Throne Improvement

Episode 11: Mother's Mercy



Ah, the old tell-him-his-uncle-is-here-and-when-he-goes-to-see-him-it's-a-cross-with-traitor-written-on-it-and-then-we-stab him trick! Should have seen it coming! The season finale of Game of Thrones is here, and with it is our final review of the season! The boys return with the same cheeky antics you’ve grown to love, and this time Matt’s brother Nick came along for the ride. The boys talk about the countless deaths from Episode 10, while finding time to flesh out an overly detailed Throne version of Dazed and Confused. Is Jon Snow really DEAD dead? No one knows! But tune in to hear us flip-flop on our opinion half a dozen times! FOLLOW. SUBSCRIBE. KNEEL TO YOUR PODCAST OVERLORDS! Email us at, and we'll read it on our next show! Follow us on our social channels for fun in between podcasts. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: