Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 63:11:06
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Do you dream of getting more out of life each day? Do you desire to take the next step in your career, but it just doesnt seem to be working out like you planned? Do you wish you were more confident in all that you do? Are you tired of having to make up excuses for why you arent where you want to be? Welcome to MOVE: Principles For Getting The Best Results, a podcast designed to help you succeed in your professional and personal life. Andy Albright has spent more than 25 years learning principles of some of the most successful and influential people in the world. With each episode, Andy will help you break through barriers, sail over obstacles and build momentum to guide you toward a better life. Maybe you want to learn how to handle stress or time management more efficiently, or just stop engaging in the blame game. If that sounds good to you, then MOVE is perfect for you. Lock in and listen as Andy shares practical and simple principles that all successful people follow and swear by. Every single day ordinary people do extraordinary things because they are willing to do what others are not. That is the secret to being successful. If you are willing to work and not give up, you will eventually get exactly what you want in life. Sit back and enjoy Andy Albrights MOVE and be sure to leave comments to tell us what you like most.


  • EP22: The 10,000 Pump Challenge

    06/04/2016 Duration: 03min

    I am challenging people to set a goal to have $10,000 cash in your bank account and carry another $1,000 cash in your pocket. You don't have to do this, but I am encouraging people to set this goal for the next 90 days. It is just a fun way to push yourself to being more successful in your business. Maybe you are saying, "I'm in debt, I can't save that much!" Use this little game as a way to get out of debt. It is a big goal to some people, but it can be done. The Alliance has a system in place to make a good living in a short amount of time if you are willing to do the work. If you decide to do this challenge and are successful, please let us know. We would love to hear how you did it and what it felt like!

  • EP20: What You Do Matters

    06/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    What you do matters. People that continue doing things are more successful than people that sit on the sideline and watch. It is impossible to score in basketball if you are sitting in the stands or you are stuck on the end of the bench. People that play the game, whatever the game is, are the people who become successful. I can encourage people and offer advice on what they should do, but it boils down to a person deciding to do something. Take action or don't. There's no in between if you want to be successful. You will make mistakes and mess up? That's OK. Live in the moment. Don't rest of what you did in the past. Winners figure that out. Don't get stuck on failures. Move on. Try something else. Be an example to others of what can happen when you MOVE and focus on doing. Make a difference in people's lives, encourage people on your team to take action and make the most of every single day you are blessed with. You have all the opportunity in the world to do everything you want. How bad do you want it? Are

  • EP20: People, Power and Potential of The Alliance

    06/04/2016 Duration: 09min

    People are not perfect. I've done the research on that and it is true. I also know that people try and sometimes the right thing doesn't happen. That doesn't make them bad people. The Alliance has been built on imperfect people. We have been successful because we see the power and the potential of each other. We do our best to care about all people. I want people to be happy. I want people to give away money to charity. I want people to have nice things that they enjoy. We are a group of people that will not be afraid to say we are sorry when we mess up. We will let people know that if we mess up today then we are going to do better tomorrow. We are always going to do our best to help people and work with people that are sincere and need help. There is great power in always believing in the power and potential of people. That is something I believe and the members of The Alliance believe this too.

  • EP19: In The Know with Andy Albright

    06/04/2016 Duration: 10min

    Do you ever think that some people just know things that most people don't? Well, they hide all the secrets of the world in books. They used to put them in buildings called libraries that were named after presidents. The reason people don't know "stuff" is that they don't seek to know more or to even understand so many basic life lessons. More than 25 years ago I started reading, listening and investing in myself through audios and books. I have continued to do it as my income has soared way past where I was when I left NC State University and took a job in a factory as an engineer. I knew that I had to keep doing the things like reading that helped me get to where I am today. The learning never stops. You have to be a life-long learner. There's always something you don't know, but that doesn't mean that you can learn. Seek to understand. Seek to learn. Seek to find as much wisdom as you can on a daily basis. As you go through life, keep learning and keep inspecting the fruit that is all around you. Don't be

  • EP18: What is next?

    06/04/2016 Duration: 03min

    Do you struggle with knowing what you need to do next? Success is sometimes your biggest failure. It will mess people up. Maybe you are making $75,000 and then you stop doing what it took to reach that income level. Have you seen this in people? It can be a real problem. Some people hit a mark and then level off and stop pushing for more. Maybe it isn't income, but you stop reading or listening to audios because a person thinks they know it all and don't need to keep learning. For whatever reason, people will set a mark or goal and when they hit it they don't have a "what's next" ready to pull out when it happens. Don't let success keep you from reaching for a higher level of success.

