Brag Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 56:58:58
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Using Real Estate To Be Rich And Generous -- Larry Goins talks about real estate investing. We teach many aspects of investing in real estate. Real Estate Day Trading aka Wholesaling, Lease Options, Seller Financing, Negotiating, Financing, Marketing and much more!


  • Episode 144 - The Power of Scripts

    20/02/2019 Duration: 35min

    In this episode, Larry and Kandas talked about the importance of using scripts. If you are just getting started, having and using a script would be very beneficial for you. In this episode, they also went over some examples of scripts and discussed the information and questions you need to take note of. Topics: Share Sponsor winner 3-day event Importance of scripts Buying a lot Tax value script Scripts to handle objections What you need to have in your scripts Introduction Warm up Contact information Pedigree of the property Questions to ask if the property is vacant Questions to ask if rented Condition of the house Determining seller's motivation Negotiating the price Wrap up Deal of the week Quote: “If you are brand new or just getting started, you must have a script.”

  • Episode 143 - The Secret To Long Term Success

    13/02/2019 Duration: 24min

    What is the secret to success? In this episode, Larry talked about what you need to achieve it. He also shared the key things that can help you achieve long term success in real estate. In addition, Larry also tackled his deal of the week. Topics: Share sponsor winner Deal of the week What you need to do to be able to do deals Secrets to long term success: Focus Balance Apps that helps you communicate with your team Generating motivated seller leads Areas to have balance in: Faith Family Finances Fitness: Nutrition and Exercise Friends and Fun 3 day event Quotes: "All you really need is a seller and a phone." "If you don't feel good, you are not going to act right." "Seek wise counsel."

  • Episode 142 - The Power Of Follow Up

    06/02/2019 Duration: 26min

    This episode is extra special, not only because it's partner program week but also because it's Kandas' birthday. In today’s show, we talked about the importance of follow up, several ways to do a follow up, and the different apps that can help you with your follow up. Topics: Difference between busy and productive Updates from the team Share Sponsor Winner Deals of the Week Following up on prospects Some apps we use Ways to put in a follow up sequence: - Email - Text - RVM (Ringless Voicemail) Quote: “Wholesale is all about making your money on the bat.”

  • Episode 141 - When To Make Your First Offer

    30/01/2019 Duration: 36min

    Larry and Kandas shared a topic that was inspired by one of their students. They talked about how long you should build rapport and when to make your first offer. They also discussed the importance of making your offer in the first call. Topics: Training their new acquisition team member Share Sponsor winner Deal of the week 3-day training events Making your offer in the first call Building the funnel Negotiating your offer Memorandum of interest Quotes: “You should always make your offer in the first call.” “Shorten the time span between the conversation and offer.”

  • Episode 140 - What We Just Learned At Our Mastermind

    24/01/2019 Duration: 38min

    In this episode, Larry and Kandas shared the importance of masterminds. They also talked about the things they learned and experienced from their last mastermind and how it helped them to develop and grow. Topics: Share sponsor winner Larry Goins Filthy Riches Levels of real estate education What mastermind is Building relationships in a mastermind group Things they learned from the mastermind: - About Slack - Some one-liners - New tax laws like bonus depreciation - Changes in the market Partner program Deal of the week Quotes: “If money was no object, write out what would be your perfect day.” “Don't prioritize your schedule. Schedule your priorities.” “Be profitable with your business and charitable with your profits.” “We don't give to get. Instead, look at it as we get to give.”

  • Episode 139 - Marketing For Sellers

    16/01/2019 Duration: 21min

    In today's show, Larry and Kandas talked about some things from Larry's book, “Getting Started in Real Estate Day Trading.” They went over some of the ways to market that’s mentioned in the book. In the book, there were 76 ways to find deals and they shared some of those in this episode. Topics: What's in the book Some marketing ideas: - Vehicle signs - Billboards - Door hangers - Promotional items - Bus benches Joining your local Real Estate Investors Association Coop marketing The amount they spend on marketing 3-day Partner Program 3-day Training Quotes: "In today's market, it's much better to find off market properties.” "Spend money on marketing.”

  • Episode 138 - Business versus Investment! Lifestyle versus Enterprise!

    08/01/2019 Duration: 27min

    Brag Radio is back from the holiday season! In this episode, Larry and Kandas talked about setting goals and what's in store for them in the year 2019. They also discussed real estate both as a business and as an investment and discussed its pros and cons as well. Topics: Setting up goals Partner Program Real estate as a business Real estate as an investment Separating buy-sell business from your investment business IRS audit The type of business you want Difference between enterprise and lifestyle business Quotes: "A goal that's not in writing is irrelevant and a goal without a deadline is just conversation.” “Investment is long-term.” “It's difficult to get wisdom without experience.”

