From The Wall to King's Landing, to Dorne and Essos and beyond: This is THRONE IMPROVEMENT!
Episode 22: No One
14/06/2016 Duration: 01h13minThe episode you’ve all been waifing for has arrived! Lords Wood & Bone return with a review of the latest episode of Game of Thrones. The boys go deep diving down the theory hole, discuss budget-friendly ways to die, and preview next week's episode, “A Sack Full of Faces.” So FOLLOW! SUBSCRIBE! BECOME NO ONE! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 21: The Broken Man
07/06/2016 Duration: 01h06minThis week, we are chasing the reemergence of Benjen Stark with some hair of the dog that bit us. Steve and Matt are back to discuss another eventful week in Westeros, and they aren’t afraid to voice their controversial opinions: THEY LOVED EVERYTHING! The boys talk Tommy Boy plagiarism, livin’ that siege life, and spooky VHS covers. FOLLOW! SUBSCRIBE! SNOOOW! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 20: Blood of My Blood
31/05/2016 Duration: 01h13minI’ve got nipples, Tarly. Can you milk me? Wood and The Bone and Maester Warkel are back to review the newest episode of Game of Thrones! This week Randyll Tarly has zero chill, the High Sparrow is pious af, and Benjen, Meera, and Bran are squad goals. Is Daenerys one more motivational speech away from the Mighty Ducks winning the big game? Stream to find out! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 19: The Door
24/05/2016 Duration: 01h17minAT LAST, THE HODORIGIN IS UPON US. This week on Throne Improvement, the 'lil lords are joined by John Guastavino of House Drinking Problem and Flea Bottom's own Kevin Mason. The boys discuss Littlefinger's failed prom-posal, the organization of a Greyjoy election, and the death of the most loved character in the fandom, LEAF. Follow! Subscribe! Gallivant! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 18: Book of the Stranger
17/05/2016 Duration: 01h00sStranger is my middle name. Steve and Matt are back from the dead and renouncing all of their vows for another episode of Throne Improvement! The boys are joined by the Three-Eyed Kevin to discuss Tormund's mack game and Jorah Lundegaard's comedy of errors. TUNE ON! CLOUD IN! COME AND GET IT! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 17: Oathbreaker
10/05/2016 Duration: 01h34minEvery time a mean-mugging farmboy is hanged in Westeros, an angel gets its wings! That's right, folks, Olly is dead! Find out how the guys are reacting to the neck snap heard round the world! This week, we try to answer such questions as: what does a severed direwolf head actually look like? Does Sam have an eating disorder? Where the hell is Gendry? Tune in as Throne Improvement reviews Episode 3 of Season 6 of Game of Thrones, Oathbreaker! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 16: Home
03/05/2016 Duration: 01h06minIt ain't over 'til the fat Walda screams! This week, Matt and Steve review Weekend at Bernie's 3: Castle Black and answer all of your emails. The boys discuss the best head splatter of the week and if Hodor is going to take Lyanna to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance. Download and subscribe —— the Ros plush doll could be yours! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 15: The Red Woman
26/04/2016 Duration: 01h03minThe Lord of Light is kind! Throne Improvement returns! This week, Steve and Matt discuss the season premiere of Game of Thrones. Is Jon Snow too pretty to stay a corpse? Are the Sand Snakes breaking the Jar Jar Binks mold? Is an old lady still hot if she uses magic to look dope? The answers to these questions and more lie within: enter if you dare. Also, subscribe if you dare. Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 14: Top 5 Character Countdown
20/04/2016 Duration: 01h18minThis week, the boys are counting down to the season premiere with an episode that not even renowned list-maker Arya Stark could hope to rival: their top 5 Game of Thrones characters! W&tB are joined by Steve's sister, Liz, to discuss the best (and worst) men and women of Westeros. Can Stannis bounce back from immolating his child? Can a bottom 3 list be entirely made of Sand Snakes? Does Cardone have a list of top 3 favorite helmets? All of these questions, as well as the results of Charlie Sturm's Tournament of Heroes, are discussed within! Chegg it! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 13: Lord Yeakel: Master of Theories
15/04/2016 Duration: 01h11minIt has been foretold ... THRONE IMPROVEMENT RETURNS. That's right, lords and ladies, Matt, Steve, and Sean are donning their boiled leather and chain mail in preparation for another season of Game of Thrones. This week, the boys do a little bit of speculation on the upcoming season and discuss some of the most popular theories in the fandom. Is Varys a merman? Is Hodor a Targaryan? Is there an even Badder Pussy on the horizon? Tune into Throne Improvement and find out! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 12: The 2015 Thronie Awards
07/07/2015 Duration: 55minLadies and Gentleman, it’s awards night in Westeros, and the Lord of Light has brought back ALL your favorite dead people. Welcome to the most fabulous night in the seven kingdoms, THE 2015 THRONIE AWARDS! The star studded event is hosted by Throne Improvement’s own Matt Cardone and Steve Wood and includes appearances by Oberyn Martell, Joffrey Baratheon, Maester Aemon, Drogon and many more. Find out who wore what on the red carpet, who is the biggest baller in Westeros, and how bad is Steve’s Lando Calrissian impression. The answers might surprise you! So throw on a tux, chug some champagne and cross your fingers because *even you can be a winner at THE THRONIES! *The Thronies are a prerecorded event. It is impossible for you to win a Thronie. Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 11: Mother's Mercy
