A Doctor Who podcast, hosted by Daisy Kaufman and Cheryl Lowe. We focus on Doctor Who from a "how does that work in the Doctor Who universe" science-ish point of view. There's also lots of other Doctor Who discussion, and some rabbit chasing.
Episode 187: The Witch's Familiar - Review
26/09/2015 Duration: 01h28minDavros and Daleks and Clara, oh my! Is this the end, or just the beginning? Having just seen The Witch's Familiar we're ready to tell you all about what we thought of it. WARNING: Contains spoilers
Episode 186: The Magician's Apprentice - Review
19/09/2015 Duration: 59minWARNING: SPOILERS We just saw the first story of Series 9 and we're here to let you know what we thought of it. No preamble, no polish, just raw reaction. Also, no holding back. That means that if you haven't seen the show yet don't listen to this review until you have. We talk in full about everyting that happens. Fair warning.
Episode 185: General Oodness or Do Oodkind Have Wives?
06/09/2015 Duration: 01h23minMore Ood. Odd Ood. And rabbits. Odd rabbits. Ood rabbits? No, that would be too weird. We do seem to get a bit far flung this episode, however. But when we come back around, we're all Ood science and speculation. So, watch out!
Episode 184: The Song of DoctorDonnaFriend
23/08/2015 Duration: 01h56minPlanet of the Ood. That's what's going on here. We can't believe we haven't reviewed this since it first aired. So, we're remedying that this episode. Ooooood. Just love saying it. Also, sorry we forgot to tell you about it last time in our Next Time segment that we forgot to do. Ooooooops. So if you haven't seen it yet, don't listen to this show until you have. There's tons of spoilers, we don't watch what we say. Course, we seem to have a problem with that in general.We also have a bit of news. And a bit of rabbit chasing.DISCLAIMER: Cheryl and Daisy have no intention of ever committing any crime against anyone. The discussions herein are merely academic. Links: Larry Elmore paintings on Google images page (sorry, his website is under construction)
Episode 183: The Mechanics of Rabbits
09/08/2015 Duration: 01h21minHere we attempt to explain and explore how time travel machines work. Unfortuantely, the rabbits are driving Wranglers and keep running all over our conversations. But we manage to get thru a small bit of news and feed back, so all is not lost. Actually, it's found! So are TARDISs, Leviathans, vortex manipulaters, Omnis and time corridors.
Episode 182: Blink (182)
01/08/2015 Duration: 01h14min(The laptop is all fixed. Sorry this is a week late. Thanks so much for waiting.)We'er revisiting the 10th Doctor story "Blink" this week. Why, you might ask, are we revisiting this particular story? Because this is our 182nd episode and we can't help being cheezy. And Daisy's an old Blink-182 fan and used this as an excuse to reconnect with their music. So, you lucky folk get our second look at the first Weeping Angels story. And get to listen to some of Blink-182's songs in the background. See below for the playlist.We've also got Gally news! Also some yarny talk and somehow zombies work their way in to the discussion.WARNING: Contains rabbitsBlink-182 playlist:"Fighting the Gravity" - Neighborhoods 2011"I Miss You" - Blink 182 2004"Aliens Exist" - Enema of the State 1999"Pathetic" - Dude Ranch 1997"Everytime I look for You" - Take off Your Pants and Jacket 2001"Alone" - Buddah 1994/1998"I'm Lost Without You" - Blink 182 2004"Time" - Buddha 1994/1998"I'm Sorry" - Dude Ranch 1997"Apple Shampoo" - Dude Ranch
Episode 181: An Amateur Psychological Study on the Effects of Regeneration on the Companions Who Witness It
12/07/2015 Duration: 01h57minThere have been many companions who have witnessed The Doctor's regeneration over the last 50 years. We here at The Sonic Toolbox are taking the time to examine how each of those companions react to and deal with the change that happens to The Doctor. There's also news and feedback. And a plug for one of our listeners who also has his own podcast (link below and on FB). WARNING: Contains some rabbits Links: Fuzzmond's Blurcast Episode 27 Fuzzmond's Blurcast Main Show Link
Episode 180: The Caves of the Androzani Rabbits
28/06/2015 Duration: 01h48minSo there we were, getting ready to do the review for The Caves of Androzani when all these rabbits started to bound into the Toolbox during the news. They were all over the place! But there is really a review here, and Gally news, and a memorial for Christopher Lee (nothing to do with DW, but it's Christopher Lee for pete's sake!), and some other stuff that actually relates to the show. WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing and herding.
