The official podcasts of!
Box Office Poison: Episode 106
08/05/2015 Duration: 01h21minBox Office Poison is back with a new episode that is short on voices but packed with movies. Karl, Jon, and Stan get together to discuss Avengers: Age of Ultron, Adult Beginners, Furious 7, The Graduate, and more! Then in the second segment we get into another new batch of your listener mail covering watching movies drunk, foreign film markets, who our favorite reviewer on BOP is, and more! The next episode will be recorded in Nashville where all of us will be together to watch movies, have a few laughs, watch Stan's pick for Movie of the Month (The Good, The Bad, and The Weird), and make regretful life decisions so be sure to join us for that! See you soon!
Syndicated - Mad Men Season 7 (2014)
07/05/2015 Duration: 40minIt's here... the beginning of the end. Mad Men draws to a close in just two more weeks, but we're giving it a proper eulogy by covering Season 7 (Part One) of the beloved AMC drama. Join Andy, Neal, Nathan and Luke as they discuss season 7.1 of Mad Men. There will be spoilers aplenty for the first six seasons of the show, so if you're not all caught up, you might want to save this epiosde for later. Now that we've given Mad Men the send-off it so rightly deserves, we will be moving onto something a little different: the Netflix exclusive Orange is the New Black. Stay tuned! \
A Thousand Words - Episode 5: The Chessplayers
04/05/2015 Duration: 35minJessica, Ron, and Stan put on their thinking caps in order to beat artist Lucas van Leyden and his Chessplayers. They dig deep in the symbolism and extract insight into naughty nuns, video games, and Police Academy. Listen and be educated.
Syndicated - Mad Men Season 6
29/04/2015 Duration: 01h08minWe've finally broken tradition; rather than cover the beginning of this modern TV classic, we've decided to cover the ending. Right now as we post this, Mad Men is mid-run through their final seven-episode run, and to celebrate we're covering the 1.5 seasons that came immediately prior. Join Andy, Neal, Nathan and Luke as they discuss season 6 of Mad Men. There will be spoilers aplenty for the first five seasons of the show, so if you're not all caught up, you might want to save this epiosde for later. Come back next week when we cover Season 7.1, the batch of seven episodes that aired in 2014.
Box Office Poison: Episode 105
24/04/2015 Duration: 02h16minA new episode of Box Office Poison is here and we've got a crap-ton of movies to talk about! Karl, Jonny, Jon, and Stan have all been watching a lot of stuff, new and old, and they fit it all into a huge first segment where they cover Ex-Machina, I, Origins, Lucy, Furious 7, The Wrecking Crew, and more! Then in the second segment we go over Jonny's pick for Movie of the Month, Ricky Gervais' The Invention of Lying! Next episode we'll get into another batch of your listener mail so be sure to send anything you want to or to Twitter (@crosstawk) and then head on over to iTunes and leave a review. We'll see you again in two weeks!
A Thousand Words - Episode 4 - Punchy Laser Words
19/04/2015 Duration: 35minIn this episode, Jessica, Ron, and Stan discuss the Mike Mayhew's Star Trek vs. Doctor Who. Unfortunately, at the time of recording we didn't know the actual title, so it is referred to as Untitled through most of the episode. Also, we were looking at the colored version and the coloring was done by Rain Beredo.
A Thousand Words - Episode 3 - Reading the News
14/04/2015 Duration: 25minAfter an agonizing delay, A Thousand Words returns! This time Jessica, Ron, and Stan tackle Reading the News by artist Richard Staunton Cahill. But first we begin with an apology and we don't stop apologizing.
Box Office Poison: Episode 104
09/04/2015 Duration: 01h52minBOP's back and ready to party! Jon and Stan couldn't make it, so it was up to Karl, Mike and Jonny to bring the good stuff, and bring it they did! This episode features discussion on While We're Young, Kumiko the Treasure Hunter, Spring, Batman vs Robin, Song of the Sea, Going Clear and more! Then, in the second segment, the gang tackles such hard hitting questions as whether or not they'd want to sit in an empty theater and why we like to pick apart sci-fi flicks. Have a question or comment of your own for the boys to answer? Let us know via email (, Twitter (@crosstawk) or in the comments section on the site. And come on back in two weeks when we discuss Jonny's pick for Movie of the Month, The Invention of Lying!
