Repurpose Your Career podcast brought to you by Career Pivot is a podcast for those of us in the 2nd half of life to come together to discuss how repurpose our careers for the 21st century. Come listen to career experts give you proven strategies, listen to people like you tell their stories on how they repurposed their careers and finally get your questions answered. Your host, Marc Miller, has made six career pivots over the last 30 years. He understands this is not about jumping out of the frying pan into a fire but rather to create a plan where you make clear actionable steps or pivots to a better future career.
When Clouds Part: Moments of Clarity. #017
27/02/2017 Duration: 15minIn this episode, Marc shares the chapter, “When Clouds Part: Moments of Clarity,” from his upcoming book, Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide to the Second Half of Life, scheduled to be available for pre-order in March, and available on Amazon, in April, 2017. Key Takeaways: [2:03] Sam was in his late 50s when he was laid off for the second time. He went on walkabout for a month. In that time, he had a moment of clarity. He realized he didn’t need a lot. All he needed was food, drink, a place to sleep, and a place to work out. [3:19] In moments of clarity, distractions vanish away in the face of something life-altering: illness, death, divorce, layoff, disaster, an inheritance, or an opportunity. Suddenly, the way you were living doesn’t make sense. It may touch on your career. [4:20] You might realize you went into a career under pressure, or that you are stopped in your career path. Because of a change, filters that prevented you from seeing things as they are have come down, and you have an opportun
Marc Miller and CareerPivot Anniversary #016
20/02/2017 Duration: 17minIn this episode, Marc explores the twists and turns in his career that led him to make a career pivot and to launch the CareerPivot brand, website, and blog. He talks about writing his books, and he makes an important CareerPivot announcement for listeners and clients. Listen in to learn more of the CareerPivot story. Key Takeaways: [:55] February 13, 2107 is the 5th Anniversary of CareerPivot, so Marc has a special episode for you! This episode will have three segments: about Marc, about the evolution of CareerPivot, and finally, what to expect from CareerPivot, coming soon! [1:33] Marc was born in New York and raised in New Jersey. His parents advised him to go to college, although he had a learning disability. He graduated from Northwestern in engineering, in under four years, and went to work for IBM in Austin, for 22 years. [2:08] He worked in word processor software, system assurance, mechanical design, technology transfer, and then he injured his back in December 1992. [3:19] Marc’s injury required t
On Becoming The Conference Catalyst. With Thom Singer. #015
13/02/2017 Duration: 31minIn this episode, Marc interviews Thom SInger. Thom has worked in sales, marketing, and business development roles for Fortune 500 companies, law firms, and entrepreneurial ventures. He is now a professional master of ceremonies, motivational keynote speaker, and the author of 12 books on the power of business development, networking, entrepreneurship, legal marketing, and presentation skills, while also serving as the host of the popular Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do podcast. He regularly speaks at business and association conferences across the United States and beyond, and has presented to over 600 audiences during his career as a speaker. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife and their two highly-spirited daughters. Marc and Thom discuss several topics, including Thom’s start in business, discovering his untapped talent, his interest in preparing for a job pivot, and the push that kicked him out of the corporate nest into a career he had dreamed about, and prepared for, for years. Key Takeaways: [2:30]
Are We at the End of Jobs? With Taylor Pearson. #014
06/02/2017 Duration: 33minIn this episode, Marc interviews Taylor Pearson, entrepreneur, and author of The End of Jobs: Money, Meaning and Freedom Without the 9-to-5. Inc. Magazine just rated The End of Jobs as one of the Top Three ‘Start Your Own Business’ books of 2015, and a ‘Top 25 Business Book’ of 2015. It has sold tens of thousands of copies, and it has been translated into Chinese (simple and complex), Japanese, Korean, and Thai. A Wall Street Journal bestselling author and entrepreneur James Altucher, said of it, “Entrepreneurship is not a choice you can make at your leisure. You have to jump on the train, or lose your chance. Now is the time, and Taylor’s book describes exactly how to do it.” His work has been featured in media outlets, including Business Insider, Inc., and Entrepreneur. A former Brazilian Super Bowl Champion (It’s not what you think!), Taylor has lived in Tennessee, Alabama, Argentina, Brazil, Viet Nam, Thailand, San Diego, Texas, and currently, in New York. Marc and Taylor discuss how Taylor wrote an impor
