Bringing you the finest in discussion and dissection of Pop Culture, both old and new(mostly old) with your hosts Stratosphear and D-Dub! Remember, just because it's Pop, don't mean it ain't culture!
Episode 039: Time travel for the post-post-post modern geek!
08/04/2014They say that tangents are an occupational hazard when traveling through time, and boy if that's not what we did. I think we hit a new record for number of times getting off-topic, all while(strangely enough) seeming like we were staying ON topic. Just another example of a time travel paradox? You be the judge, check it out here. Disclaimer 1:Be forewarned, we both ranted and rambled(mostly Strat) but we assure it's engaging as all get out. Disclaimer 2: There are tons of spoilers for TV shows, movies and other things, so don't say we didn't warn you. As always, we can be reached at or Our topic for next time will be the much anticipated Silver Age of DC show!!!! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 038: He's just A Bill(Murray, that is!)
21/03/2014As the song says, it's been a long cold lonely winter! We are still fighting to bring you episodes of(we're assuming) your favorite podcast(s)! This time around we discuss one of our favorite actors, Bill Murray. We also manage to fit about five other topics in, and of course, plenty of fun sound clips! Check it out here. If you have comments, questions, complaints, etc., please feel free to contact us at or Our topic next time around will be time travel(Non-Doctor who related, we will devote another show in a few weeks to the good doctor) P.S. We would like to acknowledge the passing of one of the GEIA brotherhood, Will Dearduff III. He died suddenly(actually the same morning we recorded this show) and is survived by his wife and daughter. If you would like to donate to his memorial fund(which helps towards funeral expenses), please go to See
Episode 037:The Slow Heat Death Of Saturday Morning, Or 80's Cartoons!
19/02/2014Okay, you caught me, I know I said last time we were going to talk about about Bill Murray. What can I say, D-Dub's and my brains are so frozen, we're lucky we can remember where either one of us live, much less what we're talking about next week! Anyhoo, we are having a discussion this time around of cartoons from our favorite decade, the 80's! Turns out for the most part we prefer the music of the decade, but we still had a few interesting points to make. You can catch it here. Lots of great sound clips and theme songs in this one, so sit back and enjoy. Or stand. No pressure. If you have a comment or question about this or any other episode please contact us at or Next time we will be discussing the career and films of Bill Murray. Really. C'mon, we wouldn't screw with you guys two shows in a row. Or would we? Nah, just kidding! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 036: And now, the Movies, folks!
06/02/2014Well, gang, in spite of the all the global warming that we keep having to shovel out of our driveways, we have managed to submit(for your approval) another episode of Geeks Explain It All! This time around we start off with some fan mail from our friend Joe, which leads us into a discussion of how the advent of the home video/DVD/Blu-ray era has seen the late night movie hosts fall by the wayside. An intriguing episode( even for us) it can be found here. If you would like to comment, criticize, contact us, check us out or anything else starting with the letter "c" we are at as well as Don't forget to tune in next time, when we will be have an in-depth discussion of the coolness that is Bill Murray! Til next time, Happy Valentine's Day, and remember, you always love the one you hurt. Or Something. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 035: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a franchise!
21/01/2014Well, gang, we are finally back, post-holiday, with another fantastic episode of GEIA. This time around we tackle the lengthy subject of Superman in media other than the actual comics! All your live action favourites and a few animated ones as well! Check it out here! If you have any comments, questions or any kind of feedback, drop us a line at or Until next time, kids, remember, in the words of Muhammad Ali, "Superman don't need no seat belt" See for privacy and opt-out information.
Special enhanced Bonus Episode - Underrated Guitarists!
08/01/2014Well, never let it be said here at GEIA that we let technology get the better of us; the fact is, we LOVE technology, but sometimes, time, resources, and the learning curve prevent us from utilizing it to it's fullest. Case in point, our episode about our favorite underrated guitarists(#7, for those keeping track), is a great episode, but you can't hear examples of what we're talking about. Well, lo and behold, we dug deep into the GEIA vault, pulled that sucker out, slapped some technology on there, and VOILA! Our first enhanced episode!Check It Out Here! Thanks for being fans and stay tuned for future episodes! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 034: Christmas Movies we love(and some, not so much)
25/12/2013Well, gang, we do apologize for the late posting, but the devil that is the internet decided to vex me at the last minute. All is well, now, though. So here is our second annual Christmas Episode! This time around we discuss what our favorite Christmas movies are. Also those that we pretty much hate. Which are which? the answer may surprise you! Check your guesses here. Go ahead, we'll wait. Okay, now that you're back, did you guess correctly? Did we forget about any? Did you completely disagree with us? Let us know either way at or Our first topic for the new year will be a discussion of Superman in other media, That is, moives, tv, anything OTHER than the actual comics. Til then , folks, from all of us here at Geeks Explain It All, Merry Xmas, and a safe and Happy New year! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 033: Mel the Schwartz be with you!