Syndicated - Twin Peaks Part 3
08/04/2015 Duration: 01h04minWe've reached the end of our odyssey. Through 30 episodes we've laughed, we've cried, we've screamed, and we've scratched our heads. Andy, Luke and Nathan come back for a third and final discussion to wrap up the second season of Twin Peaks, covering episodes 14 to the bitter end. After that, we discuss the theoretical (and apparently now very unlikely) 2016 Showtime revival of the series, and our impression of the series as a whole. Thanks for coming along on this adventure. It's been wild. Next up on Syndicated, we'll discuss season six of Mad Men.
Syndicated - Twin Peaks Part 2
31/03/2015 Duration: 37minDiane, it's been two weeks since I checked in about Syndicated, a podcast for the lapsed viewer, by the lapsed viewer. Things got pretty intense in the interim; we found out about a mysterious black lodge, and the killer of one Laura Palmer became apparent. I think things are just starting to get interesting. Andy, Luke and Nathan check in once again on Twin Peaks, this time for the first half of season two. It's a shorter episode, getting us caught up on what's happened since the cliffhanger of season one, and expressing some concern about what's next. Follow us on Twitter at @SyndicatedPod and send us listener email to
Box Office Poison: Episode 103
27/03/2015 Duration: 01h53minHey folks! On this episode of BOP, Karl and the Jons are joined by NWR's Alex Culafi to talk about It Follows, Rich Hill, Chappie, Buzzard, a very spoilery discussion of Predestination, and more! Then in our second segment we cover Jon's pick for Movie of the Month: Happiness! Have something you want the guys to talk about on the show? Send in your listener mail to or to Twitter (@crosstawk) and be sure to head over to iTunes and leave us a review. We'll see you in two weeks!
A Thousand Words
22/03/2015 Duration: 34minJessica, Ron, and Stan return to discuss the serious artwork of Thomas Kincaid. Our piece: The Little Mermaid. We dive deep into the thematic symbolism presented and wrest thoughtful comparisons to Skittles, Jaws 4, and nihilism.
Syndicated - Twin Peaks Part 1
18/03/2015 Duration: 01h02minDiane, I've loaded up a new podcast called "Syndicated". It's a show where the hosts just ramble on about old TV shows. They call it the "TV Podcast for the Lasped Viewer" but can never decide if it's a good tagline or not. Between you and me, I think it's a damn fine description. Join Nathan, Luke and Andy as they take a trip to Twin Peaks, a town with murder, coffee, and a lady who carries a log. In this first episode, we'll discuss the first season, and then follow up with a two-part discussion of season two in the weeks that follow. Follow us on twitter at @SyndicatedPod and email us your thoughts at!
Discover Music Project: Episode 66
17/03/2015 Duration: 01h55minWe're excited to present a long-awaited and highly-requested episode for Dave Matthews Band! This enduringly popular, yet slightly underground ensemble defies categories and brings an incredible energy to their music that keeps fans coming back for concert after concert. It's tough to represent such a legacy in just a ouple of hours, but we relish the challenge. Jonny and Stan run through just a sample of great songs, including a couple of live tracks, covering everything from the band's first EP to the latest hit album. If you've never quite been able to get into Dave Matthews Band, this show might push you over the edge! Here's the set list: 1. #41 (Crash) 2. I'll Back You Up (Remember Two Things) 3. Hello Again (Live Trax 2) 4. Bartender (Busted Stuff) 5. Say Goodbye (Crash) 6. Don't Drink the Water (Live at Mile High Music Festival) 7. The Stone (Before These Crowded Streets) 8. Jimi Thing (Under the Table and Dreaming) 9. Drunken Soldier (Away from the World) Encore: Prince & The Revolution - "Purple
Box Office Poison: Episode 102
13/03/2015 Duration: 01h39minHey people! On this episode of BOP, Stan and Jon couldn't make it so Karl, Jonny, and Mike get together to talk about Chappie, Predestination, Road Hard, 50 Shades of Grey, and more! Then in the second segment the guys tear into a new batch of your listener mail and go over Spiderman's entry into the MCU, film school, what it means to "chew the scenery", Girlhood, and a few more thoughts on Boogie Nights. If you have anything you want us to talk about be sure to send it over to or get at us on Twitter (@crosstawk) and then head over to Itunes and leave a review. Join us again in two weeks when we'll be discussing Jon's Movie of the Month, Happiness! See ya then!
