Buddha And The Slut



What happens when an award-winning writer/producer hits 'eject' on the 9 to 5, grabs a backpack, and dives head-first into the uncharted world of 'digital nomads'?After 7 YEARS in Asia, Europe, and parts unknown, BROOKE BURGESS (Broken Saints, Becoming, The Cat's Maw) shares candid tales of culture shock, creative inspiration, sex and relationships, psychedelics and spirituality, and much MUCH more!It's a 'Renaissance Dude's' Eat, Pray, Love (with the naughty bits still intact) it's BUDDHA AND THE SLUT.


  • ANTHONY BOURDAIN: Hungry For More

    10/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    Raw, authentic, and with a splash of vodka... Just the way he would've liked it. #RIPAnthonyBourdain


    22/04/2018 Duration: 11min

    In this Q&A Bonus Ep, I talk about WHY I write from a personal and spiritual perspective, and answer the age-old debate of Animals v People! #writing #amwriting #animals #podcast #QandA

  • EP 20: 'A QUESTION OF GOODNESS' (Season Finale)

    31/03/2018 Duration: 24min

    (25min) It’s been almost a year since I posted the first episode.  I cranked ‘em out, bi-weekly, all wild-eyed and eagle-eared. Shared tales I hoped would lift and inspire and make the hard roads a bit easier to tread. But I also dug in the muck…you know…in case you dared make the mistake of holding yours truly in too high a regard. Because if history has taught us anything, it’s how quickly a pedestal can get torn down, and turned into a crucifix. And to think…I didn’t even plan this as an Easter show. FEAT. Music the music of TOBIAS TINKER

  • LET'S PLAY — Choose Your Own Adventure! (Live Gameplay and Soundtrack)

    09/02/2018 Duration: 27min

      At year's end, a client asked me to whip up a text-based adventure game writing sample in Twine software. I happily obliged.  Lots of folks enjoyed the creepy mystery, to the point of suggesting I do a show where someone plays through the game in a live setting.  I decided to go one better. I'd visit my composer cousin in Berlin —from EP4's The Piano Man Cometh — and have him play through with me while creating a LIVE SOUNDTRACK!!! We hope you enjoy the silliness that follows =)))  


    12/01/2018 Duration: 28min

    In this episode, I return to Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia after 40 YEARS with the plan of scattering my beloved cat Quinn's ashes in the colonial graveyard by my childhood home. And then something magical happens... (Feat. Original Music by Stillness3 + a free audiobook exclusive from The Cat's Maw, starring David Kaye)

  • EP 18: FIRE IN THE SKY (Yup...it's a UFO Story)

    23/12/2017 Duration: 24min

      After a recent twitter poll (and to honour the magic of the season) I am delivering unto you a story of a mystical nature. Otherworldly, even. And it’s a doozy, ‘cause it’s the first time I have publicly shared the details of these events…ever. Twas a night in late autumn, and all through the place…something was stirring…something from…outer space. You’re listening to Buddha and the Slut. And this unbelievable yet utterly true tale is called... FIRE IN THE SKY.


    10/12/2017 Duration: 17min

    Time for another true tale of digital nomad debauchery and Third World mid-life madness from the shores of Southeast Asia! This one revolves around my discovery of a (then) little-known island oasis in the Andaman Sea -- a Muslim island, in the land of Buddhists. After resisting the lures of 'Sexual Disneyland' for most of my adult life, it's little wonder I longed to flee the sordid culture shock of three winters in Phuket. Little did I know that destiny would be waiting for me on undiscovered shores... Recommended for MATURE listeners.  (featuring more original music from TOBIAS TINKER)


    13/11/2017 Duration: 24min

    It’s been a while, friends, but we’re back with more wild and wacky Q&A goodness. But this time? Things are gonna be a bit different…because these questions were submitted with AUDIO! And not just the voice of any old inquisitive gal or fella, faithful listeners. Today is a real treat, as my not-so-old friend, acclaimed singer songwriter, and all-around heartbreakin’ sassy pants CHRYSTAL LEIGH - of Nashville sensation SONS OF DAUGHTERS - is the one on the mic. So get ready for revelations on everything from: my coolest DRUG experience! fav SEX position! girls w/mommy vs daddy issues! Blondes V Brunettes!!! And then we’ll finish off with the hot track Catching Feelings from her duo’s dope new album. It’s SONS OF DAUGHTERS meets the world’s sexiest brother and sister on Episode 15...of Buddha & the Slut.

