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  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 283:42:06
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We want to talk about video games, movies, TV, comics, Warhammer, music, Sci-Fi, food, weapons, Ancient cultures, made up cultures, talking about things, history, fiction, historical fiction, Star Wars, and a few other things I didn't list. Lets just say, anything.


  • PS2J 33 - A Series of Blimps w/ Lane

    27/02/2016 Duration: 50min

    Lane tells us about a cool game, Ikaruga. And Josh is struggling with Mega Man. We also get to hear about some of Lane’s favourite games. Josh recommends some heavy movies, trigger warning for those. Found a clip of Ikaruga - Find Lane on the internet Facebook - AplhaNerd Cosplay Twitter - @AlphaNerdCsplay Instagram - @alphanerdcosplay PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook

  • PS2J 32 - Pokemon 20th Anniversary with Jo, Dana and Veronica

    20/02/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    Josh tried out structure and wrote notes for this episode, and by wrote, it means copied if off the internet. On the website notes will be included! Most importantly, we want to know your opinion on our questions. Please let us know on the site, or Facebook, or Twitter, maybe email, tell us anyway! Whats your favourite Pokemon? What kind of Gym Leader would you be? Follow Veronica on Instagram @veronicarab_raeby PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook

  • PS2J 31 - The Fandom Menace w/ Veronica

    13/02/2016 Duration: 49min

    Lot of bombs get dropped this episode. “Haven’t seen ____”, “Didn’t play ____” and “Can’t swim?”. The topics are varied, the intervention is real. PS2J at its best. Kubo and the Two Strings IMDB - PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook

  • PS2J 30 - Manifest Cosplay w/ Kyle and Joscelin

    06/02/2016 Duration: 58min

    Kyle tells us of fantastical tales of convention schenanegins. Then with multiple appearances, and not to just Tri-Beam Cell, if ya-know-what-I-mean. Our guests also talk about the care conventions take for people with special needs. And conversation flows to minor degrees of separation between us all, is it spooky? Or too spooky? There is also a large conversation about gaming. Getting paid to game, and getting games early. Find Kyle and Joscelin Dust Bunny Creations and The Edmonton Ninja Turtle On Facebook Joscelin on Twitter @josXmac Kyle on Twitter @IcePickett Want to check out Josh’s art stream? PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook

  • PS2J 29 - Cartoons and Games w/ Kyle and Joscelin

    30/01/2016 Duration: 54min

    Kyle, known for being the Edmonton Ninja Turtle, and Joscelin, of Dust Bunny Creations, podcast with us today. We talk about cosplay, old nostalgic cartoons and the games we play. We share stories and learn about our guests and have a good ol’ time. Find Kyle and Joscelin Dust Bunny Creations and The Edmonton Ninja Turtle On Facebook Joscelin on Twitter @josXmac Kyle on Twitter @IcePickett PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook

  • PS2J 28 - Return Of The Rolland

    23/01/2016 Duration: 51min

    We have Rolland back on our show. And it starts off with Alan letting all know Ari tooled him at Skullgirls. We recap some debunked theories and cover our experiences from the movies. We also start speculating on what come next in the franchise, what will Episode 8 contain? How mind blowingly awesome will Rogue 1 be? Find Rolland on the internet! Twitter @rollandjadeonar Instagram @cdnjedi Follow Saber Guild Echo Base Twitter @SGTemplePrime Facebook Looking to join Echobase? You can email Rolland yourself! SGEchobaseTemple@gmail (dot) com PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook

  • PS2J 27 - Ryan Returns

    17/01/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    Ryan is back on the podcast and we talk about some things that have happened recently. As well as things we are interested and learn some terms, like how Alan explains what being one of the lucky ten thousand is. And we even have some time to talk video games. The part of the Shantae play though Ryan has with Josh, that Josh really likes Find Ryan! deviantArt - twitter - @kuurion Youtube search for Kuuribro PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook

  • PS2J 26 - The Spoilers Awaken

    10/01/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    We've seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and it's time we talk about it. Obviously, be warned, there are tons of spoilers. PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook

  • PS2J 25 - New Year 2016

    02/01/2016 Duration: 51min

    The new year starts out… uhh, not strong. But it starts. We talk about the great year we had. And what we look forward to with next year Not watching our channel? Why not? Mikes Master Chief Write Up Josh’s Goofy Destiny Video The Picasso CaH Thing PS2J has a Patreon And talk to us in the comments! Or... Twitter and Instagram @ps2jshow Facebook And happy holidays!

  • BSD20 3 - Rebels Without A Clue

    26/12/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    Our adventure starts with Monedo, a sage in need of heroes to save the village of Wolford. Belai the Malign is attacking it. Veronica plays a human ranger, followed by her trusty Minotaur, Minnie. Mike is a dwarf paladin, that praises the King Under The Mountain. Josh is the pixie necromancer, that likes to ride his subjects. They have to see past their differences to overcome the battle ahead. Can they defeat the Ork in the Shiny armour? Spoiler: They kinda do?

