Cell Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Cell (www.cell.com) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing the most interesting discoveries in biology.


  • May 2013: From Food to Fuel

    23/05/2013 Duration: 23min

    How little we know about what our ancestors really ate for dinner, with Richard Wrangham (0:00). How the field of neuroscience has changed over the past 25 years, with Eric Kandel (8:17). How countries are working to shape economic and social policies on biotechnology, even as the field is rapidly growing, with Jim Philp (15:15). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (21:43).

  • April 2013: From Epigenetics to Optogenetics

    25/04/2013 Duration: 18min

    How epigenetics has changed the way that scientists think about heredity, with Nathan Springer (0:00). How researchers are using a trick of light to understand the behavior of single cells, with Christof Taxis (10:22). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (16:05).

  • March 2013: From the Cell's Nucleus to the Cell Phone

    14/03/2013 Duration: 18min

    How understanding of the cell nucleus has evolved over time, with Tom Misteli (0:00). How developments in biotechnology have spurred entire new industries over the last thirty years, with Bo Mattiasson(11:22). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (17:06).

  • February 2013: From Appetite Control to Molecular Networks

    14/02/2013 Duration: 18min

    How understanding neural control of appetite might help fight obesity, with Tamas Horvath (0:00) Trends in Neurosciences. How elemental design principles can provide insight into biological processing, with Wendell Lim (8:42) Molecular Cell. Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (16:12).

  • January 2013: From 'Nobel' Proteins to Genes in Context

    31/01/2013 Duration: 19min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn how llamas have helped the study of G protein-coupled receptors, with Brian Kobilka (0:00) (Trends in Pharmacological Sciences), how to teach an old genetic analysis test a cool new trick, with Trey Ideker (10:50) (Cell Reports). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (17:00).

  • December 2012: From Synthetic Biology to Evolution of Limbs

    20/12/2012 Duration: 16min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn how designer techniques from synthetic biology are influencing the field of cell biology, with Wendell A. Lim and Wallace F. Marshall (0:00)  (Trends in Cell Biology), how changes in specific genes triggered the evolution from fish fins to the limbs of vertebrates, with José Luis Gómez-Skarmeta and Fernando Casares (6:41) (Developmental Cell). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (13:42).

  • November 2012: From Preserving Fertility to Understanding Metastasis

    29/11/2012 Duration: 17min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn about how stem cells from the testes may preserve fertility in young male cancer patients, with Kyle Orwig (0:00) (Cell Stem Cell), the crucial role of TGF-β in the spread of colorectal cancer, with Eduard Batlle (8:30) (Cancer Cell). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (15:15).

  • October 2012: From Medical Genomics to Modeling Schizophrenia

    11/10/2012 Duration: 24min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn about Developing drugs to tackle Schizophrenia, using rodents models, with Mark Geyer (0:00) (October issue of Trends in Pharmacological Sciences), the role of next-gen sequencing in vaccine design, with Andrew Lloyd (8.50) (September issue of Trends in Biotechnology), interpreting the genome to pinpoint mutations in an inherited blood disorder, with Vijay Sankaran (17.38), Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (23.08).

  • September 2012: From Neuromodulatory Mechanisms to the Placebo Effect

    13/09/2012 Duration: 27min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn about altering neuronal circuits depending on the environment, with Cori Bargmann (0:00) (Forthcoming Cell Symposia on Neuromodulatory Mechanisms), the role of mitochondria in diabetes, with Orian Shirihai (8:30) (Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism September Special issue), and how the power of the placebo has evolved over time, with Nicholas Humphrey (15:05) (Current Biology September Special issue). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (25:20).

  • August 2012: From Gut Microbiota to Mirror Neurons

    02/08/2012 Duration: 23min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we cover the role of "friendly" gut bacteria in immune system defense, with Eric Pamer (0:00) (Trends in Immunology Online Now), a potential treatment targeting a cannabinoid receptor that seems to reign in appetite and reduce body fat, with George Kunos  (8:20) (Cell Metabolism August issue), and the history and significance of mirror neurons, which fire when watching others' actions, with Marco Iacoboni (15:00) (Current Biology 21st Anniversary Celebration). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (22:07). 

  • July 2012: From Tackling Gliomas to Visualizing Inflammation

    05/07/2012 Duration: 24min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we cover how a scorpion venom-derived peptide might be used to treat glioma, with Harald Sontheimer (0:00) (Trends in Neurosciences June issue), visualizing the immune system in 3D to monitor inflammation in a whole organism, with Eric Skaar (7:58) (Cell Host and Microbe June 14 issue), and understanding how mothers tolerate the "alien within" during pregnancy, with Alexander Rudensky (14:31) (Cell July 6 issue). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (22:01).

