Build your sales skills and win more business with killer media sales. Find out how to pitch more effectively, close more deals and become a master of your time management. This weekly podcast reveals how you can deliver the best client outcomes, win more business and maximise your sales.
Adapting your language to give power to the words
21/06/2018 Duration: 18minThe language that a salesperson chooses to use can be so important in evoking a favourable outcome with a client. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock is joined by colleague Andy Scott to give the final word on language and word choice. They will discuss phrases that they feel should be avoided in the sales process, how simple language can spark interest and generate excitement, and even look at the impact that silence can have on client interaction. Andy will also give an unusual tip on how by simply altering your message structure when leaving a voicemail can greatly increase the number of times you are likely to get called back. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Hooking in that big catch
08/06/2018 Duration: 23min“It is easier to get a client to go from spending $10,000 to spending $100,000 than to find a new cold client and get them to go from $0 to $10,000” In this episode of Killer Media Sales Russell Stephenson is joined by Momentum Connect’s Jim Hall, and News Corp’s Tom Panos to share their thoughts on locking in that big contract and how shifting your mindset as a sales person can take your monthly figures to the next level. They will discuss the importance of talking to the right decision makers, how you can earn the right to deal with those decision makers and share how prospecting for the right clients will ultimately increase your probability of winning their business. They will also unpack what makes a good sales person, and how appealing to the psychological need to protect what one already has can help you go from interrupting a client’s day to offering them something which will alleviate some pain out of their lives. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sal
The monthly leap to reach and achieve targets
01/06/2018 Duration: 16minMomentum Media is coming toward the end of their financial year. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock is joined by his Momentum Media business partner Phil Tarrant to discuss what the end of financial year means for their business and also the opportunities that it presents for their sales team. They will unpack what it takes to successfully achieve targets, discuss how low-balling these targets can stunt career growth and look at how best to tell if a sales goal is achievable. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Just the ticket for maximising sales
25/05/2018 Duration: 12minBehind any major event there is a huge team working tirelessly on every detail to make sure that the event is a smooth-running success. However even the best organised event is worth nothing if you have nobody walking through the door on the night. In this episode of Killer Media Sales, Alex Whitlock is joined by former media sales person turned event ticket sales guru Jake Whitlock who will unpack his process of filling seats at corporate award nights. He will discuss the process of forming relationships with award finalists, share the most common objections that he faces when trying to sell, and explain how he structures his approach by working backwards from the end goal. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Doing what you say you are going to do
18/05/2018 Duration: 14minDavid Lee’s initial foray into sales came about as a combination of realizing that he was a good talker and being willing to take literally any job. In this episode of Killer Media Sales Alex Whitlock is joined former car salesman turned media salesperson David Lee who discusses the correlations between selling vehicles to those looking to buy, and outbound corporate sales. He will share stories of his daunting first day in sales, discuss the physical and verbal signs that he believes can tell you if closing is likely, and share the one thing that he does to break initial barriers with a client before even trying to sign them. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
A 100% success rate and how he did it
27/04/2018 Duration: 11minAny sales person will tell you that sales is a numbers game and that you need to be ready to take rejection from time to time. They will tell you that nobody can sell one hundred percent of their proposals and that a perfect track record is impossible. Any sales person that is except for Michael Johnson of Momentum Media’s research department. Michael has achieved a one hundred percent sales success rate. Technically he has only made one sale and pitched one sale, but the numbers no not lie. Alex Whitlock chats with newcomer to the industry Michael who shares how the process of stepping into the daunting world of sales went for him. Michael will share the two key things that he thinks helped him secure his first sale and discuss how he was trying to create a desire to buy rather than a push to sell. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
The sales sizzle layer cake – A recipe for success
20/04/2018 Duration: 12minAn existing client doesn’t need pages of your proposal to explain who you are and what your company stands for. They know. Instead they want a pitch which gets to the point, tells them what they will need to put in, and what they are going to get for their investment. Alex Whitlock is joined by self-described “simple man” Russell Stephenson who shares the most effective way to simplify a complicated proposal in order to get a quicker decision from a client. The pair will discuss the mistake that a lot of sales people make after having originally gotten a client excited and share how approaching an appointment like it is a “sales sizzle layer cake” is the best way to ensure a successful outcome. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
An authentic approach to customer service
12/04/2018 Duration: 09minWhen dealing with a mix of potential clients on a daily basis many may feel that the key to a strong connection is mirroring each individual’s personality type. In this episode of Killer Media however, Alex Whitlock is joined by Jason McIlwaine of Real Estate Business who will discuss how he believes that being authentic and true to who you are can be one of the most powerful sales strategies. Having increased sales revenue for the REB brand by fifty percent since joining the title, Jason will share the three things that he believes have made him successful and how transparency is paramount in making strong connections with your clients. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Keeping it fresh and exciting – 20 times per day