  • PS2J 24 - Press Start To Join The Holidays

    19/12/2015 Duration: 54min

    Why not start out a holiday episode by scolding Josh. Put Christ in Christmas… Twice! Have a Christy ChristmasChrist. Mike steps in on the war on Christmas. Josh fails on a 30 Rock quote. Party foul. Then he destroys it. Wow, get it together. Mikes favourite Christmas but not Christmasy movie is Die Hard. Josh may be confused with Batman Returns. That is defiantly during Christmas. Conversation turns in a Schwarzenegger talk. Alan likes references that stand on their own, but serve as a treat to fans. Josh like Gremlins as a not Christmasy movie. We discover that Alan has no memory of movies with Christmas. Josh goes on about reverse animal rescues again. Mike has a fun fact about computer names in Evangelion. Alan hits a sore spot with Josh on the topic of Tim Horton holiday cups. And nobody cares as much as he does. Or ever should. Mike seems to be really unobservant. For Josh, all design mistakes seem to drive him crazy. For some kind of Christmas theming, Josh reads Wikipedia for some Christmas info. Alan

  • PS2J 23 - Rentals, Memory Cards, Simpler Times

    19/12/2015 Duration: 58min

    Josh fumbles a shout out to Kevin MacLeod. He makes all the music that Josh uses for the show, sans intro jingle. Check out his info below. It’s the 19th! … Not really. And Josh is wrong, his wife bought the CAH Hanukkah subscription for him. Josh takes you through the experience of opening his Night One letter. At the time of editing the podcast, he has also received Night Three, which was more socks. And Night Three’s letter was about commitment. Alan isn’t jealous of Josh’s stump gloves. Josh talks about the biggest secret behind Five Nights At Freddys. Alan and Josh like FNAF, to watch but not play. Mike likes other survival horrors. Josh is looking forward to working with Ryan again! And we want to play games with you too Ryan! Josh apparently knows very little about Heroes of the Storm Alan saw some LoL fails. Josh didn’t see the holiday traffic he wanted when he want to WEM. Mike had a visit with robots or something. Alan tells us there is a hoverboad battery recall. We ooze into Fallout talk. Josh tal

  • PS2J 22 - Kylo Ren Can’t Melt Steel Beams w/ Rolland

    12/12/2015 Duration: 51min

    Josh fumbles the intro. And we talk about our Pulp Fiction-esque episode. Josh opens up with asking, most Disappointing movie remake. Disney owns Star Wars, which will make for great video game and other crossovers. Roland enjoys the Disney Infinity line of toys. Roland tells us a story of his son at ECEE 2015, seeing some hardcore Buzz and Woody cosplayers. Alan informs Roland of the ‘Everything Is Canon’ theory. Roland tells us of the old super hero shows, Batman, Captain America, Spider-Man and more. He is also happy with the current state and future of super hero movies and shows. Josh is mighty perturbed that Batman vs Superman has a Batman backstory. Rolland believes in Ben Affleck’s Batman, the Batfleck. Can anything stand in the shadow of Star Wars? Or nerd movies in general. Movies are just a bigger business. Josh got excited by a 360 degree music video ad. What if BB-88 is droid Hitler? Rolland speculates on what character Andy Serkis, is playing in the Force Awakens. He tells us about the Sith lord

  • PS2J 21 - Cosplay For Good w/ Rolland

    05/12/2015 Duration: 47min

    We start off chatting about History channel and shortly get to our guest. Today we welcome Rolland, as he is referred in most circles, he is a cool guy, dad and Jedi. When did Facebook becomes so serious? Josh ruins a plug, Alan saves the day. Then Josh slowly tries to follow Rolland on Twitter. We complain about how Facebook filters content. Rolland is part of Saber Guild, a Disney and Lucasfilm Ltd., recognized Star Wars group. And Echo Base is the Canadian division that Rolland is a director of. They do choreographed lightsaber demonstrations for charity and other events. If you are interested in joining, they have high standards, and are always looking for people interested to join. Rolland started his adventure with his own Ultrasaber and started up the GELG, Greater Edmonton Lightsaber Guild. We talk lightsaber forms, extensions of personality but just wack-wack for choreography. FloWarrior, a performance artist(s), have a few really cool lightsaber tricks, you can find them on Facebook. Alan brings up,

  • PS2J 20 - What Are You Watching

    28/11/2015 Duration: 42min

    We got nothing. So what is everyone watching? Alan is watching Supergirl! And he was on and off with Arrow. Then we talk about some of the thing that were different in The Martian, comparing movie and book. We complain a bit about the Hobbit being 3 movies. With added stuff from other books or completely new content all together. Mike then explains the importance of Gimli and Legolas’ friendship. He also liked Daredevil and is looking forward to more. Also on Netflix, Mike and Alan are enjoying Sense 8. Josh is a comedy guy, and other than that he only like the 2 most acclaimed television dramas to date. Alan explains why Full Metal Alchemist is inferior to Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Josh talks about his favourite comedies on Netflix (Canadian), starting with Black Books. He also recommends, Come Fly With Me, a documentary style comedy by the guys that brought you Little Britain. Dr. Who comes up. Josh is slowly watching it with his wife, and Alan is unsatisfied with the last episode he saw. Josh talk