  • Episode 137 - Negotiating One Liners Must Know

    19/12/2018 Duration: 30min

    Today's episode is our last show for the year. Larry and Kandas shared what is keeping them busy this holiday season. They also talked about how they are being generous this Christmas. In this episode, they also shared some tips and information on how to be an effective negotiator. Topics: Share Sponsor winner Deal of the week Some must know one liners: - Ask what's going on in their lives that’s causing them problems - Ask what's more important to them, most amount, or quickest sale - Take time to repeat the reason somebody is ready to sell - Ask about the lowest amount they can take if you were to make an all cash offer that closes quickly - Ask how they came up with their number - Try asking questions that you know the answer to - Ask question about their mortgage - Ask them what they will do if they don't sell And many more . . . Quotes: “Say the words with confidence.” “Tax value is irrelevant.” “You need to put everything you know to work.” “Education without application is delusion.”

  • Episode 136 - 7 Steps To Selling

    11/12/2018 Duration: 35min

    In this second to the last episode for the year 2018, Larry and Kandas shared the 7 steps to selling. In addition, they also talked about the relevance of being a good salesperson. Topics: Share Sponsor winner Partner Program Sales as a process 7 steps: 1. Building rapport 2. Qualifying them 3. Building value 4. Building desire to work with you 5. Overcoming objections - Objection vs condition 6. Closing the deal 7. Follow up. Follow up. Follow up. - Relationship driven vs transaction driven Quotes: "To be a good real estate investor, you got to be a good sales person." "What's more important to you . . . you get the absolute best price or selling your house as quick as possible?" "Show them what you know." "Sell the opportunity." "People will forget what you said. They'll forget what you did but they'll never forget how you made them feel." "The better you qualify the person upfront, the fewer objections you will have down the road."

  • Episode 135 - How To Analyze A Rental Property

    06/12/2018 Duration: 18min

    In this episode, Larry shared different ways to analyse rental properties. He talked about some of the things you need to remember when working with rental properties. Topics: Share Sponsor Winner! Deal of the week The higher the price of the rental property, the more difficult it is to get good cashflow THE I.D.E.A.L (Income, Depreciation, Equity build-up, Appreciation, Leverage) investment The BRRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat) method The 50% rule of thumb when analysing rental properties Quotes: “The higher the price of the rental property, the more difficult it is to get good cashflow.” “Real estate provides what is called The I.D.E.A.L. investment.”

  • Episode 134 - How to Stay Motivated

    28/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, Larry and Kandas talked about motivation and shared a few effective tips on how to stay motivated. They also gave an update on their plans to be generous for the upcoming holiday season. Topics: What the team decided to do to be generous this holiday season Share Sponsor winner Deal of the week How to stay motivated: - Create a plan and commit to it for a minimum of 90 days - Commit to a marketing budget - Select a specific time to work on your real estate business - Get around with like-minded people - Stay away from naysayers - Hang around people who are smarter than you are - Do things that you like to do that build you up - Just don't give up and keep pushing - Do something for somebody else and see the joy you give them Quotes: "Share your "give up" goals with people but keep your "go up" goals to yourself or to your small circle of influence." "Upgrade your friends."

  • Episode 133 - How to Track Your Leads

    22/11/2018 Duration: 30min

    When doing marketing for your real estate business, it’s really important to know the leads that are coming in so that you can see which ones were converted into actual deals. In this episode, Larry and Kandas discussed the importance of tracking leads. They also shared several ways you can use to track those leads. Topics: - Share Sponsor Winner! - Deal of the week - Why it is important to track your leads - Having a separate number for buyer leads seller leads - Investing on your marketing - Call services - Putting the tracking numbers on your phone as a contact record - Having numbers for bandit signs - Tracking leads from your website - Creating a web form in Podio - Different options in Podio - Difference between implementation and education - Partner Program Quotes: “Whatever your budget is (on marketing), you got to be able to commit to that for 90 days.” “No lead is left behind.” “It's not about pleasing the many but it's about helping the few.”

  • Episode 132 - Live From Our Partner Program Training!

    14/11/2018 Duration: 12min

    In this episode, we got a preview of what's going on in the Partner Program Training. Larry is joined by Dan to give us some updates on their deals and some tips for those who want to start investing in real estate. He also introduced some of their students and real estate team. Topics: - Updates from Dan - On showing houses that are occupied - Inquiries they get in a week - Tips for those who are just starting out - Traffic stacking - Spider web leads - Kind of properties they specialise in Quote: “You want to market in many places that you can where buyers are hanging out.”

  • Episode 131 - Step By Step Direct Mail

    07/11/2018 Duration: 27min

    Larry and Kandas were joined by some of their amazing team in this Halloween episode to show off their costumes. This episode is the 2nd part of last week's discussion on direct mail. They talked about the different things you need to set up when doing direct mail. Topics: One-on-one coaching call with Larry Share Sponsor Winner Deal of the Week Step-by-step process of setting up direct mail: 1. Establish your budget 2. Who are you going to mail 3. How are you going to mail 4. Buy your list or get it for free 5. What to mail 6. Answering the calls 7. Close the deal over the phone or through appointment 8. Re-mail monthly 9. Follow-up campaigns 10. Commit to a minimum of 90 days Cheaper houses Quotes: “You've got to re-mail monthly.” “Commit to a minimum of 90 days.”

