Geeks Explain It All

Episode 039: Time travel for the post-post-post modern geek!



They say that tangents are an occupational hazard when traveling through time, and boy if that's not what we did. I think we hit a new record for number of times getting off-topic, all while(strangely enough) seeming like we were staying ON topic. Just another example of a time travel paradox? You be the judge, check it out here. Disclaimer 1:Be forewarned, we both ranted and rambled(mostly Strat) but we assure it's engaging as all get out. Disclaimer 2: There are tons of spoilers for TV shows, movies and other things, so don't say we didn't warn you. As always, we can be reached at or Our topic for next time will be the much anticipated Silver Age of DC show!!!! See for privacy and opt-out information.