Five Bold Goals to Establish for the Year #013
30/01/2017 Duration: 14minIn this episode, Marc discusses goals for 2017. He wrote about this very subject in a blog post last year. Listen in for goals that last all the way through 2017! Key Takeaways: [1:22] The idea for this post came from a podcast by Pat Flynn where he interviewed Michael Hyatt, author of Living Forward: A Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want. The topic was goals. How bold of a goal do you want to set — in the comfort zone, the discomfort zone (the home of bold goals), or the delusional zone? [3:17] Michael Hyatt suggests going right up to the delusional zone, and then backing off. Marc, in his goals, is pushing himself out of his comfort zone. [3:34] Marc gives five areas in which to set bold goals. Finances (debt, retirement, earnings, or charity), Relationships (spouse, parent, child, or friends), Career (promotion, big project, or starting a business), Lifestyle (Camper, condo, getting children off payroll, or travel), Health (weight, blood pressure, diet, or exercise). [6:45] Michael Hya
Next Up: The Second Half of Life. #012
23/01/2017 Duration: 21minIn this episode, Marc shares the chapter, “Next Up: The Second Half of Life,” the opening chapter from his upcoming book, Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide to the Second Half of Life, scheduled to be available for pre-order in March, 2017. Key Takeaways: [1:42] After he wrote the first edition of Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide for Baby Boomers, Marc was contacted by Baby Boomers who had lost their retirements in the crash. They either couldn’t, or wouldn’t, go back to their old jobs. Marc expected those clients. But he also got contacts from others, disillusioned in their 30s and 40s. [3:11] Since Marc’s first book came out, the economic and technological climates have changed. With more change on the horizon, it’s difficult to confidently make choices for the second half of life. Gartner predicts that by 2025, a third of jobs will be taken over by robots, smart machines, or software. [4:11] BYU research shows more people live alone than ever. Loneliness and isolation are a health risk as s
From Corporate Layoffs to Consulting Payoffs. With Vicki McCullough. #011
16/01/2017 Duration: 23minIn this episode, Marc interviews his good friend, Vicki McCullough. Vicki has more than 20 years of corporate experience in marketing, communications, sales, and account management. She is the Founder and President of Sequitur Marketing, a marketing consulting business she launched in 2013. Sequitur Marketing focuses on working with professional and consulting services firms to help them budget their resources, including time and energy. It’s logical marketing steps that generate desired results. Vicki is also the part-time Executive Director of Metropolitan Breakfast Club. She is also an active community supporter, enjoys working with nonprofit boards, committees, and volunteer efforts. Vicki is a very resilient, but reluctant, solopreneur, a story that will probably be played out over and over again by Baby Boomers who move into entrepreneurship in the second half of life. Marc and Vicki discuss several topics, including Vicki’s background and experience, how it took years to decide to start on her own, wha
How to Maximize Life and Transition Into Your Post-Corporate Job. With Roger Whitney. #010
09/01/2017 Duration: 27minIn this episode, Marc interviews Roger Whitney, the Retirement Answer Man. He believes you can create a great life that balances living well today and living well tomorrow, by having the right little conversations about money. Over the last 25 years, he has worked directly with clients on his journey, and shares the wisdom he’s learned, on his weekly podcast, The Retirement Answer Man, and his blog, at Marc just reviewed Roger’s upcoming book, Thrive Outside the Lines: How to Create Your Retirement Masterpiece. Marc and Kerry discuss several topics, including Roger’s financial planning practice, how Roger started his weekly podcast, and recommendations for Baby Boomers to realize they will be working longer and cutting back a little. Key Takeaways: [2:09] Roger is a practicing financial planner. Roger loves what works, over theory. His podcast reflects issues he helps clients handle every day. He started the podcast as a teaching show, to help him organize his own thoughts, and to help lis
Job Search Questions? Marc Has Answers! #009
