The Gender Knot



The podcast where we untangle the new masculinity and femininity.These are exciting times; we’re re-defining gender roles, but let’s be honest, we’re pretty confused about it all too. So let’s untangle it all together!Hosted by Nas, aka Nastaran Tavakoli-Far, aka @ntavakolifarGet involved! Take part in the discussion, share your thoughts, suggest topics, send voice memos, and any ideas about appearing in a future episode via the following:Website: thegenderknot@gmail.comTwitter:


  • Should men be involved in feminism?

    26/02/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    We have our live show on Monday 26th February! We’ll be joined by guests Michaela Wain entrepreneur, contestant on The Apprentice, and Chris Hemmings journalist, author of ‘Be a Man’ as we discuss: can women break into boys’ clubs?As we’re busy with our live show, we revisit the season 1 archive again this week and bring you our episode asking: should men be involved in feminism, and if so how?There’s been a trend for more men to get involved in feminism and it makes sense; if women are to overcome hurdles, many men need to learn what these are and how they can do their job in creating a more equitable world. But sometimes men who want to help out do more harm then good. Do male feminists help the cause, or simply hijack it for their own gains? Should women learn to cater messages to get men on board, or that part of the problem? And what are some things that even progressive men think about but don’t share about feminism?Note: Episode was first published on July 17th 2017.One week-

  • Masculinity Crisis? Mark Manson weighs in

    19/02/2018 Duration: 35min

    We’re gearing up for our first live show next week, so are replaying one of our favourite episodes from season 1.Mark Manson is a self-development expert and the author of the book ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck’. He writes about how to improve your career, relationships and life in general. He told us about the so-called masculinity crisis that is going on right now; whether it exists, and if so what the crisis is exactly. He also tells us about the struggles of masculinity and how to make it healthier.Live show: Monday 26th February, Ziferblat in London, 7 – 10 pm Guests:Michaela Wain - Entrepreneur and former The Apprentice contestant Hemmings, Journalist, author of ‘Be a Man’ Question: Can women break into boys’ clubs? Tickets: Available here Host and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-Far Co-host: Jonathan Freeman Co-producers: Cady Voge, Sam Baker and Jonathan Blackwell Guests: Mark Manson, author of ‘The Subt

  • Men and feelings: what’s the deal?

    12/02/2018 Duration: 54min

    Many men seem to struggle with expressing their feelings, and with generally dealing with their feelings in the first place. It’s a complaint women often have, but how much truth is there to this? What’s the deal with men and their feelings? Why do so many men struggle, and what can be done about it?Note: Live show in London on Monday 26th February – get your tickets here and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host: Jonathan FreemanCo-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan BlackwellGuests: Rotimi Akinsete, psychotherapist, Director of Wellbeing at the University of Surrey, Founder of Black Men on the CouchShad Tembo, early years teacher, leadership team at the Bristol Men in Early Years Network White and Green – makers of luxury organic bed linen. Get a 15% discount with the promo code: GENDER podcast: Burst Your Bubble**Related links:The Gender Knot podcast and Faceboo

  • Does gender shape business?

    05/02/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    The world of work was mostly made by men for men. As more women enter and rise through the economy, there’s a lot of dissatisfaction and discussion about how things are done; why is everything about achievement? Is making money really the be all and end all? And what’s the obsession with competition anyway?Many women are forming their own ways of working to suit how they want to do business, which brings forth the question: does gender shape business?Note: Live show – coming up on Monday 26th February, details below.Host and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host: Jonathan FreemanCo-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan BlackwellGuests:Alain de Botton, writer, philosopher, founder of The School of Life Sexton, founder of [Make Your Words Work, co-founder of Flock Global and co-host of Badass Women’s Hour Michel, cook White and Green – makers of luxury organic bed linen. Get a 15% discount

  • Are women too compassionate?

    29/01/2018 Duration: 55min

    Being understanding, empathetic, seeing the other side of the story, being compassionate: these are many very classic feminine traits. But the upside of someone who is too compassionate is often also someone who lets others walk all over them, or someone who doesn’t hold other people accountable for poor behaviour.Women are often expected to be compassionate and to keep the peace in social situations. Why is this, and what are the consequences if they don’t? And should women simply stop being so compassionate if they want to live more fulfilled lives and help others too?Note: Live show – coming up on Monday 26th February, join our Facebook group to find out more – details will be announced soon.Host and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host: Jonathan FreemanCo-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan BlackwellGuests:Lindsey Adler, journalist Gray, Jungian AnalystRecommended podcast: Out There links:Lindsey Adler’s article: ‘Har

  • Can men fail?

    22/01/2018 Duration: 53min

    The pressure to achieve is often a big deal for men across many cultures. Notions of success and failure are closely tied in with masculinity. At the same time, the past decade has seen huge changes in the global economy, and together with the rise of women, many men are losing their places in society.An MC and a teacher help us delve into this question of whether men can fail, a question that is key to so many men’s personal lives, as well as the big social and political changes taking place right now.Host and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host: Jonathan FreemanCo-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan BlackwellGuests:Dizraeli, MC and poetAlice, teacherRecommended podcast: That’s when you get a dog links:Dizraeli Gender Knot podcast and Facebook Group Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons) and 5 Pieces by Black Ant (us

  • Sex and self-worth

    19/01/2018 Duration: 49min

    We explore some differing experiences: from a young man who tried to get respect from men through sleeping with women, to sex in a long term monogamous relationship, to the in-betweens. And can we ever really get self-worth from sex in the first place?Host and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host: Jonathan FreemanCo-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan BlackwellGuests: MattRose and Gail Reid, hosts of the podcast Details Please links:The Gender Knot podcast and Facebook Group Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons)

  • How can men best help feminism?

    08/01/2018 Duration: 58min

    We kick off season two with a question for men who want to be better allies to women: how can men best help feminism?It’s a pivotal moment in history, and so many men want to help out, but what should they do more of and what should they avoid? And what can we learn from the push for racial equality which can be applied to the movement for gender equality?Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host: Jonathan FreemanCo-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan BlackwellGuests:Jackson Katz, author and educatorEugene Ellis, psychotherapist, director of The Black, African, Asian Therapy Network links:Jackson Katz’s Ted talk: ‘Violence against women, it’s a men’s issue’ Gender Knot podcast and Facebook Group Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons)

  • How will #MeToo affect dating?

    01/01/2018 Duration: 20min

    Many people have expressed concern about what behaviour is or isn’t appropriate when it comes to dating, including dating in the workplace. We explore the nuances.We also welcome our co-host for season 2: Jonathan Freeman.Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host: Jonathan FreemanCo-producers: Sam Baker, Jonathan BlackwellGuest: Daniel Carroll, co-host of the podcast Fine and Dandy with Dan and Andy links: The Gender Knot Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons)

  • Nico Tortorella: Family and Sexuality

    18/12/2017 Duration: 19min

    The actor and model Nico Tortorella has talked about being sexually fluid, and explores his sexuality and his relationships in his podcast The Love Bomb. The star of the hit TV series Younger talks to us about his experiences with coming out to his family, as well as something he wishes he’d said but never did.This interview with Nico was recorded in October 2016, so he talks in the context of his life back then.We’ll be back with series two of The Gender Knot on January 8th 2018.Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-producers: Sam Baker, Jonathan BlackwellGuests: Nico Tortorella, actor and modelRelated links: Nico’s podcast The Love Bomb Gender Knot Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons) Sourpatch by Glass Boy (used under Creative Commons)

  • Mark Manson: Men’s Groups

    20/11/2017 Duration: 26min

    The transformational power of men’s groups have come up several times on this podcast, but men’s groups often have a pretty bad and misleading reputation. The author of ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck’ talks about a men’s group in Boston which transformed his life and tells us what actually happened in this group in the first place.Also, this is the final episode of season 1. We will be back with season 2 on January 8th 2018.In the meantime, check out the cool podcast The Broad Experience, which is all women and the workplace.Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-Far Co-producers: Sam Baker, Jonathan Blackwell and Cady Voge Guests: Mark Manson, author of best seller ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck’ and self-development expert Alec Molloy, guest from the episode on Redefining and Owning MasculinityRelated links: The Gender Knot Podcast recommendation:The Broad Experience Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Cr

  • Why don’t men talk?

    13/11/2017 Duration: 26min

    Dizraeli had a breakdown last year. The MC and poet found it hard to talk about what was going on with him, and also found little support from men when he did reach out. He managed to seek help and is now focused on exploring why men don’t talk and how to get men to open up and to communicate honestly.Dizraeli tells us about how masculinity leaves little room to explore the inner life, and to even have a language to describe what they are going through, and helps us delve into the question: Why don’t men talk?Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan BlackwellGuests: Dizraeli, MC and poetRelated links: The Gender Knot Government Funded Weed by Black Ant (used under Creative Commons) Sourpatch by Glass Boy (used under Creative Commons)

  • Theresa May - jumping on the LGBTQ+ bandwagon?

    06/11/2017 Duration: 27min

    Theresa May recently attended the Pink News Awards – the first sitting UK Prime Minister to do so. These awards recognise people who have worked to improve LGBTQ plus life in the UK. Some people praised her for this and for a speech she gave at the awards, but others have seen it as a cynical move from a PM trying to look good in this community, because Theresa May’s voting record hasn’t always been supportive of the LGBTQ plus community.We try to untangle this with the hosts of the UK’s leading LGBTQ plus podcast: A Gay and a Non Gay – that’s James Barr and Dan Hudson.Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-producer: Cady VogeGuests: James Barr and Dan Hudson, hosts of the podcast A Gay and a Non Gay links: A Gay and a Non Gay present: David Bowie made me gay, event on 9th November at Waterstones, Tottenham Court Road May’s article for Pink News, July 2017 28

  • Mark Manson: is there a masculinity crisis?

