Build your sales skills and win more business with killer media sales. Find out how to pitch more effectively, close more deals and become a master of your time management. This weekly podcast reveals how you can deliver the best client outcomes, win more business and maximise your sales.
Fundamentals of the basics
10/10/2017 Duration: 15minWhy is it important to create a habit of taking integral steps to position yourself to close a sale? In this episode, sales agent Andrew Scott joins Alex to discuss the importance of nailing the basic fundamentals, the integral steps you need to take to become successful, how “action breeds results” and why applying high standards to every step will result in success. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Unlock the secret to transforming your relationship from business to friendship
20/09/2017 Duration: 21minHave you ever had to go “back to basics”? In this episode, head of partnerships Jim Hall and sponsorship manager Michael Magee join the team to discuss how to build and grow relationships and what guidelines they use when doing so. The criticality of trust comes into play, as does showing a clear interest. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales! Visit:
Interpreting value to sell to your audience
30/08/2017 Duration: 19minWhen they don’t have a lot of resources on hand, how can salespeople successfully form relationships, showcase value and build credibility with their clients? In this episode, sales veteran John Briggs joins the team to discuss his old-school methodology for relationships building and explain that while ‘value’ is subjective, salespeople can skilfully interpret their product within the context of their clients’ needs to not only sell, but to sell well. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
The power of agencies in media sales
23/08/2017 Duration: 19minIn media sales, an agency can be your best ally or your worst enemy. While some salespeople have learned this the hard way, Terry Braithwaite rejoins the team to reveal how he closed his latest deal directly with his client without the services of their agency – but how open lines of communication will enable him to maintain his relationship with them over the long term. For more insight, tune in now to the latest episode of Killer Media Sales! Visit:
How can sales leaders boost team morale?
16/08/2017 Duration: 11minWhat’s the difference between a group of working salespeople and a team of salespeople? In this episode of Killer Media Sales, host Alex Whitlock and guest co-host Terry Braithwaite explore what it means to work as a team in media sales and how team leaders can effectively foster working relationships to boost team morale, hit more targets and achieve greater success in the workplace. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit
‘Seek first to understand’ in media sales
26/07/2017 Duration: 19minIn media sales, a client is buying a salesperson just as much as they’re buying the product being sold to them. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, hosts Phil Tarrant and Alex Whitlock discuss the importance of clarity in communication and explain how salespeople can effectively present their offering to convert client interest into a done deal. Tune in to hear their tips for keeping communication clear, concise and relevant, as well as their thoughts on why salespeople who “seek first to understand before being understood” will better connect with clients and garner greater results. You'll hear all of this and more, in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
The fighting spirit every salesperson needs
18/07/2017 Duration: 13minIn this episode of Killer Media Sales, our hosts talk about the thrill of the battle, and how if you don’t have anyone to fight against - be it another colleague or a competitor - motivation can quickly fall away. Hear how the team draw from the experience of those who shed blood on 15th Century battlefields and those who shed sweat on footy fields today, how to find an enemy to keep focused, and what happens if you take the hatred of your enemies too far. Tune in now to hear all of this and more, in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
The secret to long-lasting relationships in sales
12/07/2017 Duration: 16minTo maintain a healthy database, salespeople need to look beyond a sale and into the future – converting a once-off transaction into a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship with a client. Critical to achieving this feat is the ability to strike a balance between managing one’s energy across new prospects while also maintaining open lines of communication with existing clients. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, our hosts explain how salespeople can reenergise existing relationships by making themselves more valuable to clients, as well as how they can leverage their connections to source future business from their database over time. You’ll hear all of this and more, in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
How can you combat workplace distraction?
