Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 185:29:21
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In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!


  • The Coaching Industry Is Broken with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    25/11/2020 Duration: 18min

    I hate to say it but the coaching industry is broken. What most coaches don’t realize is that they are working against the way the brain is wired to get results. So many well meaning coaches have learned broken coaching methods which means they are coaching the wrong way… coaching the wrong thing! Coaching symptoms instead shifting at the source. And it’s not their fault! There is no governing body - no regulation - in the coaching industry. Which is why just about anyone can become a “coach”. Even though these coaches mean well and their heart is in the right place, because of these broken coaching methods - they could be causing more harm than good. Causing their clients to work harder in all the wrong ways, which stops lasting and genuine transformation. In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about the broken parts of the coaching industry.  Coaches are needed now more than ever! As a coach, we need to show up big, serve deeply, and help guide people to the best version of themselves. 

  • Creating Momentum in your Business with Alex Charfen

    18/11/2020 Duration: 56min

    Picture this.  Thousands of lives are being transformed… bettered… changed! People are walking in the fullness of their calling and in the fullness of their purpose. People are living as the best version of themselves. Good things are happening. People are being helped. Love and encouragement is being shared.  And it’s all because you helped them get there by stepping into your calling and walking in your EPIC vision, creating a legacy movement, and changing the world.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Alex Charfen about creating momentum in your business. Alex Charfen is the author of the Entrepreneur Personality Type & The Billionaire Code. He helps entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses and build game changing teams through his Charfen Cadence. And I am one of those entrepreneurs!  Epic Success has been growing in momentum for months now and I decided that I wanted to scale my business and build a world class team… Which is why I’m working with Alex! I can’t wait f

  • Eliminating Fear in Your Brain with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    11/11/2020 Duration: 28min

    How much are you letting fear control your life? What is the thing that you’re saying that is stopping you from playing big and doing the big things you desire to do? Seriously though… Take a second and think about it.  What is that fear-filled thought that you’ve been telling yourself over and over again for years? In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about how to Ditch Fear in the Brain so you can start choosing the life you want to live! Everyone has experienced some sort of fear and it’s totally normal! Fear is a part of life. It actually is there to keep us alive.  The amazing thing is that we have the power to rewire our brains for our advantage and actually ditch the fear that controls us.  Imagine life (and business) without the anxiety stopping you cold from playing big! Grab a pen and paper and let’s dive into how to ditch fear in the brain! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   Fear is the thing that your brain uses to keep you safe.   Your brain is wired to kee

  • STOP Stopping Yourself From Greatness with Dr. Shanon Irvine

    04/11/2020 Duration: 28min

    How many times have you planned on doing a social media live, only to stare at your face in the camera for five minutes, *palms sweaty*, and close the app because of nerves?  I know it’s not just me!  We make these big plans, we have the script and the steps and the to-do list but something always keeps us from actually doing it. We keep… stopping.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about how to hack your brain's protection system so that you Stop Stopping!  It's time to finally take action and start working your brain for your advantage so that you can build the life and business you’ve always dreamed of having. I can’t wait to dive into the three things that you must do to help your brain see that it’s safe to stop stopping! Grab a pen and paper and let’s jump into hacking your brain! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   You have automated stories that keep you playing small.    Your brain automates the thoughts that are repeated over time. You probably have automate

  • Your Brain & Money: The key to Unlimited Income with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    28/10/2020 Duration: 20min

    Money is… what? Okay... Tell me honestly, what was you first thought!?  The truth is, every single person is going to have a different answer. Every single person has different thoughts and beliefs about and around money. “Money is hard to make.” “Money is a necessary evil.” “Money is the root of all evil.” “Money is energy.” And then there’s the “I need more money.” “You can never have enough money.” And maybe for a few of you, “Money is easy to make and it comes to me easily!” Whatever the story is, the truth is, you have one… You have a money story.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about your brain and money - what you think and believe about money, and therefore what happens in your life because of it. Our brain automates all sorts of stories… Including money stories. What you believe about money and what you think about money matters.  I can’t wait to dive into your brain and money so that you can finally start choosing the thoughts in your brain that will bring you the money s

  • How Your Brain Wires Success & Failure with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    21/10/2020 Duration: 25min

    When I was a kid, we would drive through upscale neighborhoods and my dad would always say, “These people can only afford living here because they’re living off the work of good people.” In my young, child brain, I equated having money and living in a nice house to being a bad person. And my brain not only believed that for many, many years, but it caused me to operate and make decisions out of that belief. It held me back for a long time.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I break down How the Brain Wires Success and How the Brain Wires Failure. Our brain is wired in such a specific way and when we have an understanding of how the brain works and operates, we are able to work our brains for us, instead of our brains working us. I can’t wait to dive into success and failure in your brain so that you can go from stressed-success to thriving success.  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   Your negative thinking is not your fault.   First things first… The way you think is not.yo

  • Creating Success from the Inside Out with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    14/10/2020 Duration: 26min

    Have you ever been stretched too thin and overwhelmed? Me too! When I first started as an entrepreneur there was never enough of me to go around.  I wanted to do it all - run my business, grow my non-profit, care for my household, and be a mother - but I felt like I’d have to give something up.  What I didn’t know was that my brain was working against me… instead of having my brain work for me.  This week is the ninth week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk about the three key components that science teaches us about success in the brain.  Knowing how your brain works is key to understanding how you're wired, and if you don’t, you are at risk of working against your brain - instead of having your brain work for you and for your advantage.  I can’t wait to dive into the 3 key components that will help you become the creator of your thoughts so you can create the life you’ve always dreamed of having.  The biggest take-aways from today

  • Personality and Business Success with Alex Paulos

    07/10/2020 Duration: 59min

    What makes you tick? Why are you the way that you are? How many Buzzfeed quizzes and personality tests have you taken to figure it out? Which Disney Character am I? What color is my aura? Which Pumpkin Dessert Matches My Personality? (and for all my fall lovers… yes! That’s a real quiz!) It’s in our DNA to want to know! The amazing thing is… There’s a brain science behind knowing ourselves, our personalities, and other people’s too! This week is the eighth week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Alex Paulos about the brain science of recognizing people and personalities in your life and in your business. Alex Paulos is the author of the book, “Recognizing People” and an expert on the brain science of personality, facial recognition, and how all

  • The Mind-Body Connection in Your Business Success with Jacquelyn Umof

    30/09/2020 Duration: 44min

    I don’t know if you knew this or not but… We  store emotion in our body.  That stress, anxiety, overwhelm… All of that emotion comes from thoughts - and those thoughts are directly connected and interwoven with your body.  What you think affects your body. How your body feels affects your mind.  It’s Mind-Body Connection.  This week is the seventh week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Jacquelyn Umof  “Action Jacqulyn” about the differences between Mind-Body Connection and mind and body connection. Because there is a difference! Jacquelyn Umof is the Mind-Body Expert. She is an entrepreneur, YouTube personality, public speaker, the creator of Get Stretchy, the Co-Founder of Get Stretchy At Work. She understands how overwhelming health and fitne

  • Neurohacking Your Brain With Ben Cote

    23/09/2020 Duration: 50min

    Whether you think you can or think you can’t… You’re right.  Henry Ford said that in 1947 and he had a point. The things you think will play out in your day-to-day life. And lucky for us… Our brain is wired in such a way that we can neurohack what we want! Meaning… We can be the creator of our thoughts. You can be the creator of your thoughts. And in turn, create the reality you’ve always dreamed of having.  This week is the sixth week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Ben Cote about neurohacking your brain to achieve success in your life and in your business.  Ben Cote is the Director of Brand & Community at Neurohacker Collective and is a part of pioneering complex systems in science for human optimization and longevity - specifically wit

  • Regulating Your Success By Elevating The Nervous System with Brian MacKenzie

    16/09/2020 Duration: 38min

    Inhale. Exhale. Breathe in. Breathe out.  This week is the fifth week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Brian MacKenzie about the importance of breath work for optimizing your brain success, human health, and performance in your life and business. .  Brian MacKenzie is an innovator in human performance on stress adaptation and a pioneer in the development and application of custom protocols to uplevel individuals. His work harnesses and integrates respiratory, movement, strength, conditioning and endurance-based training approaches to achieve positive results. I can’t wait for you to dive deep with me in the importance of breath work to achieve brain success. The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Breathe is energy and it’s the on

  • The Mind, Body & Brain Connection with Dr. Jen Esquer

    09/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    How do you view your brain? How do you view your body? When you think about your brain and your body, are you separating the two? Over the years, I have had to be intentional about reminding myself that the two are connected. Mind and body go hand-in-hand and work within and around each other every.single.day.  This week is the fourth week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Dr. Jen Esquer about the connective piece between mind and body.  Dr. Jen (known as Doc Jen Fit) is a top-40 physical therapy influencer with a doctorate in physical therapy, and she is currently ranked as one of the Best Fitness Trainers. Dr. Jen is a mobility expert who helps people to connect the mind and the body so that they can move into the most creative and focused ve

  • Optimizing Your Brain’s Processing To Rewire Stress with Dr. Patrick Porter

    03/09/2020 Duration: 45min

    Do you ever wonder what it would be like to eliminate the thoughts that are holding you back? To stop thinking negative and self-destructive and self-sabotaging thoughts.  To stop falling into overwhelm and procrastination. And not only get rid of those thoughts, but actually rewire your brain and rewire those thoughts for.good. And I’m here to tell you that you can! This week is the third week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Dr. Patrick Porter about the intricate features and roles our brain plays in our day-to-day lives. Dr. Patrick Porter is an award-winning author, entrepreneur, and speaker. With 24 years of experience operating the largest self-help franchise, he has become a highly sought-after expert within the personal improvement ind

  • Building An Online Course with Amy Porterfield

    01/09/2020 Duration: 28min

    You are a part of the Epic Success Tribe, which means my hope for you comes down to this: That you'll be the creator of your thoughts to create the reality you’ve always dreamed of having—instead of operating out of fear, self-doubt and stressed-success. I don’t want you to have those stressed-out moments. Especially when it comes to getting your course online.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Amy Porterfield all about online course creating.  Amy teaches business owners, educators and entrepreneurs the profitable action steps for building a highly engaged email list, creating online training courses, and using online marketing strategies to sell with ease. Grab a pen and paper and get the steps to upleveling your online course and business.  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “The minute you compare yourself to someone else can lead to the death of being an entrepreneur.”    Comparison will always hold you captive. When you look at the front end of someone el

  • Creating Success by Clearing Trauma with Dr. Don Wood

    28/08/2020 Duration: 50min

    There are two childhood events that would forever impact my life. I was abandoned by my father, first as a one year old, then again at the crucial age of 12. The depth of the broken and unworthy feeling that came from my father’s abandonment colored everything I did. I leaned toward a driven sense of perfection. Although a successful career and entrepreneurship filled my life with excitement and material things, and I was good at what I did and loved what it brought me, I could not fill the hole in my heart.  I’m not the only one with this story or one similar to it. We all have our own trauma, and that trauma can color every aspect of our lives… if we let it. This week is the second week in our podcast series: The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Dr. Don Wood about the

  • The Brain Science of Success Series : Optimizing Your Brain for Success with Dr Bagnell

