The Cv Confidence Coach Podcast | Cv Writing Tips | Cv Tips | Lis Mcguire | Giraffe Cvs



If you need a compelling, interview-winning CV to achieve your career goals, then The CV Confidence Coach podcast is for you. Join Lis McGuire, a professional CV writer and founder of Giraffe CVs, for a weekly podcast jam-packed with CV writing tips and advice. Each week Lis shares proven and simple strategies to help you craft a compelling CV which increases career confidence, optimises your professional visibility and opens interview doors.


  • Confident Job Search: Seven deadly sins of job hunting

    24/07/2014 Duration: 05min

    This week, The CV Confidence Coach considers the seven deadly sins of job hunting: greed, gluttony, lust, envy, sloth, wrath and pride. Are you guilty of any of these vices in the context of your job search? If you enjoy this podcast, you may also be interested to read Giraffe CVs' recent blog on the subject: Thanks for listening!  

  • Confident CV: Targeting your CV

    17/07/2014 Duration: 10min

    Lis McGuire, The CV Confidence Coach, chats about what targeting your CV means in practical terms, when you should target your CV and how to achieve a targeted CV that really speaks to your target recruiter. 

  • Confident CV: Graduate CV Tips

    10/07/2014 Duration: 10min

    With graduates far and wide packing up their studies and embarking on their career journey, competition is likely to be stiff for graduate roles.  With this in mind, presenting the best possible version of your graduate CV is more important than ever. This week, The CV Confidence Coach podcast discusses nine career-boosting changes graduates can make to their CV. 

  • Confident job search: Harnessing social media for your job search

    03/07/2014 Duration: 11min

    Have you ever wondered how you can use social media to secure your next role?  The CV Confidence Coach discusses how you should and shouldn't present yourself on social media, and how you can engage with target organisations to get noticed for the right reasons.

  • Confident CV: Using keywords on your CV

    26/06/2014 Duration: 07min

    What are keywords?  Why are they important to your CV?  How can you work out which ones to use?  Then, once you've decided on your keywords, how should you use them on your CV?  Listen in to The CV Confidence Coach's latest podcast to find out the answers!

  • Confident CV: 10 power verbs to use on your CV

    19/06/2014 Duration: 06min

    Your two-page CV needs to say a lot in relatively few words, so choosing the right words is essential.  This week The CV Confidence Coach talks about ten power verbs that Giraffe CVs frequently use on CVs. 

  • Confident CV: Interests and hobbies on your CV

    12/06/2014 Duration: 08min

    Should you or shouldn't you feature your hobbies and interests on your CV?  The debate continues to rage, and in this week's podcast I discuss my personal take on the issue.   

  • Confident Job Application: How to write a great cover letter

    05/06/2014 Duration: 08min

    A cover letter can make or break your application for a desirable job.  This week, The CV Confidence Coach podcast looks at how to write a great cover letter that will engage the reader and ensure your CV gets read.

  • Confident CV: Ask 'So what?' and 'Says who?' to refine your CV content

    28/05/2014 Duration: 07min

    Scrutinising your CV before the recruiter does is a great way to make sure your content is as strong as it possibly can be.  This week, Lis McGuire, The CV Confidence Coach, outlines how asking two very simple questions ('So what?' and 'Says who?') can make all the difference to what you say on your CV and how you say it.

  • CV Confidence: Why it's a bad idea to lie on your CV

    22/05/2014 Duration: 07min

    Join Lis McGuire, the CV Confidence Coach as she discusses why it is a really bad idea to lie on your CV and some of the most common lies candidates include on their CV.

  • Confident CV: Your CV profile

    15/05/2014 Duration: 07min

    This week's podcast focuses on what is often regarded as one of the trickiest elements of CV writing: the profile section.  Lis McGuire, The CV Confidence Coach, explains what the CV profile is, why it is so important and how to go about writing one. 

  • Confident CV: CV sanity checklist

    07/05/2014 Duration: 09min

    If you think you are nearly there with your CV, then the CV Confidence Coach's CV sanity checklist is for you.  This week's podcast will give you food for thought to shape and perfect your CV content before hitting the send button.  For more questions please view Giraffe CVs' blog at

  • Confident CV: Why two pages is plenty when writing your CV

    01/05/2014 Duration: 09min

    Lis McGuire, The CV Confidence Coach, shares her insight on the ideal CV length and explains why two pages is plenty when writing your CV.  Lis outlines common CV space eaters which cause CVs to run over the recommended two-page limit.  Finally she shares strategies on how to prioritise the information you are including on your CV.

  • Confident CV: The benefits of using a great CV (and why a mediocre CV just will not do)

    24/04/2014 Duration: 07min

    A CV is a vital part of your career toolkit, an essential document to position yourself for future success.  This week's podcast outlines the benefits of using a great CV and explains why a mediocre CV just will not do.  Join Lis McGuire, the CV Confidence Coach as she discusses why so many people have bad CVs, the consequences of having a bad CV and the BIG benefits of having a great CV. 

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