02/01/2017 Duration: 23minIn this episode, Marc answers Baby Boomer job search questions with his trusty sidekick, Elizabeth Rabaey. Listen in for ideas to go forward! Key Takeaways: [1:14] Elizabeth worked environmental engineering for years, and has switched to marketing, where she enjoys learning a lot, and getting out and making deals. [2:26] Q1: I am a former CMO for a healthcare marketing company. I have been out of work for one year and I am looking at both finding a new marketing position and starting a new business. Do you have any advice about how to make a transition? [2:49] A1: This person is very highly compensated, in the financial side of the industry, and is in their mid-fifties. It is not surprising they have been out of work so long. They should start a consulting business as an LLC. and ‘date” companies for a job. Companies hire consultants before employees. [5:23] To start a business, buy an existing business through a good business broker, buy a franchise, through either EntrepreneurSource or FranNet, or start a
Do You Suffer from MSU Disorder? The Grave Temptation to Make Stuff Up. #008
19/12/2016 Duration: 19minIn this episode, Marc shares the chapter, “Do You Suffer from MSU Disorder? The Grave Temptation to Make Stuff Up,” from his upcoming book, Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide to the Second Half of Life. Key Takeaways: [1:44] Bill writes for a major financial company. He said his dream job is to write for The Economist. How did he know? What did he know about the company? All he knew was the content they produced. He was making stuff up, to fill in the blanks of his knowledge. [3:30] Judith Glaser says, “The stories we make up have significant impact on our careers.” MSU can cause you to go after jobs that would make you miserable, or prevent you from pursuing a great job, out of fear. It can cause people to lose confidence in you, if you present as fact things you have just assumed to be true. [4:28] It’s perfectly human to MSU, when the information is not there, but when it comes to your career, don’t do it! We cause ourselves pain by ‘awfulizing’ situations. [5:03] Rhoda, a former CEO, had applied f
From Covering Floors to Covering Life Stories. With Mike O’Krent. #007
12/12/2016 Duration: 27minIn this episode, Marc interviews Mike O’Krent. Mike O’Krent, Founder of LifeStories Alive, LLC, specializes in making personal history videos for families that value their heritage. They create family heirlooms in video — digitally mastered records of life stories with personal accounts, photos, and mementos of family history. Marc has known Mike for about 10 years, and it has been fascinating, watching him grow his very unique business. Marc and Mike often hang out at the same coffee shop, so they see each other fairly frequently. Marc and Mike discuss several topics, including what Mike did in the first half of life, why he quit without a plan, the life-changing experience of interviewing Holocaust, or Shoah, survivors, and, the nudge from a business coach that set him on the second half of life. Listen in to get inspiration for your own career pivot. Key Takeaways: [2:15] In the first half of life, Mike was in floor coverings, in his grandfather’s business. He started his own carpeting business, but sold
How to Prepare for, Get Fit for, and Purposefully Shift into New Careers. With Kerry Hannon. #006
05/12/2016 Duration: 34minIn this episode, Marc interviews Kerry Hannon, a nationally-recognized expert on career transitions, personal finance, and retirement. She is a frequent radio and TV commentator, and a sought-after keynote speaker at conferences across the country. Kerry is currently a columnist, and regular contributor to the New York Times. She is AARP’s jobs expert and Great Jobs columnist. Kerry is also a contributing editor and Second Verse columnist at Forbes, and the PBS expert and columnist on personal finance and careers. She is a contributing writer for Money Magazine. Kerry is the author of 10 books. Marc and Kerry discuss several topics, including ageism and how to shift around it, the power of purpose over paycheck, and the preparation it takes to shift a career without driving into disappointment or disaster. Key Takeaways: [3:32] What are the biggest challenges for job-seekers over 50? What employer concerns do they need to combat? [6:12] If you haven’t done a resume in 20 years, you have a who
Career Pivot Questions? Marc Has Answers! #005
28/11/2016 Duration: 19minIn this episode, Marc answers employment pivot questions with his trusty sidekick, Elizabeth Rabaey. Listen in for ideas to go forward! Key Takeaways: [1:07] Elizabeth introduces herself and her background, including a career pivot she is executing. Elizabeth presents questions for Marc. [2:14] Q1: A 68-year-old facing forced retirement has skill in journalism, IT, and pharmacy tech, and also has health and mobility problems, but wants to keep working part-time from home. Any ideas, Marc? [3:21] A1: Focus on health first. Then look into freelance writing. Build a portfolio by pitching to write guest blogs on blogs and sites that interest you. [5:25] Once you have a portfolio of work, ask a website to hire you at low cost, to get some street cred. When people see you have done work with good ratings, you can look at for freelance opportunities. [6:13] A second opportunity is at have a variety of flexible and remote opportunities, for a small monthly subscription fee. [7:53] Q2: I