05/04/2018 Duration: 14minWhen your position requires high volumes of sales calls on a daily basis, letting your call quality slide is a bad habit that many end up falling into. In this episode of Killer Media, Alex Whitlock is joined by Momentum Media’s Russell Stephenson who will share his thoughts on the importance of keeping your calls fresh, and how a sense of urgency is key in moving toward a successful transaction. From triggering initial interest, to creating time critical tailored solutions for your clients, Russell discusses the difference between urgency and just ‘sounding busy’, and some techniques which will make every call as unique as the client on the other end of the line. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Making the right calls
22/03/2018 Duration: 13minSteering a phone conversation from an idle chat to a finalized deal can be a difficult process. Alex Whitlock is joined by Defence Connect sales superstar Joe Vince who will share his approach to securing sales over the phone. Having just locked in a deal for $200,000 Joe will share the importance of the initial ‘discovery call’ and also how to tell straight away if it is likely to amount to a successful outcome. From maintaining the tempo of your conversations, to ensuring value comes from each of them, Joe will share his process with you and have you making all the right calls. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
The intricacies of simplicity
16/03/2018 Duration: 12minIn an episode inspired by a poorly written proposal, Alex Whitlock is joined by Momentum Media’s Phil Tarrant to discuss how simplicity can be key in finalizing sales. Learn how keeping a proposal concise can help to maintain the tone and tempo of a sale, and how putting yourself in your buyers shoes will both save you time, and steer you in the direction of success. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Authenticity, trust and process
09/03/2018 Duration: 12minAs a relationship grows, so does a level of trust - but how do sales people blend authenticity with method and process and harness it to achieve greatness with your basic sales fundamentals? Alex Whitlock is joined by Momentum Media's Director Phillip Tarrant to discuss how authenticity impacts the relationship between a sales person and a client, how to use yourself as an advantage to be a good sales person as well as the importance of having a back up plan when going into a meeting - with emphasis on urgency. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
The core of successful sales: Persuasion
21/02/2018 Duration: 17minWe have spoken about techniques, strategies and skills that bring the final sale home, now were going to tell you the key element that holds them all together - persuasion. Alex Whitlock is joined by Momentum Media's Director of Media and ex real estate agent Russell Stephenson to discuss the art of persuasion, the importance of selling an experience and how to understand where the flip is switched from a 'no' to a 'yes' to drive that sale home. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Looking in from the outside
14/02/2018 Duration: 24minAs a sales person, we don't always understand how people from other careers view us. This week we chat to someone who has dealt with sales throughout his whole career, looking in from the outside. Alex Whitlock is joined by Aleks Vickovich, managing editor of Momentum Media's Wealth titles to discuss what it's like as a journalist to work closely with a sales team, how to overcome any issues that might arise for both parties as well as reveal why product knowledge and understanding your audience is paramount for both parties. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Stress in a salesman
08/02/2018 Duration: 10minWe all face high levels of stress at points in our career, but there are ways you we maintain discipline and structure to control stress. In this episode, Alex Whitlock is again joined by partnerships manager David Stratford, to discuss the stress involved in sales, both positive and negative, how to maintain a high performance by being in control of the strains of a demanding job and how to spot the signs that stress is starting to control you. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Proposals that bring the sale home
02/02/2018 Duration: 14minEvery sales person understands the need to get a proposal out as soon as possible after a sales call, however sometimes this proposal can be the deal breaker - but what can you do to make sure it's not? In this episode, Alex Whitlock is again joined by Director of Media, Russell Stephenson to delve into the ins and outs of proposals, discussing the best way to write them, how to deliver them and the small details that brings the sale home. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Setting higher objectives for the year ahead
15/01/2018 Duration: 17minAfter a long Christmas break, it can be difficult to break the cycle and get back into selling, growing your client relationships and reaching your goals, but how do we overcome this? In this episode, Alex Whitlock is joined by event partnerships manager for Momentum Media, Ronan McGowan, to discuss how to hit the ground running after a long break. They reveal why it's important to engage in conversations with established clients to reconnect these relationships, as well as setting benchmarks for the year ahead by looking back at what has been achieved in 2017. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
A fresh start
17/11/2017 Duration: 13minStarting fresh in an industry you know little to nothing about can be daunting, but how you overcome these challenges can determine how your relationships with clients will be. In this episode, Momentum Media directors Alex Whitlock and Russell Stephenson are joined by partnerships manager for wealth Leah Webster to reveal the ins and outs of the integral process of working in sales when starting in a new industry. They discuss each individual branch of the sales tree to consider, including the mechanics, politics, pitching and closing deals, evaluating the worth of sales and how to form lasting relationships. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
The skills of a seller
25/10/2017 Duration: 25minWhat are the best ways to adapt to your audience? In this episode, Momentum Media directors Phil Tarrant and Alex Whitlock are joined by Head of Partnerships Terry Braithwaite to reveal what skills are required to successfully sell something to any type of person, how to adapt to those who are not responding well to a pitch and how to sell value to potential clients. Highlighting opportunity and providing a blended solution for your prospects creates room for success. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!
Controlling the conversation
19/10/2017 Duration: 18minDo you keep your secrets to yourself? In this episode, Momentum Media directors Phil Tarrant and Alex Whitlock are joined by partnerships manager Jehan Hapuarachchi to discuss the departmental differences of sales and the outcomes clients are given, the breaking down of sales conversations and the mantra to hold above all else. The slippery aspect of media sales is that there are no rules, which keeps you on your toes. Tune in now to hear all of this and much, much more in this episode of Killer Media Sales!