin Nash. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #45 - From Hell
20/10/2016 Duration: 01h47minHosts Allen Christian, Steven Granger, and Gerald James dig into 2001's From Hell this week, starring Johnny Depp, Heather Graham, Ian Holm, and Robbie Coltrane. Directed by The Hughes Brothers, famed for their directorial efforts of Menace II Society and Dead Presidents. This unlikely follow up, loosely based off the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell, chronicles a fictitious account of the mystery of Jack the Ripper in Victorian England. It's kind of a snoozer, but is fairly entertaining. The boys once again forego the commentary style and engage in a freeform discussion about the film and the Halloween season. Also in this episode, the guys encourage the women of the world to step up and even out the gender disparity in the serial killer game, discuss the Mark Wahlberg vehicle Rock Star, the horrors of VH1 Classic, and Steven has odd beliefs about how to memorialize victims of serial killers. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website: fo
Episode #44 - Ghost World
08/10/2016 Duration: 01h41sThe boys try a new format, shortening this episode to a single hour segment. Allen, Steven, and Gerald watch 2001's Ghost World, and find nothing spooky about it. A coming of age tale about two teenage girls fresh out of high school, the film manages to be depressing and no one at the table had any fun. Characters are broken down and tangents are indulged. October is kicked off with some Halloween memories, Allen's visit to a real-life haunted house was a bust in the spook department, the boys rate everything they can think of, Allen turned down meth the one time it was offered to him, Steven and Allen wonder if their hate for these characters stem from how shitty they were straight out of high school, and the biblical penalties for suicide are reviewed. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website:
Episode #43 - Unbreakable
29/09/2016 Duration: 02h02minThe boys sit down to watch 2000's M. Night Shyamalan masterpiece, Unbreakable. The Challenger-like ascent of Shyamalan is discussed, and everyone marvels at the squandered potential of a truly talented writer and director. Samuel L. Jackson has the greatest sense of fashion the movie business has ever seen, and Bruce Willis is kind of an asshole. True to form, incredible tangents are indulged, as the political leanings of MTV VJs are dissected, Allen is a man of many wrestling-related nightmares, and Hulk Hogan is the biggest liar in the history of entertainment. Email: Twitter: @fourcolorfilm Facebook: Website: