Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Habit Hacks your Brain Loves



One of the things I get asked a lot is how to change habits. I think we all have habits we would like to either get rid of or a new habit we’d like to build. What is one habit you would like to change or add to your life? Want to know how to neurohack your success through habits? Awesome! It’s not as “hard” as you may think. This week on the Epic Success podcast, I’m sharing how habit success is an inside job. One thing I know from my studies of NeuroPsychology is that becoming successful, in business AND life, is in the daily habits of what you think. It all comes back to theNeurocoaching Model™, which I skim the surface of today but go into depth on inside my Epic Success Program One of the best hacks for training your brain to transform your life and business is really leaning hard into neurohacking on a daily basis. Ready to learn how? The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “A habit is just a decision repeated over time, just like a belief is just a thought repeated over time.” A habit starts