  • EP 14: TIL DEATH DO US PART — How a Cat Saved My Soul

    31/10/2017 Duration: 32min

      On this show, I tell stories. Strange ones. Scary ones. Sweet and sad and difficult ones. These are true tales of my experiences with travel and culture, magic and mysticism, and all things dirty - both good and bad. But now? Now I’m going to tell a story about love. It’s been a year, almost to the day, that she left. And I first wrote this piece to deal with the grief. But now, I’m sharing it to honour her. And to remind people that a soulmate can come in many forms…and inevitably leave us…but if our lives were changed by them, then the bond was not in vain. It’s a long one…so I hope you’ll set aside 35min for the journey. Who knows…maybe, just maybe, you’ll be changed a little by knowing her, too. You’re listening to Buddha and the Slut. And this one is called: TIL DEATH DO US PART.

  • EP 13: THE TEMPLE OF DELPHINE (Lessons in Desire)

    30/09/2017 Duration: 26min

    There’s truth in the old saying, ‘It’s not where you are, but who you’re with, that makes the journey worthwhile.’ And with 7 years of the nomad life under my well-worn belt, I tend to agree. I’ve been to some amazing places, and seen some incredible things, but it’s the people I’ve met on the path that made it memorable. That opened me up. Taught me the big lessons. Call them good, or bad, or rockin’ the middle way… ALL of them were teachers. All of them were mirrors. This is a story about one of them — a gorgeous French girl I met on a bus back in the spring of 2013, on a visa run to the Myanmar border. Headphones and HD are highly recommended. And even though it ain't 50 Shades of Grey bullshit (IE: it doesn't SUCK), it is Rated R.  Featuring original music by Tobias Tinker. #NSFW #travel #digitalnomad #sex #relationships #thailand #women #girls #seduction #dating #lessons #hunter #prey 


    18/09/2017 Duration: 22min

    Back in Spring 2004 I hadn’t been sleeping well for months. Not to mention zero exercise, and heaps of junk food. Something had to give. Turns out my breakdown wouldn't happen in the waking world... A few weeks after I adopted my cat, Quinn – the little Maine Coon goddess who would watch me each night from the foot of the bed with something akin to ‘annoyed concern’ — there was a fateful evening when I finally sank into slumber. And I mean it like it sounds – sank. Like a boat with a hole in it. Like movie quicksand. Like dinosaurs in tar. I sank until I found myself trapped in the dark. And I was scared. Because I knew all about lucid dreaming… ...but how could a nightmare could be this real??? (Based on a TRUE story, and featuring original music by Tobias Tinker and guest narration by DAVID KAYE, from The Cat's Maw audio experience)

  • EP 11: TWENTY QUESTIONS — Part 3

    22/08/2017 Duration: 25min

    Time for another juicy Q&A on Buddha and the Slut!! This ep, your questions covered everything from: multitasking + body-swapping meditation tips + coping with solitude being a lesbian in a man’s body my Top 3 picks for a Living or Dead Dream Dinner Hope you enjoy it — be sure to share and comment if you do — and don't be too shy to send in Q's of your own!!    

  • EP 10: MY SECRET DRUG — Sugar, Cigs, and the Power of Beauty

    11/08/2017 Duration: 24min

    Last time we took a trip to frontiers both strange and psychedelic. Whereas today…we’re gonna stay a bit closer to home…especially if you happen to live in France. But it’s still Buddha and the Slut, my friends — which means we got some travel, some embarrassing truths, a little weirdness, and a special kind of narcotic.  This is Episode 10, and it’s called…MY SECRET DRUG. (Feat. Music by Stillness3)

  • EP 9: VINE OF THE DEAD (Demon Snakes, Samurai Shaman, and My First AYAHUASCA Trip)

    29/07/2017 Duration: 34min

    A major theme of this podcast is idea of the journey…and how it changes us. And I believe this to be true whether the quest is over literal land and sea, in the mythic arc of a narrative ‘hero’, or to the very centre of our psychic depths. That’s right, my friends…as promised, it’s time we finally get psychedelic on the show, with a chilling tale of 12 strangers, demon snakes, and a 9ft Samurai Shaman!!! It’s fire and brimstone and pants-shitting DMT fun with AYAHUASCA— in a story that had to told on Buddha and Slut. Buckle up, children. This one’s called – VINE OF THE DEAD. (FEAT. music from the SOUND FASCINATION Collection by Tobias Tinker)   