  • Episode 130 - Direct Mail Marketing List and Criteria

    31/10/2018 Duration: 37min

    In this episode, Larry and Kandas discussed how the market has changed and the importance of keeping up with said changes. They also shared how change in the market has led them to do direct mail. In addition, they also talked about some of the lists you can tap into and the criteria you need to take into account. Topics: 3-day event Share Sponsor winner Deal of the week Market change Direct mailing Different kinds of lists available at your disposal - Absentee owner list - Tax delinquent list - Probate list - Pre-probate list - Code violation list - other lists Follow-up system Quote: “The market has changed. You got to go along with the market. You got to adapt.”

  • Episode 129 - Using Facebook To Get Deals & Sell Properties

    24/10/2018 Duration: 36min

    In this episode, Larry and Kandas is joined by their Outsource Marketing Manager to discuss about marketing on Facebook. They shared some tips on how to use Facebook to generate leads for free. They also talked about dealing with haters and selling properties for free using Facebook. In this episode, Larry and Kandas is joined by their Outsource Marketing Manager to discuss about marketing on Facebook. They shared some tips on how to use Facebook to generate leads for free. They also talked about dealing with haters and selling properties for free using Facebook. Topics: Share Sponsor winner Apprentice Partner Program Free Facebook marketing techniques: - Create a Facebook page - Brand your page - Create a pin post - Invite friends to like your page - Join Facebook groups - Post to the groups - Comment on other people's posts Purpose of running an ad Selling properties using Facebook Dealing with haters 3-day event Quotes: "We say the money is in the lists but the real money is in the groups." "The purpose

  • Episode 128 - How To Find Boots On The Ground

    17/10/2018 Duration: 33min

    Each week, Larry and Kandas talk about topics they are living out—problems they see and have to overcome on a daily or weekly basis. Once they figure things out, they share their insights with their listeners. In this episode, Larry and Kandas talked about the specifics of what a boots on the ground person is for, how to find them, and the different ways to compensate them. Topics: Share sponsor winner 3-day event Deal of the week Why you need a boots on the ground person: - Somebody to go out and sign the contract and extensions - Somebody to take pictures - Somebody to put out signs - Somebody to check out the signs and put them back Finding boots on the ground Ways of paying them Quotes: “Keep it small. Keep it simple.” “If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.”

  • Episode 127 - Making $$ On Title Issues

    09/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    Larry and Kandas talked about simplifying their business, the challenges they encountered in the process and how they handled them. One of the things they ran into was title issues and that’s what they talked about in detail in this episode. You’ll also discover some of the title issues you are likely to encounter and how you should handle them accordingly. Topics: Share Sponsor winner Favorite deal of the week Title issues you will run into and what you can do about them Liens Various owners/heir issues Adverse possessions Quotes: "The older you get, the simpler you want things to be.” “You've got to maintain your integrity and you've got to remain authentic with the sellers and buyers that you've been working with.”

  • Episode 126 - Virtual Investing Tools

    02/10/2018 Duration: 28min

    In today's show, Larry and Kandas talked about a few of the tools they used to buy and sell properties virtually. They also shared their favorite deal of the week and how they went about it. They also talked about being generous by sponsoring a child through Compassion International. Topics: Share Sponsor winner Favorite deal of the week Some of the tools they use: - Text messaging - LiveComm - Taking pictures of properties - WeGoLook and BPO Photoflow - Finding boots on the ground - Craigslist, Temp Agencies, Facebook - Answering service - CallRail, PATLive - Mobile notary service - Nationwide Signing Services Being generous: Compassion International Quotes: "Whatever the kind of deal you have, make sure you look for ways to turn lemons into lemonade." "Pay it forward. Give it back to your communities."

  • Episode 125 - Negotiating One-Liners with Realtors!

    25/09/2018 Duration: 31min

    In today's show, Larry and Kandas took a break from the Collective Genius mastermind to finish up last week's discussion on negotiating one-liners. The second part focused on the things you need to say and ask when talking with realtors. In addition, they also talked about the value of Collective Genius and the deal of the week. Don't miss this episode! Topics: The Collective Genius mastermind Share Sponsor winner Deal of the week First question to ask when speaking with realtors Don't ask for information. Use the "listing" instead of "information" Things to say: - How long has it been on the market - Have you had many offers - How's the market - Would this be a better fix and flip or rental type property - Let me tell you a little bit about how we work - The realtor we work with loves us because we do what we say we're going to do and we close deals - Always ask the ballpark when asking what kind of work you think it needs - Put your number out there and then change the subject - Let them know you are a ser

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