11/12/2013Well, brethren and sistren, after too long of a gap, we are back with a brand new episode! Our topic this time around is...Mel Brooks! That's right, the comic genius who gave us everything from a 2000-year-old man to the hottest ticket on Broadway(twice) is who we are discussing. Savor the meshugganah goodness here. If you have any feedback on this, or any episode we will read it on a future episode! Don't believe us? Then try us at or Join us next time for our second annual Christmas Show, where we will be discussing some of our favorite(and not-so-favorite) Christmas movies. Until Next time, kids, remember, It's Good To Be The King! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 032: We were cool when it wasn't country...
06/11/2013 Duration: 01h09minOkay, here it is, the first all- new episode we did NOT record at MOCC 2013. And what a doozy of a subject we have: Country Music(sorry didn't have much time for western!). We talk about the music that a lot of us grew up on(and sometimes grew out of). The sheet-kicking can be found here. If you would like to comment or just let out a "yee-haw" contact us at Tune in again next time when we will offer(humbly, of course) our tribute and analysis of a master of comedy, Mel Brooks. Til next time remember, If you can't run with the big dogs, stay under the porch. And yee-haw. See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 031: We've got an App(and a tangent) for that!
22/10/2013Okay, friends and neighbors, it's Tuesday and that means there's a new episode ready! In this case, GEIA's latest masterpiece is a subject so fantastic we needed a special guest expert to assist us(remember, an expert is anybody from out of town)! We are proud and humbled to welcome the Aviator himself, Matt Sabins, of Sabins Gadgeteering Labs. Matt joins us for the surprisingly entertaining subject "What are our favorite Apps."? And lest you think we are biased, we come to the discussion with not one, not two, but three different platforms, Windows Phone, Android and Iphone! This exercise in communications(and punchiness) can be found here. If you have an app that we overlooked contact us at and we will read your comments on our next show! Our subject next time will be a big'un, Country Music. And if we have time, Western as well! Til next time, kids, remember, may your favors always be odd. Or something. The above picture was snapped mere seconds
Episode 030: Roundtable 2: Just when you thought it was safe to go off on tangents...
09/10/2013OK kids, sorry it's taken so long but the 2nd annual Geeks Roundtable episode is finally here. We had a few technical problems but I think you'll agree it's even better than last year. We talk about everything from Doctor Who to What movies we are ashamed to admit we haven't seen. All this and our second year of making weird discoveries about William Shatner. Our personal thanks to Matt, TJ, Becky, Shannon,Harvey, JB, and Neon for delivering the unique madness that makes this a must-listen! Our show next time will be an in depth look at what our favorite smartphone apps are, with a special guest appearance from The Aviator himself, Matt Sabins! We will have three different platforms that we will be discussing, Iphone, Windows Phone and Android, so f you have questions, queries, posers, or comments in general, contact us at or Til next time, remember, just because you're not in the lead, just means you haven't found your way out of the
Episode 029: Live from the floor of MOCC!!!
29/09/2013Well kids, we are glad to be back with the first of three(3) epsiodes of Geeks Explain It All. This episode we have a number of interviews with various exhibitors we met at the con, as well as some viewer feedback at the end of the episode. You can check it out here. Up next, the 2nd Annual Roundtable episode! Please contact us at or Also remember to get over and check out our new website at See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 028: And now here's something we hope you'll REALLY like!
30/08/2013Greetings, Pop Culture lovers! On this episode of GEIA we talk about one of our favourite animators, Jay Ward, creator of Rocky&Bullwinkle, George of the Jungle, and many others. You can listen to this fantastic episode here. We can be reached for comments,questions, etc., at both AND We would like to remind our listeners, we will be taking a short hiatus in order to prepare for Wizard World Mid-Ohio Comic Con, or WWMOCC! We will be at WWMOCC the weekend of Sept 20-21-22, if you are in the Columbus area and wish to get in on the GEIA action we will be there and basically up in everybody's grill. We will also be recording the Second annual Geeks Roundtable episode of GEIA, so if you want to contribute let us know when you see us, and we will have more info. Til next time, kids, remember, never do anything half-assed. Being a complete ass is much more productive! See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 027: Headed for a Fall TV Preview
11/08/2013Ok, gang, we are back with another fantabulous episode of the Geeks Explain It All! This time around we take a look at the fall TV schedule to give some of our picks and pans for both brand new series and returning favorites. You can savor it's organic goodness here. Our topic for next time will be a salute to that animation legend, Jay Ward! That's right we will be discussing Rocky and Bullwinkle, George of the Jungle and many others!. We also would like to remind our loyal listeners that after that show we will be taking a short break to prepare for Wizard World Mid-Ohio Comic Con. But fear not, for we shall return after that with the 2nd Annual Geeks roundtable show. Betch can't wait! We can be reached at OR Remember, we incorporate ALL feedback into the show, so if you want a shout-out, GET INVOLVED!!!!!!! Til next time remember, kids, you are what you don't be fast, easy, cheap or fake! See for privacy and
Episode 007: Underrated, keep it all out of sight...