A Thousand Words
08/03/2015 Duration: 21minWelcome Crosstawk listeners. This is our new show A Thousand Words. Hosted by Jessica Carter, Ron Lubovich, and BOP's own Stan Ferguson. Recorded and produced entirely in tropical Nashville, TN, you can just taste the butter and country music dripping from it! In this show we discuss Hieronymus Bosch's Death and the Miser. What does it say? What are the themes he presents? Why is there a nutsack hanging from the bed? All these questions and more are left unanswered!
Box Office Poison: Episode 101
27/02/2015 Duration: 02h07sHello! Welcome! Good Day! Box Office Poison is back for another episode after getting through the 1-2 punch of 99 and 100. This one might not be three hours but it's still packed with great content. In the first segment, the guys go over a bunch of new movies including Kingsman, What We Do In The Shadows, Predestination, Laggies, and even House (Hausu)! Then in our second segment we go over Mike's pick for Movie of the Month, Boogie Nights! Be sure to send in your listener mail to or to Twitter(@crosstawk) and we'll get to it in two weeks on a new Post Office Poison. See ya then!
Discover Music Project: Episode 65
14/02/2015 Duration: 01h25minDMP has been on an unplanned hiatus lately, but we're back now and have many more episodes planned for 2015 and beyond! The revival starts with Jonny and frequent co-host Taylor presenting the varied and surprising music of Jenny Lewis. We first discovered her as an actress, but she is far more impressive as a singer and writer of songs that balance honesty, sadness, and defiance, often all at once. This retrospective covers her career through stints with Rilo Kiley and The Postal Service, but much of our favorite material comes from just last year. It's a good bet that Jenny Lewis will be making great music for a very long time to come, so we hope this episode can be your primer, or maybe just a refresher on why she is a musical force. 1. Head Underwater (The Voyager) 2. She's Not Me (The Voyager) 3. Nothing Better (Give Up -- with The Postal Service) 4. Silver Lining (Under the Blacklight -- with Rilo Kiley) 5. A Man / Me / Then Jim (More Adventurous -- with Rilo Kiley) 6. Rise Up With Fists!! (Rabbit Fur C
Box Office Poison: Episode 100
13/02/2015 Duration: 02h44minThat's right, folks; we've made it to Episode 100 of Box Office Poison! The whole crew is here for this landmark episode and you bet it's a great (and long) one. We start off by diving into a huge batch of your listener mail about everything you could think of before getting into our special second segment where we all list our Top 5 movies from the year we were born! It was a real pleasure recording this episode, as it has been for the 99 that preceded it, and we can't wait to keep on putting out the same great content for you to tear into. Be sure to leave a review on iTunes and get at us on Twitter (@crosstawk) or write us an email and send it to! And then join us in two weeks when we discuss Mike's next Movie of the Month, Boogie Nights!
Frozen North Dinnercast 28: Buzzkill
10/02/2015 Duration: 01h08minWE'RE NOT DEAD! After almost a year of sabbatical, the Frozen North Dinnercast is BACK and ready to get up in your ear-holes. We've got a full table tonight, minus series regular Nelson, who is busy having kids. But wait--taking his place is newcomer Brian, who we hope to have around more often. In this episode we talk about the usual random stuff, including Space Jam, Looney Tunes, Up, and the fact that Gina hates everything that's good and wholesome. If you like the show, send us an email at or leave a comment at the website ( You can also tweet at us: Marcus is @Marchaos1 and Zach is @zmiller1902. And if you REALLY like us, we'd love it if you'd take a minute to review us (highly) on iTunes. Thanks, and enjoy the show!