  • EP17: Dogs in the Hunt with Andy Albright

    06/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    One of my favorite memories as a young boy was hunting with my dad. He raised beagles so that we could be more successful when we went rabbit hunting. He loved to watch his dogs work. He would say that a dog in the hunt ain't got no fleas. I love that. I have dogs at my house and they are not hunting dogs, but when I see them chasing whatever critter has invaded their "territory" they go into hunt mode. When my dogs are in the hunt, they don't worry about anything but what they are locked in on. They don't worry about food. They don't worry about water. All they want is the animal that is bothering their world. If my dogs get something up in a tree then they will spend an entire day until something happens. Are you like a dog in the hunt when you work? Are you that serious about it? When you can get the mindset of a dog in the hunt then you are going to be far more successful in all that you set out to do.

  • EP16: Who Will YOU Affect?

    06/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    How much time to you spend thinking about the impact you have on other people? It is very easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about what other people are going through. We have to make an effort to consider other people in our day-to-day interactions. People need to hear positive words and they need to be encouraged. I urge you to do this so much that it becomes a habit for you and it becomes contagious to those in your world. When you can decide that you are going to make a difference in a positive way with people, the reward will be returned in spades. Beyond the feeling you will get from empowering people to be great, you will be rewarded. Who will YOU affect today? What will you say to encourage people today? Who will you greet with a hello, a handshake and a smile? Who will you verbally tell that they can do "it" whatever it is. When you do this consistently, people will remember you for the rest of their lives. They will appreciate you for being positive with them.

  • EP15: Do The Do with Andy Albright

    06/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    One of the biggest keys to being successful in your life and in business is being able to consistently stay focused on doing the "task" at hand on a regular basis. When I am working with people I find out where they are and where they want to go. I also find out exactly what actions will help the person move in the right direction. See, if you can find out exactly what you need to do and do that then you will be more successful faster than if you are confused and not focused. The Alliance knows that we "Do the Do" and that means selling, recruiting and building. Take a few minutes to write down what tasks you need to be doing right now. Also, write down the activities or items that you need to start working on so you are not just thinking about the short-term basis. When you can get dialed in and only focus on tasks that move you toward your goals and dreams your life will be easier and you will get more done. Figure out how you can "Do the Do" to MOVE in the right direction to success! As always, please be s

  • EP14: What YOU Control - Part 2

    05/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    In our last episode we covered focusing on "what you can control" in your life. You actually control your thoughts. You can control what you say. Now, things make you think a certain way about something that happens to you. It sticks with you. Your thoughts can be impacted by your experience. If you watch a scary movie, maybe you don't like being outside in the dark by yourself. Something in that movie has triggered you to think that way. The same thing happens with people and situations. You can improve the situation by choosing your words wisely. People will try to justify what they do based on the behavior of other people when they really should only worry about how what they are doing impacts them either positively or negatively. If you can change your words to be more positive, eventually you will improve your thoughts and behaviors. Think before you speak ... especially to others. What you say can help or hurt another person.  

  • EP13: What YOU control - Part 1

    05/04/2016 Duration: 10min

    Are you aware of what you can control? There are so many things that we can't do anything about and we let it tear us up. Sometimes we just need to stop and take a deep breath. It is simple, but you have to remember to do it. Have you said thank you to anybody today? Are you grateful for all you have in life? Show others you appreciate them. Focus on the good things and less on the negative. Be excited to see people. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Don't prejudge before you really know. This is a behavior that you can control. Be aware of what you say, how you stand, your mannerisms, etc. All these things are in your control. Remember, you don't know how you look until you get your picture took. Think and be more aware of your environment. Don't try to change things outside your circle that you really can't change. Don't waste your time on all the things you can't impact when you have plenty you can influence right in front of you. Don't be afraid to say thank you and I'm sorry when you need to. At the

  • EP12: Clear Up Confusion

    05/04/2016 Duration: 04min

    Do you encounter confusing situations in life? Do you need somebody to remind you of what is really going on? Listen to what people say and then watch what they do. Do their words and actions line up? If they don't, then that person has a problem. That is what confuses people. It doesn't make sense. You have to do what you say and say what you do. They have to line up. If they don't, people are not going to listen to you and they aren't going to follow you or move when you want them to move. If you are what you say you are then people will follow you. If you say you are going to make dials for four hours then you better do it. If you say you are going to be on time for an appointment, be on time! It's simple, but people need to be reminded of this. Make sure your words line up with you actions. Be very clear in what you say. Be very clear in what you do. Make sure your words and actions are the same. People will notice it and they will remember it.