    30/10/2017 Duration: 32min

    Mark Manson, the author of the New York Times bestseller ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck’ and self-development expert, has spent a decade or so working closely with people, helping them improve all aspects of their lives, and has written insightfully and entertainingly about how to improve all aspects of your life, be it emotional, professional or romantic. He’s also worked closely with men, doing one-on-one coaching, as well as writing about masculinity, and his own journey to where he is now. So, given all the current debates about the problems in masculinity, we just had to talk to him!We ask Mark: is there a crisis in masculinity? We also talk about the problems with certain elements of masculinity and the solutions to these, and also touch on some of the better parts of masculinity.We also give a shout out to the podcast Details Please, with mother and daughter duo Gail and Rose Reid.Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-producer: Cady VogeSponsor: Casper, state-of-the-art mattresses 

  • #MeToo: how should men respond?

    23/10/2017 Duration: 19min

    #MeToo has seen women around the world sharing their experiences with sexual harassment and sexual assault. Now two other hashtags have grown in response, and these are about experiences on the other side of #MeToo.With #IHave and #IDidThat men who have harassed or assaulted women publicly confess to this. But we argue that this doesn’t do women or the whole point of #MeToo any good. These hashtags take the focus away from actually listening to women’s experiences, and are deeply problematic on a host of levels.Host: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-producer: Cady VogeGuest: Lucy, guest from the episode on Men and FeminismSponsor: Casper mattresses Links: The Gender Knot

  • Deray McKesson: activism

    16/10/2017 Duration: 31min

    Being an activist is all about changing the world: from the structures that shape our societies down to the daily conversations we have with each other. Deray McKesson has been active in Black Lives Matter and he is closely involved with people and entire communities both on the ground, and online, and has worked in and with schools in various parts of the US. He also hosts the podcast Pod Save the People, discussing the important topics of each week with a host of experts, community organizers and journalists. He’s therefore on the forefront of some of the most important social changes and discussions taking place in the US today.Deray talked to us about masculinity in the context of his work as an activist, his race and his sexuality.We also discuss some of the news of the past week: namely, Harvey Weinstein, and we hear from the author Mark Manson as we try to understand the culture of silence surrounding Weinstein, from men as well as from women.Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-produce

  • Women journalists calling people out

    09/10/2017 Duration: 38min

    We recently asked if women politicians can call people out, a subject that was pertinent given Hillary Clinton’s latest book where she does just that. Now we turn to women journalists. Journalism is all about raising uncomfortable questions, speaking up and having to call people out, especially those in power. But women journalists face especially harsh abuse online, and the BBC’s Laura Kuennesberg even had to have a bodyguard at a recent party conference after receiving very violent threats online. We speak to Eleanor Mills, editor of the Sunday Times Magazine and the chair of Women in Journalism, and try to untangle whether women journalists can call people out, and the pros and cons of being a woman with regards to speaking up.We’ll look at some transgender terminology that people frequently use incorrectly, after Nas did just this on a recent episode, and we recommend two podcasts for you to check out: The Ministry of Ideas and Badass Women’s Hour.Host & producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-produ

  • Hugh Hefner’s Vision for Men

    02/10/2017 Duration: 26min

    Playboy founder Hugh Hefner passed away last week. There’s been a ton of debate about his impact on women: did he treat them as sex objects or did he liberate them from strict sexual values? And people have also been talking about his contribution to civil rights.We decided to take a different approach on this episode, and instead to delve into his vision for men. Hugh Hefner thought the modern man could be sexually liberated and sophisticated and interested in women and into material success whilst also being into intellectual pursuits. We explore what this actually means and how it impacted Hugh Hefner’s own life by talking to Nathan Robinson, editor of Current Affairs Magazine, and we also hear from comedians and podcast hosts Daniel Carroll and Andy Haynes on how Hefner went down for them.Host Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-producer Cady VogeGuests Nathan Robinson, editor of [Current Affairs magazine]( Daniel Carroll and Andy Haynes, comedians and hosts of the podcast Fine

  • Hillary Clinton’s “Blame Game”

    25/09/2017 Duration: 01h20min

    Hillary Clinton apparently isn’t authentic. Except for when she is, and then no one can handle it!Hillary Clinton’s new book ‘What Happened’ delves into the circumstances around her losing last year’s American presidential election to Donald Trump. She calls people out, and does so directly and by name, these being people who she believes are partially responsible for her losing the election. And she also points fingers at herself as well. Some people are loving her raw expressions, while many, many others are telling her to be quiet, and to sit down, or at least saying that it’s better to look ahead rather than to dwell on the past, which is a more polite way of saying that they don’t really want to hear it.However, what is most baffling is that a politician and an aspiring leader would be told to sit down and would be discouraged from speaking out when, after all, isn’t that what politicians and leaders are supposed to do – to stand up and to call people out?The question we’re trying to answer is this: can

  • Is gender relevant?

    18/09/2017 Duration: 09min

    We’re trying to untangle the new masculinity and femininity, but is that even a relevant mission? Or should we be trying to figure out a post-gender world instead? Journalist Dina Newman was born in Russia and now lives in London. She believes the world is moving beyond masculinity and femininity and it’s more about untangling the new humanity. She joins us as we question the very premise of this podcast!Host & producer Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-producer Cady VogeGuest: Dina Newman, journalist links:The Gender Knot

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