Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP20: People, Power and Potential of The Alliance



People are not perfect. I've done the research on that and it is true. I also know that people try and sometimes the right thing doesn't happen. That doesn't make them bad people. The Alliance has been built on imperfect people. We have been successful because we see the power and the potential of each other. We do our best to care about all people. I want people to be happy. I want people to give away money to charity. I want people to have nice things that they enjoy. We are a group of people that will not be afraid to say we are sorry when we mess up. We will let people know that if we mess up today then we are going to do better tomorrow. We are always going to do our best to help people and work with people that are sincere and need help. There is great power in always believing in the power and potential of people. That is something I believe and the members of The Alliance believe this too.