  • June 2012: From Pain Control to Stem Cell Milestones

    07/06/2012 Duration: 23min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn how neglected tropical diseases such as river blindness also have an underappreciated burden of mental health issues, with David Molyneux (0:00) (Trends in Parasitology May Issue), a new approach to treating persistent neuropathic pain using embryonic cell transplants, with Allan Basbaum (7:26) (Neuron May 24 Issue), and why we're celebrating two milestone birthdays in the stem cell field - 10 years of the ISSCR and 5 years of Cell Stem Cell, with Len Zon (14.20) (Cell Stem Cell Anniversary Issue). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (22:07).

  • May 2012: From Cytokines to Size Control

    10/05/2012 Duration: 22min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn how plant defenses have shaped the fussy dining habits of insects, with Anurag Agrawal (0:00) (Trends in Plant Science Special Issue), why after twenty years, John O’Shea is still excited about cytokine signaling, (8:34) (Immunity Special Feature on the JAK-STAT pathway), and why being the right size is a matter of life or death for free-falling rodents, with Andrew Spence (15:15) (Current Biology Special Issue on Size Control). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (20:46).

  • April 2012: From Bench to Bedside

    12/04/2012 Duration: 24min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn about how cells sense when they're feeling sluggish and need to refuel, with Claudio De Virgilio (0:00) (Bonfils et al. and Han et al.), a eureka moment in the lab becomes a new therapy in the clinic, with Laurie Glimcher (7:16) (Cell Special Issue on Human Diseases), and a shape-shifting enzyme busts blood clots, with James Whisstock (14:12) (Law et al.). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (22:25).

  • March 2012: From Synthetic Biology to Sirtuins

    02/03/2012 Duration: 24min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn about the promises and potential perils of synthetic biology, with Vincent Martin and Tania Bubela (0:00), why sirtuin inhibitors may bring a cure for CML a step closer, with Ravi Bhatia (9:44), and how platelet producing cells avoid the pinch to become polyploid, with Diane Krause (14:56). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (23:14).

  • February 2012: From Ibuprofen to Evolution

    02/02/2012 Duration: 26min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn how a lucky find in an obscure dental journal inspired the development of ibuprofen, with the drug’s discoverer Stewart Adams (0:00), why we’re still struggling to combat malaria, with Kip Guy (9:29), and how evolution finds multiple routes to the same phenotype, with Chris Marx (18:05). Plus, sample a selection of the hottest new papers from Cell Press (24:44).

  • December 2011: From Epithelia To Epigenetic Inheritance

    08/12/2011 Duration: 20min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn about why structural biologists need no longer fear the membrane, with Doug Rees (Tirado-Lee et al. and Special Reviews Collection) (0:00), why epithelial biology is going 3D (glasses not included), with Ian Macara (McCaffrey et al. and Special Issue of Trends in Cell Biology) (8:42), and how sperm cells get their epigenetic message across, with Philippe Collas (Lindemann et al.) (13:54).

  • November 2011: Touch, Heart Repair, and Flu Vaccines

    10/11/2011 Duration: 20min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn about what mouse whiskers can tell us about how we perceive the world through touch, with David Kleinfield (0:00), how to stimulate heart repair by rewinding cardiomyocyte differentiation, with Thomas Braun (8:20), and a new strategy to stay one step ahead of the influenza virus, with Patrick Wilson (13:58).

  • October 2011: From Hematopoiesis to Human Origins

    13/10/2011 Duration: 27min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn how to tune the intestinal immune system with microbial cocktails, with Dan Littman (0:00) (Sczesnak et al.), why there's more to DNA methylation than CpG islands in the hematopoietic system, with Greg Hannon (9:35) (Hodges et al.), where modern humans interbred with their ancient hominin cousins on the journey out of Africa, with Mark Stoneking (15:51) (Reich et al.), and whether humans are better team players than chimpanzees, with Daniel Haun (21:15) (Rekers et al.).

  • September 2011: From Cognitive Genetics to Cancer Stem Cells

    01/09/2011 Duration: 23min

    In this month's Cell Podcast, we learn about the challenges of applying genetics to human mental health, with Trevor Robbins (0:00), a game of vesicular cat and mouse between bacterial lipids and the immune system, with Michael Brenner (10:48), and the shifting identities of stem-like cells in breast cancer, with Eric Lander (17:18).

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