The Gender Knot

Are women too compassionate?



Being understanding, empathetic, seeing the other side of the story, being compassionate: these are many very classic feminine traits. But the upside of someone who is too compassionate is often also someone who lets others walk all over them, or someone who doesn’t hold other people accountable for poor behaviour.Women are often expected to be compassionate and to keep the peace in social situations. Why is this, and what are the consequences if they don’t? And should women simply stop being so compassionate if they want to live more fulfilled lives and help others too?Note: Live show – coming up on Monday 26th February, join our Facebook group to find out more – details will be announced soon.Host and producer: Nas aka Nastaran Tavakoli-FarCo-host: Jonathan FreemanCo-producers: Sam Baker and Jonathan BlackwellGuests:Lindsey Adler, journalist Gray, Jungian AnalystRecommended podcast: Out There links:Lindsey Adler’s article: ‘Har