Buddha And The Slut

EP 13: THE TEMPLE OF DELPHINE (Lessons in Desire)



There’s truth in the old saying, ‘It’s not where you are, but who you’re with, that makes the journey worthwhile.’ And with 7 years of the nomad life under my well-worn belt, I tend to agree. I’ve been to some amazing places, and seen some incredible things, but it’s the people I’ve met on the path that made it memorable. That opened me up. Taught me the big lessons. Call them good, or bad, or rockin’ the middle way… ALL of them were teachers. All of them were mirrors. This is a story about one of them — a gorgeous French girl I met on a bus back in the spring of 2013, on a visa run to the Myanmar border. Headphones and HD are highly recommended. And even though it ain't 50 Shades of Grey bullshit (IE: it doesn't SUCK), it is Rated R.  Featuring original music by Tobias Tinker. #NSFW #travel #digitalnomad #sex #relationships #thailand #women #girls #seduction #dating #lessons #hunter #prey