16/06/2015 Duration: 01h22minAh, the old tell-him-his-uncle-is-here-and-when-he-goes-to-see-him-it's-a-cross-with-traitor-written-on-it-and-then-we-stab him trick! Should have seen it coming! The season finale of Game of Thrones is here, and with it is our final review of the season! The boys return with the same cheeky antics you’ve grown to love, and this time Matt’s brother Nick came along for the ride. The boys talk about the countless deaths from Episode 10, while finding time to flesh out an overly detailed Throne version of Dazed and Confused. Is Jon Snow really DEAD dead? No one knows! But tune in to hear us flip-flop on our opinion half a dozen times! FOLLOW. SUBSCRIBE. KNEEL TO YOUR PODCAST OVERLORDS! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 10: The Dance of Dragons
09/06/2015 Duration: 01h05minCongratulations, Stannis Baratheon! Throne Improvement’s Father of the Year! It wouldn’t be another year in Westeros without someone immolating a cheerful tween, and so the wheel keeps spinning. This week, the Dance of Dragons is in full swing, and Shireen is going STAG. So join Matt and Steve as they discuss Daznak’s Pit, Weekend at Aemon’s, and the touch, the feel of Greyscale, the fabric of our lives. Here we throne again! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 09: Hardhome
02/06/2015 Duration: 01h16minDon't you hate it when delicate diplomatic missions get ambushed by high octane ice zombie action? US NEITHER. Throne Improvement is back baby, and this week we got two Steves for the price of one. Matt, Steve, and Westeros enthusiast Steve Kane talk about this season's most hardest hitting episode that hits close to home and it hits hard and it's called Hardhome. ENJOY! SUBSCRIBE! KEEP ROWING YOU CRAZY DIAMONDS! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 08: The Gift
26/05/2015 Duration: 01h14minA wise man once said there is no gift like a present, and have we got a present for you! A brand new episode of Throne Improvement! Cardizzle and Wood Nasty invite their good friend and chief producer Jim Warkulwiz into the studio for another captivating and humorous discussion. Will Ridley Scott sue Jorah Mormont for ripping off Gladiator? Will Stannis kill his daughter for dat nookie? Will Gendry punch Daenerys to death in the ultimate Thrones finale? All these questions and more answered in Episode 8 of THRONE IMPROVEMENT. Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 07: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
19/05/2015 Duration: 01h12minNo Martell in the history of Sunspear has ever amounted to anything … GOOD MORROW, Y’ALL! Wood and the Bone are back with another installment of THRONE IMPROVEMENT. Dem Boyz discuss the Teenage Mutant Ninja Sand Snakes, warging into an army of bees, and if GOT can tie up every loose end this season. We are officially in the back end of Season 5, and so far Gendry is still rowing to somewhere, and everything still blows chunks for the Starks. Did the final scene go too far? Or should we just be happy it didn’t go as far as G. R. R. M.’s original novel? Matthew and Stephen discuss it all on this episode of GAME THRONEPROVEMENT. Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 06: Kill the Boy
11/05/2015 Duration: 01h02minHappy Mhysa Day, errybody! We are half way through the season and Dem Boyz are back with a review of KILL THE BOY. Matt and Steve enjoy a heavy helping of Winterfell and a stone-cold ending in Valyria on this week's episode. So grab a brew, immolate a prominent community leader, and feast thine ears on THRONE IMPROVEMENT! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 05: Sons of The Harpy
04/05/2015 Duration: 01h09minWood and The Bone are back with a brand new episode on a Monday morning! Steve and Matt review Episode 4 of Game of Thrones, Season 5. The boys discuss the buddy cops in Dorne, the sensual seduction at The Wall, and the supposed death of two people very dear to our hearts (Tyrion and Hot Pie?). If you don’t listen to our new podcast, Littlefinger will appear at the foot of your bed and try to awkwardly kiss you. Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 04: High Sparrow
28/04/2015 Duration: 01h26minSTANNIS IN THE PLACE WHERE YOU LIVE! Steve and Matt are back, and this time they’ve got company! Guest host Charlie Sturm is in the studio to help the little lords dissect the latest episode of Game of Thrones. In this installment the boys discuss Sansa’s s@#$ luck, Jon Snow killing someone three minutes into his first briefing as Lord Commander, and Tommen and Margaery “making the beast with two backs” … if you know what I mean. Pull up an ear and listen to our discussion of the best episode yet! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Episode 03: The House of Black and White
21/04/2015 Duration: 01h15minWho you callin’ Littlefinger?! This week Steve and Matt delve into the second episode in Game of Thrones, Season 5. The boys discuss the return of Bronn, the problem with Dany, and how the head of Janos Slynt bears uncanny resemblance to a certain appendage. Did you know Maester Aemon is 92 years old in real life?!? You don’t even have to listen to the cast; that is just a fact you can have for free. But you can listen for in-depth discussion of character motives, hidden imagery, and who on the show we would totes bang. LONG REIGN THRONE IMPROVEMENT! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: