The Cv Confidence Coach Podcast | Cv Writing Tips | Cv Tips | Lis Mcguire | Giraffe Cvs



If you need a compelling, interview-winning CV to achieve your career goals, then The CV Confidence Coach podcast is for you. Join Lis McGuire, a professional CV writer and founder of Giraffe CVs, for a weekly podcast jam-packed with CV writing tips and advice. Each week Lis shares proven and simple strategies to help you craft a compelling CV which increases career confidence, optimises your professional visibility and opens interview doors.


  • How to safeguard your reputation in online communities

    28/09/2015 Duration: 08min

    Are you revealing more than you should in online communities? This week's podcast looks at the risks of oversharing in social media groups and online forums, helping you to safeguard your reputation online.

  • Confident CV: Should you include a photo on your UK CV?

    22/09/2015 Duration: 08min

    Tune in to discover why including a photo on your UK CV is not a good idea, and what you should do instead.

  • Confident job search: Seven tips to bring back job search mojo

    14/09/2015 Duration: 08min

    Are you a jobseeker who is having a serious case of the motivational wobbles? This week's podcast features seven tips to help you rediscover your job search mojo.

  • Confident LinkedIn: Why your CV and LinkedIn profile must tally

    04/09/2015 Duration: 11min

      Would someone who decides to search for you on LinkedIn, having read your CV, be able to quickly identify your profile from the search results? Once they have clicked through, would they be clear and confident that the profile relates to one and the same person presented by the CV?   Not sure? Log out of your LinkedIn account and conduct a search for your name, as presented on your CV. If the above rings true, I’d recommend that you address the issue. This week's podcast outlines why.     If you are keen to optimise your LinkedIn profile, and use the platform to your advantage, then why not order LinkedIn Explained? This easy-to-follow eBook guide shares proven strategies and tips to help you build a strong presence on LinkedIn, supporting your professional credibility and career goals. Whether you intend to use LinkedIn to search for a new job, would like offers to come to you, or would like to build and maintain your network; this book will help. Buy now for $14 (about £9 plus VAT), and pay in the cu

  • Confident Job Search: How to deal with gatekeepers

    24/08/2015 Duration: 07min

    Gatekeepers can play a vital role in your job search, determining whether your CV makes the first pass. Or not. This week's podcast discusses how to treat gatekeepers in your job search, with lessons inspired by a roadblock.

  • Confident job search: Google Alerts and your job search

    17/08/2015 Duration: 07min

      Google Alerts is a handy, free, and powerful tool that can make a big difference to your job search. Quick to set up, and easy to use, Google Alerts can keep you informed of emerging news in relevant areas, sending updates straight to your inbox. This week's podcast discusses three ways to use Google Alerts in your job search.  

  • Confident LinkedIn: Seven ideas for your LinkedIn background image

    12/08/2015 Duration: 07min

    Is your LinkedIn background blank? Are you wondering how to fill it? This week's podcast has seven ideas for your LinkedIn background image, with bonus advice on how to source the right image.

  • Confident LinkedIn: Three LinkedIn character counts you need to know

    31/07/2015 Duration: 07min

    Did you know that LinkedIn allocates specific character counts to its profile fields? This week's podcast outlines three specific character counts that you should know to optimise your LinkedIn profile. You may also be interested to check out Andrew Foote's handy infographic for a full complement of LinkedIn character counts. Want to find out more about LinkedIn? Order LinkedIn Explained! If you want to master LinkedIn and use the platform to your advantage, why not order Giraffe CVs' easy-to-follow guide? Click here to order this new eBook, which shares proven strategies and tips to help you build a strong presence on LinkedIn, supporting your professional credibility and career goals.

  • Confident CV: Sandcastles and your CV

    26/07/2015 Duration: 10min

    If you are struggling to identify your personal qualities and capture them on your CV, then I’d recommend building a sandcastle. It may seem like a strange suggestion, but tune in to find out why.    

  • Confident CV: Supermassive black holes on your CV

    20/07/2015 Duration: 07min

    A black hole on your CV is an area of your experience that is clouded by uncertainty, shrouded in mystery, and which can cause uneasy wonder. These black holes can have a negative, consuming impact on the other data you present to market your skills and achievements. This podcast outlines how to demystify black holes, and discusses how to present a career gap in a positive light.