    19/08/2020 Duration: 41min

    Your brain (and mine)...    Are designed and wired and work and operate in a specific way.  It’s science. And the really amazing thing is… We have the power and ability to change and automate our brains to our advantage! This week kicks off our podcast series - The Brain Science of Success. I’ve invited some of my colleagues and leading doctors to come talk with you over the next few weeks about how to maximize the power of your brain to work for you - and not against you!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Dr. Bagnell about the way we can optimize our brains for our advantage and for our success.  Dr. Bagnell is a chiropractic doctor who practices brain based methods to help and heal his clients and their families. He promotes a whole health and wellness model - mind and body. Start tapping into the power of your brain, and grab a pen and paper and turn up the volume. This is for you! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “Our brain is helping us choose the way we li

  • Building Teams In Your Business with Kelly Roach

    12/08/2020 Duration: 37min

    Hustle. Hard work. 20 hour days. 7 days a week. Doing it alone. No team. No time. No freedom. No success. It’s easy to fall into the mindset of a solo-entrepreneur. It’s easy to fall into the pattern of all work and no play. It’s easy to fall into busy-ness and forget why you started your business in the first place.  And that doesn’t have to be you!  You can work hard, play harder, and still grow your business into the six, seven, and eight figures you’ve been dreaming of.  And you can do it by building a team.  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Kelly Roach aboud building teams that actually help you grow your business, profits, and vision.  Kelly Roach transforms overworked entrepreneurs into seven-figure CEO's. With her executive Fortune 500 experience, Kelly combines timeless business principles employed by billion-dollar corporations with the speed and agility of the most powerful online marketing strategies of today. If you’re ready to start tapping into the power of having

  • Scaling Your Business with Carl Allen

    05/08/2020 Duration: 34min

    What if what was blocking your success was 100% in your control? What if you could “flip the switch” to success in your brain and things that used to be hard and confusing, just worked? Wouldn’t you want to know how to do that? Well I can’t wait to tell you! But first I want to share something that might be hard to hear… and I have to share it anyway.  The reason you’re feeling stuck and the reason why you don’t see the success you’ve been dreaming of is...  Your brain isn’t wired for success... YET.  In other words - your brain is sabotaging your success and it’s getting in your way. In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with a special guest, Carl Allen, who specializes in mergers and acquisitions, buying and selling small businesses, and dealmaking.  Carl Allen is an Epic Success Program graduate who learned and applied the NeuroCoaching Model™️ every step of the way. He learned how to flip that success switch on in his brain and has used that framework to grow his business to 7, then 8

  • Flip The Switch From Money Mindset Blocks to 6 Figure Launches with Joy Foster

    30/07/2020 Duration: 30min

    I know you have a big desire to impact people in a big way. I know this because you’re here. I know this because you’re reading these words and putting in the work.  You want to transform people... the way they do things and the way they live their lives. You want to impact them through and through, and in a long lasting way.   I know you can do it... achieve the success you’ve been longing for and transform people along the way. And I want to help you do it, just like I’ve helped thousands of other entrepreneurs show up and serve big!  In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I interview Joy Foster of TechPixies. She unfolds the story of her entrepreneurship journey and how Epic Success Academy has helped her to unleash her success.  Joy is changing lives through her program by helping women gain the confidence they need in the tech world, all while implementing the things she teaches in her own life.  Get ready. Grab a pen and paper and listen! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:  

  • The 3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make That Blocks Sales & Keeps Them Stuck

    22/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”  “If I just work harder, I’ll be more successful.” “I need the latest strategy and funnel for my product to get big!” I used to think these exact things. I used to say these exact words. I used to work so hard that I was putting my mental and physical health on the line. And I didn’t have to do that in order to be successful. I didn’t have to do things harder. I didn’t have to work from a place of stress. And neither do you! In this week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I deep dive into the 3 Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make That Keep Them Stuck. Do you find yourself doing any of these? Lean in and listen to find out! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   Don’t chase strategy and funnels to be a successful entrepreneur.    The way we’ve been taught to achieve success is through strategies, through funnels, and through frameworks. Doing those things solely will not bring you success. Listen in - what you need to hear is a way for you to achieve the success you d

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