Episode 179: Creepy Continued
14/06/2015 Duration: 01h23minWe've whipped Skype into submission and are ready to finish our Top 10 Creepy lists. Lots of agreements, a few dissagreements, and a whole lot of on topic rabbit chasing. We've also got a teeny, tiny bit of news, and an update on the irradiated Miss Cheryl. Link: Clip of Madame with Bea Arthur (WARNING: Racy - not for viewing by young kids)
Episode 178: Creepy Interrupted
31/05/2015 Duration: 01h15minAs promised last time, we have two, not as overlapping as we thought, lists of each of our Top 10 creepiest Doctor Who stories. And a bit of good news. And some other news. And a lot of rabbit chasing. And a cra...well, don't want to spoil everything.
Episode 177: Creepy, Creepy, Creepy
17/05/2015 Duration: 01h32minCupboard, and peg dolls, and George...Oh, my! It's not deja vu, we are revisiting "Night Terors". We thought it would be a good idea to take a fresh look at this Series 6 story and see what we thought of it out of story arc contex (and without the starry eyes we always have with shiny new episodes). WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing.
Episode 176: That's Not Real, Is It?
03/05/2015 Duration: 01h58minHey! Guess what? Doctor Who is actually TV show. Did you know that? Yup, and for the past 51 (and a bit) years the production team has been attempting special effects with varying degrees of success. This show, we're hitting the highlights, and lowlights, from all seven Doctors. WARING: Contains rabbit chasing Links: TV Tropes: Special Effects Failure: Doctor Who (WARNING: Beware of holes) iO9: The Making of Doctor Who's Most Notoriously Bad Special Effects Doctor Who and the Lame Special Effects of Death 8 Really Good Special Effects in "Classic" Doctor Who Doctor Who - Timely Effects Visual Effects - Old Doctor Who
Episode 175: Sutekh and the Rabbits of Doom
19/04/2015 Duration: 01h42minSmack us in the forehead, we recently realized we'd never reviewed Pyramids of Mars. This week we remedy that. It doesn't keep us from rabbit chasing, but there you go. We've also got actual news! More than one item! Oh, boy! Link: Gelignite
Episode 174: Vortex Manipulating Rabbits
05/04/2015 Duration: 01h37minSo, the first half of the show got taken over by rabbits. We're not sure how it happened, maybe somebody left the door to the hutch unlocked, but we had to do an awful lot of chasing them down. The second half of the show is all about time travel by means other than the TARDIS. We really get in depth into how things work and the difference between time travel in the TARDIS and time travel via Vortex Manipulator. WARNING: Contains rabbit chasing Link: Time Travel Simulation Resolves “Grandfather Paradox”
Episode 172: Good Bye 9, Hello 10
22/03/2015 Duration: 01h37minOut with the old, in with the new! New format for us, new Doctor for the show. As you could tell, we've gone to a bi-weekly format. Life has gotten busy and we don't want to give this up, so this is the compromise. We're reviewing the two parter here, Bad Wolf/A Parting of the Way. This is the Series One finale and the first regeneration for those who just discovered Doctor Who in 2005.
Episode 172: Post-Gally Wrap Up At Last
08/03/2015 Duration: 02h13minSo this is it. The actual post-Gally wrap up. We finally talk about this year's Gally in more than just generalities. Daisy's voice is mostly back and can hold out for more (a lot more) than just 20 minutes. Hence the rabbit chasing off to all sorts of other, geeky, topics. Wheeeeeeee!!!
Episode 171: Pre-Post-Gally Wrap Up: Because Sick Sucks
22/02/2015 Duration: 22minConsider this a preview of our post-Gally wrap up episode. Daisy is quite sick with a bad cold (possibly con crud) and is loosing her voice. Hence the shortness of this show. Please bear with us as real life intrudes on our Doctor Who fantasy life. We'll be back with the full Gally story next week (and a full voiced Daisy).
Episode 170: Pre-Gally Extravaganza
08/02/2015 Duration: 01h28minThis is it! The show where we tel you all about what's happening at Gallifrey One this year (next weekend). The biggest, best fan run Doctor Who convention/family reunion ever! We tell you everything we're looking forward to doing, seeing and experiencing. And, because we are who we are, we also talk about random other stuff, like Benedict Cumberbatch and Lego. But, mostly, it's Gally!! WARNING: Excited about Gally rabbits Link: Blurcast
Episode 169: Tater Time Tots
01/02/2015 Duration: 53minTo loom or not to loom, that is the question. Whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of Rasalon or the piques of Pythia. We are pondering the method by which Time Lords procreate. Not exactly a topic of canon, but one of interest none the less. There's also a great deal of rabbit chasing, so get out your carrots and come with us. Not to worry, we keep it clean.
Episode 168: Rabbits in Paris
25/01/2015 Duration: 01h47minWe're correcting what we see as an oversight this week by reviewing the Forth Doctor story "City of Death". This was also an opportunity for Daisy to show this story to a New Who friend interested in going back and watching Classic Who. We've also got lots of Gally news. WARNING: Contains rabbits