Lbp Stories

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:05:17
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LBP Stories Podcast


  • Episode 42. Andrew John Teague


    This week I talk to Parental Alienation campaigner Andrew John Teague. A left behind parent himself, Andrew has done some amazing work in the U.K. raising awareness of P.A., through organisastions D.A.D.D.S (Dads Against Double Standards) and N.A.A.P. (National Association of Alienated Parents). He's also campaigned through "Walk for Change" and "Shirt off their backs". In this episode we talk about his work and organisations, as well as the N.A.A.P. Report "Parental Alienation in the U.K." D.A.D.D.S. N.A.A.P. Read the Report- Join the Conversation on Facebook - Vote For LBP Stories in the Australian Podcast Awards

  • Episode 41. Australian Family Law Reform.


    Introduction Audio Mayim Bialik The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has released an Issues Paper for its Review of the Family Law System, and is calling for submissions from the public. The family law system is undergoing its first, independent comprehensive review since the inception of the Family Law Act 1975 more than forty years ago. Much has changed in Australian social and family life since then. For example, there are more people living together outside marriage, there are more changes in relationships and stepfamilies, reproductive technologies mean families can be formed in diverse ways, same-sex marriage is now legalised, and there is greater awareness of the prevalence of family violence and child abuse and the damage they can cause. In this episode I discuss the Issues paper and it's content relating to IPCA and PA. And add my thoughts. This episode is a call to action for all Australians who have recently gone through the Family Courts to have

  • Episode 40. Tony Brown


    When Tony Brown separated from his wife of 18 years, he thought it would be amicable, and that he would be able to continue his relationship with his 3 daughters. But the truth was anything but, in what was a classic example of Parental Alienation. This is a story that many will relate to. 9 warning signs of parental alienation The impact of parental alienation Parental Alienation what is the solution? Parental alienation and it's repair Father Absence, Father deficit, father hunger UK parental alie

  • Episode 39. Randall L. Murphy

    10/03/2018 Duration: 01h00s

    Randall L. Murphy's two children, Hannah and Ryan were taken by their mother to Canada under very unusual circumstances. Since then Randall has been fighting every legal battle he can to have them returned. He is also heavily involved in advocacy through  iStand. Vote for LBP Stories in Australian Podcast Awards Join the Conversation

  • Episode 38. The Hague Convention with Carolina Marín Pedreño


    The Hague convention is something that affects many LBP's who are trying to seek the return of abducted children. But What it it and how does it work? This Week I'm pleased to bring you my interview with Carolina Marin Pedreno. Carolina is a Spanish Abogado, who cross-qualified as a Solicitor in 2006. She is known as a “go-to practitioner for cross-border work involving both public and private children cases”.She specialises in international cases particularly child abduction, registration and enforcement of foreign contact orders, leave to remove, residence, contact and public law cases. Carolina is a frequent lecturer and author on family law and has been interviewed by the press on many occasions. In 2016, she was invited by the Spanish Judicial Council to participate in the training of the Spanish Judiciary in international family law. She is consistently ranked by both Chambers and The Legal 500.

  • Episode 37. FAQ’s


    Just me this week, discussing some LBP related news and stories. Then I go through some frequently asked questions I've been asked over the years. Ranging from how I choose my guests for the show, my own personal story and parental alienation as a whole. Vote for LBP Stories  in the Australian Podcast awards Recent news

  • Episode 36 Noelle Hunter


    In 2011 Noelle Hunter's daughter Muna was taken by her father to the African nation of Mali. Noelle then fought an international tug of war to have Muna returned to her home in the U.S. Noelle is now very active in advocacy and lobbying the U.S. government through her work with iStand Parent Network. Join the conversation on Facebook

  • Episode 35. Michelle Littleton


       Michelle Littleton’s three children, ages 6, 13, 14, were taken to Lebanon by their father on Jan. 4, 2017. The father, Mazen Fawzi Matar, has refused to return the children, despite a federal kidnapping charge and a demand to return order from the Orange Co. Superior Court. Michelle hired an attorney in Lebanon, and has won two court judgement's in favor of the children’s concern. Notably, the December 26, 2017 ruling in Sharia law court also affirmed the mother’s full custody status and the children’s return to America will need to be won in the Lebanese Civil court proceedings coming up. Michelle has also been campaigning in the U.S. and has met with many politicians calling for law reform and assistance. ******UPDATE. Since recording this episode, just 2 days before it aired, Michelle was able to talk to her children on the phone for the first time********* Also, should LBP's just be grateful that they had kids and just 'buck up and move on'? This was a comment that was made to me on my Facebook pag

  • Episode 34. Barbie Hise


    One year ago this week, Barbie Hise's life changed, when her son Zander was abducted by his father to Malta. Barbie then fought and lobbied for her son's return, and now campaigns to try to raise awareness and prevent further children being abducted. I also discuss suicide rates in Australia. Is it true that 21 fathers a week take their own lives? There's more to this than just numbers. Join the discussion

  • Episode 33. Alec Baldwin (sort of) and Me.


    Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin, is possibly the most high profile Parental Alienation awareness advocate, having personally been alienated from his daughter Ireland. I doubt I'll ever be able to actually be able to interview him for my show, but I still felt there was benefit in sharing his message. So this week I share audio of an interview he did on 'Larry King Live' in 2009, along with Micheal McCormack and Mark Tabb. After playing the interview, I dissect what they discuss and share my own thoughts. And of course I have links to sources to back up what we say. Watch the interview here - Buy Alec's book - What is Parental Alienation Syndrome? -

  • Episode 32. Brian Prager


    Brian Pragers son Rui was taken by his mother from America to Japan in 2010. In this episode Brian discusses the circumstances under which Rui was taken, and his memories of his son. We also talk about his work with the LBP movement. Brian is also a musician and I end the show with a song he wrote and performed entitled 'A Reign Of Love' For more about Brian and his story go to - Join the Conversation -

  • Episode 31. Amanda Sillars


    As a child, Amanda Sillars was abducted from Australia to the  U.S. by her father, alienating her from her mother. Then, as an  adult her 2 children were taken by their father from Australia's west coast to the East coast, once again causing her to become alienated. Having experienced alienation as a child and a parent, Amanda has taken up the fight to raise awareness of Parental Alienation, through  her foundations Eeeny Meeny Miney Mo, and parental alienation Australia. As well as her story we also discuss the importance of Gender Inclusiveness when discussing alienation, the flaws in the Australian family court system and extremism in the Feminist and MRA movements. Join the discussion - https://www.facebook.c

  • ++Bonus Episode++ My interview with ‘The Atheist Stories’ Podcast


    Bonus Episode for podcast subscribers only. Early last year I did an interview for the short lived "Atheist Stories Podcast". It was the only episode broadcast so far. Although not strictly LBP related, I do go into detail about losing Liam and how the actions of his mother and her friends affected me, for better and for worse. And how I lost my faith in God and religion. As the show has not been made available for download, it's creator Josh Brogan gave me permission to share it here. I know the subject matter will not be to the taste of all of my listeners but it's a part of my story that I wanted to make available. Strong language warning.

  • Episode 30. Alissa and Leo Zagaris


    A few weeks ago I did a two part episode entitled 'LBP's Go to Washington' that covered a conference of LBP's at the Helsinki Commission. In preparation for that episode I interviewed three of the participants, Jeffery Morehouse, and Alissa and Leo Zagaris. Unfortunately, due to computer issues I lost the recording of Alissa and Leo so I was unable to feature them. But I recently found the recording in my back up-back up files, and felt what they said was still worthy of being broadcast. Alissa and Leo have been on the show before, in episodes 4 and 7 respectively, so listen to them if you missed them. But in this episode we talk about their activism in the LBP/child alienation movement and what they are currently doing to help those affected. I also give a shout out to my eldest brother Tony, who has been alienated from his 3 girls for 4 years. Join the discussion

  • Episode 29. Ira Scott


    We've spoken to parents on this show who had children taken away from them, but what if the child is taken away before it is even born? This is the heart breaking situation facing Ira Scott, who has never met his, now 2 1/2 year old daughter, who was abducted by her mother from the U.S. to the Ukraine. Support iStand Parent Network Join the conversation;

  • Episode 28. Holiday Special


    It's the holiday season. And  no matter what your faith or culture is, it's always a difficult time for LBP's and alienated children. A time when the absence of those we love is more palpable. While other families take joy in each others company, for LBP's it's often depressing and lonely. With today being Christmas eve I thought it would be appropriate to do an episode where I have invited a number of LBP's to share a message to their kids and other LBP's at this difficult time. I've also included a number of songs that have touched me since my son was taken. So to all my listeners,supporters LBP's alienated kids world wide, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Ramadan, Merry Festivus, happy holidays, what ever it may be, you are not alone. May this be the last year you are separated from each other. Never, give, up. Guests: Shelli Littleton, Brian Prager, Jeffery Morehouse, John LaDue, James Cook, Randy Collins, Alf Frisso, Jolly Bimbachi, Daniel Wass. Music credit: Theme Song "One Percent" Written and p

  • Episode 26. LBP’s go to Washington Part 2.


    This week I conclude my coverage of  a recent meeting of several of my US based LBP Colleagues, who recently went to Washington D.C. to Talk to members of congress, White House staff and The Helsinki commission. Featuring speeches from former show guests Alyssa Hindle, Leo Zagaris, Jefferey Morehouse, and others. Join the discussion on Facebook  

  • Episode 25. LBP’s go to Washington. Part 1.


    This week I'm discussing a recent meeting of several of my US based LBP Colleagues, who recently went to Washington D.C. to Talk to members of congress, White House staff and The Helsinki commission. Nearly 1,000 American children a year are victims of international parental child abduction. International parental child abduction occurs when one parent removes a child from the child’s country of habitual residence, or retains a child outside the country of habitual residence, in contravention of the other parent’s custody rights.  The experience of the abduction and the subsequent loss of contact with the left-behind parent is very traumatic for the child as well as devastating for the left-behind parent.  Between 2008 and 2016, nearly 11,000 American children were abducted, according to the U.S. Department of State. In order to quickly resolve abductions in civil court, minimize emotional damage to children, and ensure that the custody decisions of one country are respected in other countries, the internat

  • Episode 24. Amy J.L. Baker Phd


    Dr. Baker is a nationally recognized expert in parent child relationships, especially children of divorce, parental alienation syndrome, and emotional abuse of children. Dr. Baker is available as an expert witness and for print, radio, and television interviews. Dr. Baker is a researcher and developmental psychologist with expertise in parent-child relationships, child welfare, and parental alienation syndrome. She is the author of several books and over 50 scholarly articles. Find more of her work, or contact her via her website Join the discussion on Facebook

  • Episode 22. James Cook


    In July 2014,  James Cook's wife and 4 children went to Japan for vacation with a promise from her to return before school started in August 2014. She has refused to return with the children and James has been forced to utilize The Hague process for anti-abduction to gain the children's return. Although he has prevailed in every court decision in this case, she still refuses to return children. Join the discussion on Facebook and share your story.  

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