  • PS2J 19 - What A Pain In The GUI

    21/11/2015 Duration: 40min

    Josh has a problem with a variety of user interfaces on various platforms. First of all Xbox One, the New Experience is garbage. Josh does like ONE thing with the new layout. Mike is ostracized for trying to talk on games by other players. Alan says that PS4 isn’t any better. Josh and Alan download all the free games that are given to them. Assassins Creed Black Flag best on the WiiU? New 3DS XL are cheaper now its close to the holidays. Alan hasn’t charged his 3DS and Mike knows that would happen to any handheld he buys. Josh brings up Alan’s old complaint about any website with a log in. We blend into talking about being old. Oh brother. I am making a conscious decision to not post those video links. Live in mystery! Then Josh talks about YouTube UI. Alan bring up the pain of editing yourself gaming. Josh seems to have a lot of problems with YouTube, 1st world problems. And YouTube seemingly fixed some of his problems already. Alan talks about Apple making their apps look like Android on Android, and G

  • PS2J 18 - Homoerotic Robots w/ Jen

    15/11/2015 Duration: 55min

    Jen is still around, so we are talking with him! Pachinko starts off the podcast, then Alan tells us a bit of how he acted while he visited Japan. He used the technique called Gaijin Smash. Josh talks about his obsession with AK-Bingo. Alan talks about the horrible Arkham Knight update to PC. Josh doesn’t know what voxel is and calls it vexel. And thinks its pixels. That sparks a whole pixel conversation. Alan brings up that Candy Crush was bought for billions of dollars. Then we discuss whales, and why mobile games hunt them. Josh talks about a free game he downloaded. Pay wall killed it for him. Then he talks about Idle Games. Jen thought he meant Idol Games. Like pop groups. Then Jen talks about someone making a physical Hearthstone deck, and research shows he meant to say it was someone in China that made it. Then Jen bring up Yu-Gi-Oh, and Josh gets mad and tells a story. Alan shares some silly things about the Magic the Gathering TCG. And it falls into a Yu-Gi-Oh filled episode. And it seems Jen and the

  • PS2J 17 - Monkey See, Monkey Brains w/ Jen

    08/11/2015 Duration: 56min

    We sit down with Jen. FYI: After the 50 minute mark it bits a bit dark. If you listened to the Live Halo 5 episode, he was on near the end. And he came back for more microphone action. He won the Elite controller. It’s dang expensive. The guys talk pro gaming strategies. Divian, the organizer for the Halo 5 event, still hasn’t added us on Xbox live. Josh is lazy and yells at his Xbox to make it play the Netflix. Jen is trying to form a team of Rocket Leaguers, or whatever they’re called. Mike tells us how his Chief armour disintegrated during the Halo 5 event. The cosplayers of jealous of the cosplayers with workshops. Jen makes his cosplay with foam. He’s a part of the Knights of Cos. He and Mike, highly recommend the books on foam armour by Bill Doran. And he’s looking into making an armour dummy. The guys hatch a plan inspired by Home Alone for Mike to do. And then it will destroy Geralds life. Josh talks One Punch Man with Jen. The mole men seemed to be Saitama’s only challenge. Then Josh gives an e

  • PS2J 16 - Hype Ain't So Hip

    31/10/2015 Duration: 36min

    We feel that Star Wars trailers just look like all other Star Wars trailer. Then we speculate on what happened at the end of SW Episode VI to lead up to The Force Awakens. We delve way too far into the arms race of Star Wars space ships. Its interesting how Lego has a a lock down of Star Wars leaks. We talk about different types of lightsabers there are. A Bad Boys remake of Star Wars would be great. Too many funny Martins. We try to talk about the hype train again. And immediately derail into the topic of how Playboy has moved away from pornography. Open innovation to get sponsored by Apple. Fun fact for an Apple employee screening this for content, recorded on a MacBook Pro. Edited on an Mac. How much does Bill Gates needs to see on the ground to pick it up? Answer, a lot. Apple store employee that stole a LOT of gift cards. Mike continues on how he dislikes Black Widow and Hawkeye. Alan compares each Avenger to their powers. Mike brings up the Honest Trailers review of Avengers 2: Age of Big Bad.

  • LIVE 1 - Halo 5 Launch Party

    31/10/2015 Duration: 01h58min

    We got to hang out with a bunch of cool people. It all starts when our first guest sits down, Kendall, and Josh explains the REQ System for unlocking content. Then we put Tyler in the podcast. Thats right, we did. Hannah talks to Alan about the table set up, and brings up the Skyrim launch she was at. Brock joins the podcast to talk about this Halo game. He’s looking forward to multiplayer, mainly Warzone. And he had to get himself the Legendary edition. Someone, presumably without a name, joins briefly and they get a rundown on what we are about. Diviyan makes the first announcement, then Extra Life raps about their charity and then Josh talks. Hannah talks about a lack of good female characters, and moves on to Cortana’s looks. Alan counters with the fact, no character in game cares what she looks like. Josh sits in for Alan, and pester’s Hannah’s fiance, Cole. Hannah looks forward to ladies fighting front lines. And then she runs the show with Ken. Cody and Merissa hang out with us. Cody plugs his

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