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PS2J 16 - Hype Ain't So Hip



We feel that Star Wars trailers just look like all other Star Wars trailer. Then we speculate on what happened at the end of SW Episode VI to lead up to The Force Awakens. We delve way too far into the arms race of Star Wars space ships. Its interesting how Lego has a a lock down of Star Wars leaks. We talk about different types of lightsabers there are. A Bad Boys remake of Star Wars would be great. Too many funny Martins. We try to talk about the hype train again. And immediately derail into the topic of how Playboy has moved away from pornography. Open innovation to get sponsored by Apple. Fun fact for an Apple employee screening this for content, recorded on a MacBook Pro. Edited on an Mac. How much does Bill Gates needs to see on the ground to pick it up? Answer, a lot. Apple store employee that stole a LOT of gift cards. Mike continues on how he dislikes Black Widow and Hawkeye. Alan compares each Avenger to their powers. Mike brings up the Honest Trailers review of Avengers 2: Age of Big Bad.