

In this episode, Marc answers Baby Boomer job search questions with his trusty sidekick, Elizabeth Rabaey. Listen in for ideas to go forward!   Key Takeaways: [1:14] Elizabeth worked environmental engineering for years, and has switched to marketing, where she enjoys learning a lot, and getting out and making deals. [2:26] Q1: I am a former CMO for a healthcare marketing company. I have been out of work for one year and I am looking at both finding a new marketing position and starting a new business. Do you have any advice about how to make a transition? [2:49] A1: This person is very highly compensated, in the financial side of the industry, and is in their mid-fifties. It is not surprising they have been out of work so long. They should start a consulting business as an LLC. and ‘date” companies for a job. Companies hire consultants before employees. [5:23] To start a business, buy an existing business through a good business broker, buy a franchise, through either EntrepreneurSource or FranNet, or start a