    19/07/2017 Duration: 01h15min

    A 1HR INTERVIEW w/ CULT AUTHOR JAMES CURCIO + MUSICAL BONUS!!! This episode, I chat with JAMES CURCIO — philosopher, musician, transmedia artist, sensual deviant, and chief brain at MYTHOS MEDIA — on all things creative and philosophical, as we approach the eve of his long-awaited Narrative Machines release! As always, I try to get to the roots of the creative urge, formative year influences, and 'happy accidents' along the way. I hope you'll stick around for the chat, which includes an exclusive music treat right after the show :) Thanks again for listening — I'll have a new original story up in the next few weeks, so spread the good word! BB    


    04/07/2017 Duration: 24min

    (HEY! If you're keen to ask a question you can leave it here, drop by my site, or hit me up on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. Happy to do it - but I hope you'll spread the good word and post a glowing review on iTunes/Stitcher/Google if you dig it!) Go-to shower songs? Death Row last meal? Getting on TV? A writer’s purpose? The impact of travel?     What’s my type? Who put the Bomp in the Bomp-sha-bomp-sha-bomp? And my defining high-school crush? You brought the Q’s, my friends... So I will bring the A’s! Slip on those headphones And smoke ‘em if you got ‘em... It’s time for 20 QUESTIONS — PART 2 On Buddha…and the Slut.


    27/06/2017 Duration: 35min

      NOTE: Ep#6 is an audio retelling of a blog I did that was picked up by TINY BUDDHA back in 2014. It's a true story from my childhood. It also placed the first stones in both my spiritual AND creative paths. Because of this, I wanted to include a special bonus at the end of this short ep — a free chapter from my audiobook THE CAT'S MAW, which essentially tells a fictional version of these same events — featuring the award-winning voice of DAVID KAYE, along with a beautiful original score by TOBIAS TINKER. I sincerely hope that you'll enjoy your experience with both.  Thanks for listening, Brooke

  • EP 5: SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? (Hard Lessons in Vientiane, Laos)

    21/06/2017 Duration: 25min

      Last time I promised you something ‘sexy’ for the next show.  Now…’sexy’ can mean a lot of things — exotic, erotic, intense, dangerous, and yes…even pornographic. So, if I’m gonna to go for the gold star and circle all of the above on this multiple choice test? Then I’ll do it with this sordid, scary, and downright scandalous tale of one unbelievable night and morning in Vientiane - the communist capital of Laos - that I will never, ever forget.  Hunker down, kids, and smoke ‘em if you get ‘em…this is Sexy Storytime…on Buddha and the Slut (NSFW) When you’ve been living out a backpack for long enough, pinching those pennies or euros or baht or crowns or dong, you eventually find that magical spot you want to call ‘home’ for more than a month. Someplace that clicks with your inherent cultural sensibilities. You know the deal. Good weather. Great food. Hot girls. Fast internet. Mostly avoidable plagues and crime. Sand, sun, and surf. And, god willing, all of it on the Cheap. Tall order, you say? Not so much.


    21/05/2017 Duration: 01h28min

    It's an epic 90 MINUTE INTERVIEW with the maestro himself — TOBIAS TINKER! From his humble (but still kinda brilliant) origins in small-town Canada to decades of globe-trotting, psycho-nauting, tipple-tasting, music-making, truth-seeking, and even some unparalleled Libran Dungeon-Mastering (you kinda gotta listen to understand, son) — Tobias leaves no stone unturned in this enlightening and booze-fuelled chat from his cozy studio in the heart of Berlin, Germany. So get comfy, my friends...and let us take you on another journey that's wonderful, strange, and more than a little inspiring!  


    21/05/2017 Duration: 37min

    YOU ASKED ME THINGS. LOTS OF THINGS.  I BLUSHED...DRANK...AND THEN ANSWERED! I honestly wasn't sure if any friends, old-school fans, or curious newbies out there would heed the call for question submissions. I didn't know if anyone actually wanted my thoughts of life, love, art, drugs, God, and cringeworthy sex-capades... You may smite me if I ever doubt again :D In this week's Q&A, I'll be filling your earholes with responses to questions on: Monogamy vs Polyamory! If God's so great, what about skin-burrowing botflies?! my psych-thriller graphic novel 'Becoming', and how to write stories from a 'dark spiritual' perspective! which countries/nationalities boast the 'friendliest' ladies! and much, MUCH more! (Keep the questions coming, gang — this is gonna be a monthly feature on the show!!!)

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