Career Failures, and How to Recover from Them. #004
21/11/2016 Duration: 22minIn this episode, Marc shares the chapter, “Career Failures, and How to Recover from Them,” from his upcoming book, Repurpose Your Career: A Practical Guide to the Second Half of Life. Key Takeaways: [1:35] Is failure an option? If you’re like most people, it’s inevitable, and essential. If you are unwilling to fail, you are unlikely to venture into anything very impressive. [2:50] Failure 1: Marc was ‘seduced’ by a former manager to leave a job at IBM, and join her at IBM Consulting. Why was it one of the biggest mistakes of his career? [6:17] Failure 2: Taking his ‘dream job.’ Marc went to teach Math in an inner-city high school. He was not prepared to teach kids whose problems reached far beyond his ability to help them. [9:33] Failure 3: ‘I can make this work!’ Marc took a job that was not optimal, working in fundraising for a non-profit that was not aligned with his goals, just before a major downturn in the economy. [11:56] Failure’s upside: Marc is happy he took all three jobs. He learned a tremendous
Plan a Life of Success, and Turn it to Significance. With Dr. Joel Dobbs. #003
14/11/2016 Duration: 29minIn this episode, Marc interviews Dr. Joel Dobbs. Dr. Dobbs is an experienced life sciences executive, with over thirty years of experience in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. He has served in a variety of senior leadership roles in information technology, as well as general management, clinical research, regulatory affairs, post-marketing surveillance, academia, and consulting. Dr. Dobbs has served as a member of top-tier executive teams of dynamic organizations, in startup, rapid-growth, turn-around, merger, integration, and change phases. He currently serves as the Executive-in-Residence at the University of Alabama Birmingham's Colatt School of Business, where he also directs the school's office of innovation and entrepreneurship, teaches, and works with entrepreneurs within the UAB environment and the greater Birmingham business community to help them develop and grow their business. He is also the CEO of the Compass Talent Management Group, LLC, a consulting firm that assists organization
How We Will Work Longer As We Live Longer. With Chris Farrell. #002
07/11/2016 Duration: 31minIn this episode, Marc interviews Chris Farrell, Senior Economics Contributor at Marketplace, American Public Media’s nationally syndicated public radio business and economics program. He is the economics commentator for Minnesota Public Radio, and host of its series, Conversations on the Creative Economy. An award winning journalist, Chris is a columnist for Next Avenue, and the Star Tribune, and a contributor to the New York Times. His most recent book is Unretirement: How Baby Boomers Are Changing the Way We Think About Work, Community, and the Good Life. Marc and Chris discuss several topics, including the ageing of the population, and why that’s not such a bad thing; aspects of entrepreneurship; and that living longer, means working longer. Key Takeaways: [2:14] For 25 years the personal finance conversation has been on saving for retirement, and the ageing of the Baby Boomers. The economy conversation has been demographics -- the ageing of the population. [2:41] Both conversations were negative -- Baby
Welcome to the Repurpose Your Career Podcast, with Marc Miller. #001
28/10/2016 Duration: 13minThis podcast is where those of us in the second half of life come together to discuss how to repurpose our careers for the 21st Century. Come listen to career experts give you proven strategies, listen to people like you tell their stories on how they repurposed their careers, and finally, get your questions answered. Your host, Marc Miller, has made six career pivots over the last 30 years. He understands this is not about jumping out of the frying pan into a fire, but rather, to create a plan where you make clear, actionable steps, or pivots, to a better future career. Are you ready to repurpose your career? Let’s get started! In this episode, Marc introduces the podcast, defines some terms he uses, and tells how the episodes will run. Finally, Marc outlines the episode topics for November through January. Key Takeaways: [1:44] The easiest way to explain the second half of life is by defining the first half of life. In the first half of life, we: are born, grow up, get educated, start our career, get