  • Choice + Chance + Change = Your Career | Interview with David Shindler

    14/07/2015 Duration: 22min

    In this podcast, I interview David Shindler, employability expert, author, career coach, blogger, and speaker. David’s insights are really helpful to anyone considering a job or career transition. Whether you are a student or graduate seeking to enter the workplace for the first time, looking to change your job or career, return to work after a career break, or achieve a promotion, David has practical advice to support your transition and help you optimise your employability.

  • Confident CV: Colour and your CV

    09/07/2015 Duration: 14min

    Colour can deliver an instant and powerful message about your self-perceived qualities and evoke a lasting memory of your personal brand. Yet colour is often underrated in the job search. Tune in to find out how to use colour confidently and appropriately on your CV. You may also be interested in this blog on colour and your CV, which contains relevant links mentioned on the podcast.    

  • Social media and your job search - Tony Restell tells all

    02/07/2015 Duration: 28min

      Lis McGuire interviews Tony Restell, social recruiting entrepreneur and founder of specialist social media marketing agency   Tune in to find out:   How recruiters are sourcing candidates via social media in 2015;   How active candidates should best engage with would-be recruiters on social media;   How passive candidates should best present their social media profiles;   The best social media platforms for candidates to focus their efforts on in 2015;   Dos and don’ts for candidates using social media;   How candidates can engage on social media whilst keeping their job search under wraps.

  • Confident Branding: Colour and your personal brand with Jane Lowther

    28/06/2015 Duration: 26min

    Lis McGuire interviews House of Colour image consultant and personal brand expert, Jane Lowther, about the power of colour and its impact on your personal brand. Tune in to discover: how your personal image can positively or negatively impact your job search; how colour can affect how you are perceived; how to dress for a face-to-face interview; tips for a Skype or video interview; how to dress for a telephone interview; tips for attire in LinkedIn headshots; how to carry your personal brand forward in other areas of presentation.  

  • Confident LinkedIn: Raise your profile on LinkedIn

    24/06/2015 Duration: 17min

    Over the past week six weeks, I've made some big changes to my LinkedIn profile. This week on the podcast, I talk about the changes I made and the impact this had on my LinkedIn visibility and ranking. Check out my new profile here.

  • Confident Career: Inspiring quotes to ignite career mojo

    15/06/2015 Duration: 11min

    Sometimes, we all need a little inspirational pick-me-up. The right words at the right time can give a mental boost, inspire a positive mindset, and encourage powerful action. This week, Lis shares six of her favourite career quotes to ignite your career mojo.

  • Confident LinkedIn: LinkedIn status update ideas

    08/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    Stumped for what to say or share on LinkedIn? This podcast outlines 11 status update ideas, helping you to raise your credibility and visibility on the platform.

  • Confident CV: Is your CV leaving money on the table?

    01/06/2015 Duration: 06min

      Could your CV be leaving money on the table? For two pages of A4, your CV can have a surprising and lasting impact on your career prospects and earning potential. Assuming that it has done its job, and secured you an interview, there is still a chance your CV isn’t working as hard for you as it might.  

  • Confident Career: Do you have a parallel universe CV?

    21/05/2015 Duration: 07min

    What would your CV look like in a parallel universe? Did a split-second decision determine your current career path? This week, Lis McGuire mulls over the concept of your career played out in another dimension, determined by a career crossroads or sliding doors moment.

  • Confident personal branding using social media

    15/05/2015 Duration: 36min

    This week I'm delighted to interview the extremely talented Lisa Whalley-Smith of Klarity Marketing. In my very first podcast interview, Lisa shares top tips on building and maintaining your personal brand online using social media platforms. Whether you are actively searching for a new job, or simply seeking to build your professional profile, this podcast is jam-packed with tips for you. Connect with Lisa Whalley-Smith on: Twitter: @lisafromklarity Instagram: @lisafromklarity Pinterest: @lisafromklarity Facebook: /klaritymarketing LinkedIn: Lisa Whalley-Smith  

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