  • EP11: Blessed-Lucky

    04/04/2016 Duration: 14min

    Do you feel blessed or lucky in your life? We all have problems, but successful people keep "doing the do." They might seem lucky, but they also put themselves in position to be successful. I want to be what I call blessed or lucky. It isn't all about skill. Yes, you have to be present and make an effort, but there are other factors that I like to call "Who luck" that impact how your life goes. What people are you around the most? Do you work to get around people that are where you want to be? How excited you are about what you are trying to accomplish makes a difference when you are trying to inspire others. Do you have big dreams and goals? That is what inspires people to do great things. How big your "why" is matters a lot. Movements start with one person not the masses. If you are going somewhere, are you taking people with you? Be a river not a pond! The world needs leaders that can help start a movement. Movement and action are critical to success. When a person starts moving, other people take notice a

  • EP10: Are YOU Growing?

    29/03/2016 Duration: 01min

    Are you happy where you are? That's OK, but make sure that you are pushing to be better. A tree grows until it can't grow anymore, so why should you be any different? Max out your capacity. Keep growing. Keep striving to be better. It will make your life better and you will be happier. Are you continually challenging yourself?

  • EP09: How To Leave A Legacy

    29/03/2016 Duration: 02min

    I’m quite sure that every star faces opposition. People say you can’t do it. They probably even questioned themselves at some point. It is hard to block out the critics and not letting it hinder you as an artist. Hey, with all the social media these days it is even tougher not to get bogged down by naysayers. It can lead to bad motion and keep you distracting from doing what you know you have to do. Even when you make it, you have to remember how you made it and keep doing it over and over. I made it a point to watch these young artists and how they carried themselves. Most of them are fighting just to pay their bills each month. Many of them have been told they can’t make it by people that are family and friends. Some quit and get “real jobs.” Then, there are the ones that keep working and don’t listen to the outside negative noise. I noticed the drive and dreams they have and I see how hard they are pushing to make it happen. They are all in. They are fully committed. They want to leave a lasting legacy. Hu

  • EP08: Urgent and Aggressive

    29/03/2016 Duration: 05min

    People that move are more successful. When you see a person that is aggressive and has a sense of urgency about them are more likely to be successful than a person who likes to sit back and watch their surroundings like a movie or television show. Are you urgent and aggressive? Are you anticipating things that need to happen before it is too late? Start thinking about what you can do now before it becomes something you have to do. Call it staying ahead of the curve. Don't worry about mistakes because they will happen if you are trying to do great things. People who never take a shot aren't awesome. They aren't even in the game. Get in the game, take shots, make things happen. It will pay off for you in the end. Get after it!

  • EP07: What Successful People Do

    29/03/2016 Duration: 04min

    Successful people know they are not perfect and they don't try to be. They wake up every day and decide to do more than the day before. The past can't be changed. Focus on the present, focus on the now. Wake up and get moving. Yes, it is tough. Deal with it. Accept it. Focus on the things you have control over. Wake up and work. Get after it. Show people how great you can be every chance you get.

  • EP06: Big Faith

    29/03/2016 Duration: 03min

    My belief in God is extremely high. I think something greater than me built me. We are all put on Earth for a reason. Who we become is a gift of thanks to our maker for the life we have been given. You have an opportunity to work and do great things daily. Are you making the most of what you have been blessed with?

  • EP05: Dream Bigger!

    29/03/2016 Duration: 03min

    Are your dreams big enough? Do you have more goals in mind already? You have to set the bar higher than you think in order to push yourself to get to the next level. When you have a big dream, you will always do more than if you set the bar low. You will get more results by having a bigger dream than the average man. Sit down, write down your goals and make an action plan to start working toward them.

  • EP04: You Can't Be Perfect

    29/03/2016 Duration: 05min

    Did you know that you can't be perfect? It's not possible. You can't do the right thing 100 percent of the time. You are going to mess up. That's OK. You have to learn from it and move on. Get over it and start doing something positive that you need to do. We don't have time to dwell on it. Let things go! Start doing what you are supposed to be doing ... NOW! Get focused on what you have to do. Stay focused. Stay on task. Get things done.

  • EP03: 3 Things To Complete A Task

    29/03/2016 Duration: 04min

    We all face obstacles or what I like to call challenges. Hey, that’s what life is: a series of challenges. It happens every day. When you are facing something or you have a problem you are dealing with, you can do three simple things to help find a solution. Maybe you want something. Maybe you are about to lose something. Either way, there are three things you must do. This is simple and it will change your life. Those three things will make all the difference in the world. When you’re in a situation, you’ve got a project you need to accomplish, when you are upside down and somebody’s on you, when you are facing insurmountable odds, those three things are what you need to always think about. Whatever it is, you use those three things and it will help tremendously. This is big and life changing even though it sounds simple. That’s how I think and that’s how I operate. I check my thinking by asking people. I find something in a book that applies to what I’m dealing with and trying to accomplish. I figure out wh

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