The show for professional women who work with men. Women who are raising the upper limits on their voice, their presence, their pay and their impact, all while having a laugh. Each week we touch on topics that professional women deal with on a daily basis, and give actionable tips and advice, along with a good laugh to make the daily grind so much better.Youll get some great ideas, some funny stories and leave with a big Cheshire cat smile that will last the week. Its not complaining were just not that into mansplaining.
#19 - Get Rid of the Snark, Make a Bigger Impact
23/04/2017 Duration: 18minOne of the most important things to do before taking a big leap in your life is to clear your mind and soul of any snarkiness that has crept in. Snark, sarcasm and cynicism can easily become embedded in our psyches if we allow it to happen, and it will hold us back if we don’t make the choice to rid ourselves of it. We'll explore this topic in detail in today's podcast. Tune in so you can learn how to better tune OUT the negativity in your life, and how this can be such a game-changer for professional women. Find out more at Follow Lisa on Twitter @lisaguida
#18 - Always Learning With Stacy Cassio
19/04/2017 Duration: 33minIn this interview, Stacey Cassio spells it out so clearly. She loves to learn, she’s not takes leaps, and she loves where it all leads to. She has made a career out of being open to opportunities and actively learning all sorts of new things. Stacey is someone who lives and breathes the process of learning. Her story is defined by making the choice to try something new, having the courage to move on when she realized that she had outgrown where she was. These decisions have made for a really interesting career, and inspired her to launch her latest endeavor to help young women learn about all different kinds of careers: the Pink Mentor Network. Find out more at Follow Lisa on Twitter @lisaguida
#17 - Dr. Terri Pena: Women in Medicine & Functional Medicine
11/04/2017 Duration: 35minDuring April, we will be featuring women who have outgrown an aspect of their career and have successfully moved forward. On today’s show we have Terri Peña, MD, MBA, and Certified Functional Medicine Physician. Terri has some great stories– some surprising and some not so much, but all add up to outgrowing the traditional insurance-driven constraints of practicing medicine to moving beyond that to the fascinating approach she takes to Functional Medicine now. Be sure to visit to learn more about Terri’s work. You can also find Terri on Twitter and Instagram @RuckusWellness Find out more at Follow Lisa on Twitter @lisaguida
#16 - Make Your Own History: Procrastination, Freedom & Difficult Conversations
29/03/2017 Duration: 21minThis is the last episode in our Women's History Month series, and today we're going to talk about the importance of having difficult conversations, and not running away from them. I've put together a powerful 4-step formula that will help you get through and come out stronger afterwards. Tune in to learn more! Find out more at Follow Lisa on Twitter @lisaguida
#15 - Mergers, Acquisitions and Why You Should Play Hooky
22/03/2017 Duration: 17minWhat if you were about to quit your job, but your boss let you in a “big secret”: they were going to be acquired. He says it's going to be a huge influx on money and everyone will have new titles, stock options, pay, new technology- all the things they really wanted to do but hadn’t had that kind of cash to do. Do you stick to your guns and leave, or stick around and hope it might get better? What’s the right call in a situation like this? If you find yourself in this kind of scenario- where there is a merger or acquisition going on- I’ve got some great advice on this week’s podcast to help you do your own due diligence to protect and advance your career- and why playing hooky from your job might just help you find the answer. Find out more at Follow Lisa on Twitter @lisaguida
#14 - What Have You Outgrown At Work?
16/03/2017 Duration: 12minLast week we talked about the common trap of working so hard on someone else’s dream while forgetting to pursue your own. Today we're going to talk about outgrowing your role at work, and what a wonderful opportunity it represents. Don't miss this one- it's interactive, and we're gonna go deep! :) Find out more at Follow Lisa on Twitter @lisaguida
#13 - Don't Get Lost Working On Someone Else's Dream
08/03/2017 Duration: 29minIt's Women’s History Month, and it's time to ask yourself: "Am I working on my own dream, or spending my life building someone else's?" In today's podcast we take a look at how easy it is to find yourself in that position. A dream that may have once been important to you is now tucked away in the back of your mind. What happened? It's all too common. One day you wake up and realize that your current job no longer serves you. In fact, right now work isn't just frustrating, it downright sucks, and between the day to day B.S. and the lack of progress on a mission of your own, you’ve become…well…kind of snarky. Once you’ve entered Snarkville with your co-workers, it can be a challenge to get out. The good news is that we'll show the first steps to escaping in this week's episode! Find out more at Follow Lisa on Twitter @lisaguida
#12 - Michele Woodward on Dealing With the Office Bully
01/03/2017 Duration: 36minI’m delighted to have Michele Woodward on today’s episode of Women Who Work with Men. Michele is a Master certified coach and has worked with both men and women for many years (including me!). She is a recognized subject expert and frequently quoted about office politics and bullies in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Harvard Business Review, and other key publications. More can be learned about Michele at her website Don't forget to visit for show notes, exclusive updates and great tips for professional women who want to up their game in business and in life! Thanks for tuning in, -Lisa
#11 - Rachel Rodgers: Innovative Attorney & Ladyboss Product Developer
20/02/2017 Duration: 35minRachel Rodgers and I met several years ago, and it’s been a delight to watch her rock her own business and to work with her as well. She is a unique combination of talent and smarts that makes her one of the most interesting interviews I’ve done so far. Rachel is an intellectual property lawyer and the first person to launch a truly viable virtual law office. She is also the creator of the Small Business Body Guard and other products, and spends the rest of her offering business coaching to women entrepreneurs- all while chilling in her chateau in France. Not too shabby if you ask me Visit Why Leap Alliance to learn more.