05/07/2017 Duration: 15minIn this episode of Killer Media Sales, hosts Phil Tarrant and Alex Whitlock discuss technology and distraction in the workplace, and how salespeople can better organise themselves in order to combat disruption to their work. Whether you’re a seasoned sales veteran or new to the game, tune in to hear the team’s practical tips on how salespeople can get the most out of their work day to help keep their eye on the prize and be the best that they can be in media sales. Tune in now to hear all of this and more, in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
Utilising the power of self-belief in sales
28/06/2017 Duration: 15minFeel like you’re hitting a wall at work? You’re not alone – even the most successful salesperson has had their share of difficulties. But what separates the good from the great in media sales is the capacity to recognise the negativity you're experiencing in order to stop it in its tracks. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, our hosts explain that every person has the power of self-belief and why harnessing this power will not only enable salespeople to combat negativity, but to take control of their work to achieve their goals. Tune in now to hear all of this and more, in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
Clients in crisis - a formula for solving client problems
21/06/2017 Duration: 10minIn a crisis, people often need to be led – and in media sales, whether you’re a naturally calm or fast-paced individual, the ability to lead clients through a tricky situation is a top trait in any good salesperson. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, our hosts explain the importance of owning to one’s mistakes and showing leadership in the situation at hand, and share their formula for how salespeople can successfully avert or solve client problems which allow for healthy, long-lasting relationships between businesses and their client base. Tune in now to hear all of this and more, in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
Pressure as a motivator
15/06/2017 Duration: 10minPressure is an indomitable force, but under the right circumstances, working under pressure can be just the thing a salesperson needs to push the limits of their abilities and achieve greater success. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, hosts Phil Tarrant and Alex Whitlock reveal how salespeople can identify good pressure from bad pressure and apply it to their work in a positive way, and explain how salespeople can leverage their strengths against their weaknesses to excel in the situation at hand. You’ll hear all of this and more in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
Generating genuine excitement - making opportunities for yourself
07/06/2017 Duration: 12minAre you a solutions-based salesperson or an opportunistic salesperson – and what do those terms really mean? While there’s much rhetoric surrounding those labels, one thing is for certain: a good salesperson will know how to leverage off a problem and provide a solution – not only creating an opportunity for themselves, but forming stronger relationships with clientele in the process. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, our hosts explain why knowledge is power in one’s marketplace, and provide a real-world example to explain how salespeople can not only capitalise on a situation, but show their value in supporting a client’s business as well. Tune in now to hear all of this and more, in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more, visit:
Setting goals: 'dream big always'
16/05/2017 Duration: 10minWhen it comes to meeting targets, as a salesperson, whose should you hit: the company’s targets or your own? In this episode of Killer Media Sales, our hosts discuss goal-setting and how salespeople can strike the balance between meeting the business’ needs and achieving personal goals, allowing for maximum efficiency without jeopardising the quality of their work. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more, in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Clients want results: aligning product benefits with business needs
02/05/2017 Duration: 16minClients won’t waste their time with a salesperson unless they see the potential in the proposed product to not only meet their business’ needs, but exceed their expectations. As such, it is essential for a salesperson to understand the differences between the features and benefits of the product they’re selling in order to generate interest from prospective clients and build partnerships for the future. In this episode, our hosts break down the differences between features and benefits and how they go hand-in-hand, as well as explain how salespeople can better align the needs of their client with the benefits of their product to get deals closed. Tune in to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Facts tell, stories sell
18/04/2017 Duration: 22minWhat’s your story? Having an understanding of one’s brand, one’s product and what sets it apart is one thing; the way in which a salesperson shares these facts with clientele is another. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, our hosts discuss why storytelling is an art form, how salespeople can work on their own narratives, and why having a story not only makes a salesperson memorable, but builds a stronger rapport with prospective clientele and gets deals closed. Tune in for all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more insight, log onto
You’ve got to be hard on yourself: productivity
11/04/2017 Duration: 22minAre you a go-getter who makes 10 calls before 10am? Well if you feel like you’ve spent the day ‘faffing’ around, fear not – even the best salespeople have unproductive days from time to time. However, the trick to effectively making those calls and counteracting procrastination is by establishing the purpose of communication and harnessing the tools you’ve got to structure the day ahead. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Phil Tarrant and Alex Whitlock talk about CRM platforms and how this ties into productivity, the methods of client communication and why you’ve got to do it right, and why they believe it’s essential for salespeople to spend time prospecting clientele to build on their existing database. Tune in to hear all of this and more in the latest episode of Killer Media Sales!
Why you've 'got to own' the meeting
03/04/2017 Duration: 23minDo you know how to take control in the meeting room? Alex Whitlock says that in his experience, meetings make money, but that it’s not always as simple as that. Alex believes that in order to achieve a successful outcome, a salesperson must understand that it’s not just about the end goal. To convert a simple meeting into a sale, they must first determine where the meeting fits into the individual sales process and understand how to effectively harness their knowledge about a client to use to their advantage. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, out hosts discuss the dos and don’ts of meeting clientele and share their tips and tricks to better preparing salespeople to take control of client meetings and gain the upper hand. Tune in to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more insight, tune in to
Work out who you're dealing with: converting objections into sales
27/03/2017 Duration: 22minHave you been met with objections from hesitant clients? Well it’s not all about talk in this business; in order to be a good salesperson, you’ve also got to be a good listener. To effectively handle these objections and convert hesitant clients into done deals, a salesperson has to know three things: how to build a rapport with clients, where to highlight the value in their product, and when to ask for business. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, hosts Phil Tarrant and Alex Whitlock talk about why salespeople should “work out who they’re dealing with” to build better relationships with clientele and share their tips and tricks for overcoming objections to get your deals closed. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales! Log on to for more insight.
‘You’ve got to keep on hustling’: getting out of a sales slump
21/03/2017 Duration: 19minHave you experienced a sales slump? If you haven’t, chances are that at one point or another you will. There’s nothing to be ashamed of – it happens to even the most seasoned salesperson. The trick to getting out of a slump, however, is identifying the warning signs and knowing when and how to ask for help. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, hosts Phil Tarrant and Alex Whitlock share their tips on how salespeople can regain their confidence after a slump, why it’s essential to ‘blow the rubbish out’ and let go of phantom deals, and why they believe that finding the courage to reach out for help is an admirable trait in any tough salesperson. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales! For more insight, visit