03/08/2013 Duration: 01h07minWell, the brand-spankin new Ep. of GEIA is up, and I gotta say, it's almost getting to be too easy! We had tons of fun both preparing and recording this one. Part of it, no doubt is from knowing we actually have people listening to this podcast. We'll keep going as long as it's fun, and knowing we have actual fans makes it lotsa fun! Anywho, this episode has(as usual) a fascinating subject: who are the three most underrated guitarists of all time? Our answers will surprise and delight you, I'm sure.(They may infuriate you, on the other hand. Let us know!) We definitely had differing opinions but we made great arguments for our choices, and at the end of it all, inspired each other to check out some new stuff. You can listen to the new show here. Our show next time will be an intriguing one(as they all are): our thoughts on how to reboot the Star Trek TV franchise. As always, feedback is encouraged, welcomed, and appreciated. Our email address is Also, like us on Facebook her
Episode 008:The Obligatory Star Trek Episode(You knew it would happen eventually)
03/08/2013So it's come to this:Anyone that knows ANYTHING about D-Dub and Stratosphear knows that we are Trekkers from WAY back. So why did we wait until the 8th episode to discuss it? Well, good things are worth waiitng for, and this episode is definitely a good thing. We have an in-depth discussion of the history of the franchise, along with our ideas for a possible reboot of the TV franchise(since the movie reboot did phenomenally well). What are those ideas, you may very well ask? Well, you'll just have to discover for yourself here. I am confident our thoughts will amaze and delight you(after all, they amazed and delighted us!). Our topic for next week will be Superhero Smackdown: Who would win? We will be discussing the theoretical outcomes of conflicts between Superman Vs. Hulk, Batman vs. Daredevil, and others. Do you have an imaginary battle between your favorite comic heroes? Let us know at and we'll mention it on the show! &nb
Episode 009:Superhero Smackdown: When Tangents Ruled The Earth
03/08/2013G'Day, Campers! It's another fine episode we have for you on tap at Geeks Explain It All. This time our scintillating episode is all about : Who Would Win? In various superhero battles, that is. For those of you who love when D-Dub and I go off on things that have nothing to do with the actual subject(and let's face it, who doesn't?), you have reached the motherlode, True Believers! From Abba(yes, Abba) to Space:1999, we discuss everything you can imagine and then some. And yet, it's all perfectly relevant to the subject at hand. You can listen to this slice of internet goodness, seared to perfection here. Our topic for next episode will be the music of the 80's! Get out your big hair and skinny ties! Got some 80's stuff you want us to discuss, let us know at As always, check out our sister podcast at Darkwind's Secret Lair. Finally, like us on Facebook. Til next time, remember
Episode 010: Geek Roundtable-Tangents high, tangents low, tangents everywhere you go!
03/08/2013Well, kids, sorry for the delay, but going to Comic-con was a huge thing, and took up a lot of time, but it was SOOOO worth it. But fear not, True Believers, for I have emerged from this experience with a Very Special Episode of GEIA(no, this is not Blossom). Yes, it's the First Annual Geek Roundtable show! Our special guests include members of the Great Lake Guardians, the greatest superhero team you never heard of! We cover a multitude of subjects, some of which included Convention etiquette, William Shatner and making the Blue Lotus laugh! It's a highly entertaining episode with 13 extra minutes for your listening pleasure. You can luxuriate in it's awesomeness here. Next time, as previously promised, the music of the 80's! Get out your skinny ties and mini-skirts, 'cause we're gonna talk about New Wave and other important musical stuff from the so-called "Decade of Greed". Got some 80's stuff you want discussed? Or just like to test our powers of humility?
Episode 011: Don't look now but here come the '80's!
03/08/2013 Duration: 01h08minWell, kids, FINALLY a new episode of GEIA is up for your listening perusal. The topic this time around is the music of the 80's! The only thing that was less than completely awesome about this episode is that we didn't have near enough time to get into all the discussions we would have liked to. I would like to go on record as saying we will definitely have a sequel sometime in the future, because we had a blast reliving this music. You can listen to our modest brilliance here. Our topic for next time will be Universal Horror films of the 30's and 40's; got a fave you want discussed? contact us at As always, like us on Facebook. Also, check out our sister podcast at Darkwind's Secret Lair. Til next time,kiddies, remember, If "con" is the opposite of "pro," then what is the opposite of progress? See for privacy and opt-out information.
Episode 012: I was working in the lab late one night...
03/08/2013Well, kids, better late than never! Our Halloween episode is finally up for your enjoyment, perusal and imminent critique(whatever that is). The subject? Why, Universal Horror films, what else? As usual, we cover a variety of topics within the subject and still make it hold together. Our fans(both of them) have come to expect no less. Anywho, you can thrill and chill to the episode here. Our topic for next time will be a discussion of our favorite Xmas specials. Please, let us know what your favorites are and why at We are all looking forward to this special Holiday themed episode. As usual, stop in and check out our sister podcast at Darkwind's Secret Lair. If you haven't already, please like us on Facebook. Til next time, remember, If K.F.C Stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken, Why do they play sweet home Alabama on the commercials? See for privacy and opt-out information.