#10 - Sh*t, He Shushed He Again
13/02/2017 Duration: 16minHow do you handle it when when you get talked over at the office? It’s happened to all of us. We speak up at a meeting and put ourselves out there, only to be shut down, ignored or talked over. We saw it happen last week at one of the highest levels when Elizabeth Warren was shut down in the Senate. Like her, we must persist. In todays podcast, we offer a couple of different approaches to this challenge. Visit for advice and tips for Professional Women who want to up their game in business and life!
#9 - Alyssa Simpson on Mentors, Watson & Women in Tech
07/02/2017 Duration: 31minI love when people take bold action and make big leaps in their careers, and Alyssa Simpson is one of those people. Alyssa is the Program Director, Product Management for Watson Signal Services at IBM. In today’s episode, Alyssa talks about her journey through the world of high tech, and how to succeed working as a woman in the male dominated tech community. We also discuss the big leaps she took in her career, and how important both having and being a mentor is to her. Definitely one of our most interesting interviews! I hope that you find her drive, clarity and willingness to share as inspirational as I did. Check us out at for more great tips and advice for professional women want more success in their careers and their lives.
#8 Planning Your 2017 Raise, Promotion or New Job
30/01/2017 Duration: 08minDo you wonder why some people seem to get promoted faster and receive bigger raises than others? Most people don’t get the raise or promotion they want because they don’t develop a plan to make it happen. Or if they do, then they don’t follow up with their boss on a regular basis regarding said plan. Instead, they spend each year doing things they believe add value to the company but not taking the time to confirm if it actually does. In today’s show, Lisa shows you a different approach to taking charge of your career. For more tips and strategies to help professional women advance in their careers and their lives, be sure to visit us as
#7 Negotiation Tips For Women
23/01/2017 Duration: 11minNegotiating. It’s a word that makes a lot of people uncomfortable, and today’s episode gives you some tips so that discomfort doesn’t end up costing you time, money, or benefits as you negotiate for a new job. We talk about how to present your present your request with confidence, and the importance of researching salaries for both your role and the ranges in the specific geographic area that you are looking at. Tune in to learn more! Check out the Why Leap Alliance for more of Lisa's tips and advice for Professional Women who want to up their game in business and in life!
#6 - Pamela Slim Interview
16/01/2017 Duration: 22minPamela Slim builds communities that truly connect. In addition to authoring the best-selling Escape From Cubicle Nation, she’s been helping small business owners to start and grow their businesses for many years with in-person workshops and retreats, as well as virtually. I have known Pam for several years and was thrilled to have her on the show to talk about the business incubator she's built in Mesa, AZ where she lives, and what she's learned about making an impact in her own community. You don't wanna miss this! Check out the Why Leap Alliance for more tips and advice for Professional Women who want to up their game in business and in life!
#5 - Escape Your Excuse Room
09/01/2017 Duration: 08minWe’ve all spent some time living in self-constructed Excuse Rooms. Today’s Podcast talks about an actual bar called “The Excuse Room” that was right down the road from where I once worked. It also talks about how easy it is to get caught up in the excuses we come up with in our lives, and how to challenge yourself to move past them. Check out the Why Leap Alliance for more tips and advice for Professional Women who want to up their game in business and in life!
#4 - Aretha Franklin, Owning Your Voice & Choices
02/01/2017 Duration: 22minI started 2016 by seeing Aretha Franklin on New Years Day. Man, how do you top that?* Aretha’s songs were fitting way to usher in the new year, because it marked the start of what I call my Year of RESPECT. In this podcast I'll teach you What I learned from Aretha How you can make 2017 YOUR Year of Respect, The Power of Making New Choices and Owning Your Voice & a whole lot more *I think I figured out how this year- it was very fun and very COLD! Check out Lisa's website at for show notes and more!
#3 - How to Make Effective Choices in 2017
26/12/2016 Duration: 19minMaking changes in our life starts with changing the choices we make. In this episode of Women Who Work With Men, in the list below, I’ve compiled some wonderful and simple tools to help you do just that. Check out the Why Leap Alliance for a list of the resouces mentioned in this episode and for more info on Lisa's expert coaching for professional women and successful team building!
#2 - Decisions are the Escape from Mediocrity
19/12/2016 Duration: 10minEach of us has a choice when we encounter challenges in our lives, jobs or relationships. We can give in and settle for mediocrity, or we can take the more difficult path and make conscious decisions about how to tackle these challenges- and stand by them. In today’s podcast, you’ll hear a great story about owning your voice and your decisions. It’s a story about a friend of mine, Desiree Adaway from The Adaway Group, and a recent experience she had that is especially relevant to the importance of making firm decisions, tenacity and resilience. Check out Lisa's website at for show notes and more!
#1 - Barbara Res on 18 Years Working With Donald Trump
12/12/2016 Duration: 28minBarbara Res is a woman who worked with Donald Trump on a near-daily basis for 18 years during the golden years of his construction empire, when Trump Tower was built. She first attracted his attention while working as the boots-on-the-ground person in charge of the reconstruction of the Grand Hyatt in NYC. She’s also an Engineer, an Attorney, and the author of All Alone on the 68th Floor: How One Woman Changed the Face of Construction. She offers insight into succeeding in construction as a woman, and Trump’s mindset and worldview like few people can. She also discusses and how his presidency may affect your roles as women in a male-dominated workplace. She shares the good and the bad, and also tells how he changed over time, and how these changes may be significant in his new role as the 45th President of the United States. Visit for show notes and more!
#0 - Intro & Owning Your "No"
04/12/2016 Duration: 14minThe show for professional women who work with men. Women who are raising the upper limits on their voice, their presence, their pay and their impact, all while having a laugh. Each week we touch on topics that professional women deal with on a daily basis, and give actionable tips and advice, along with a good laugh to make the daily grind so much better. In this first episode, Lisa Guida introduces herself, and shares the importance of putting your foot down and saying "No".