Lbp Stories

Episode 28. Holiday Special



It's the holiday season. And  no matter what your faith or culture is, it's always a difficult time for LBP's and alienated children. A time when the absence of those we love is more palpable. While other families take joy in each others company, for LBP's it's often depressing and lonely. With today being Christmas eve I thought it would be appropriate to do an episode where I have invited a number of LBP's to share a message to their kids and other LBP's at this difficult time. I've also included a number of songs that have touched me since my son was taken. So to all my listeners,supporters LBP's alienated kids world wide, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Ramadan, Merry Festivus, happy holidays, what ever it may be, you are not alone. May this be the last year you are separated from each other. Never, give, up. Guests: Shelli Littleton, Brian Prager, Jeffery Morehouse, John LaDue, James Cook, Randy Collins, Alf Frisso, Jolly Bimbachi, Daniel Wass. Music credit: Theme Song "One Percent" Written and p